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Please build more expressways in China

Some Big Indian Highways, many more are being built here too. India already has 6 and 12 Lane highways connecting to almost every big City.



Roads on Mountainous places

Some Links which reduce drive hours from 3 hours to 10 mins


We need these developments both in India and China.

Correct. Today I was once again stuck on the road in the provincial capital of Anhui Province. Terrible traffic jam, 12km from the provincial museum to downtown Hefei, 40min:cry:. Do avoid peak hours by city bus in China.
The only consolation was this lady's back was gorgeous.;)
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haha Damn, Same is with Delhi Metro Damn conjugated :( though having trains every 5 mins and about 8 boggy-es in every train. Evening peak hours you have to crush in. @Nihonjin1051 Japaneses Metro tops the congested Chart :p:
Some Big Indian Highways, many more are being built here too. India already has 6 and 12 Lane highways connecting to almost every big City.



Roads on Mountainous places

Some Links which reduce drive hours from 3 hours to 10 mins


We need these developments both in India and China.
Beautiful! I love the harmony of concrete and steel.
Is it possible to ban those three-wheels and motorbikes in India? Most cities in China have banned them, at least in downtown, only electric bikes are allowed, but never allowed on control-access expressways where 60kph is a required minimum speed.
Do you agree? Building high-quality roads is urgent, both in China and India.
@Bussard Ramjet @Rajaraja Chola @MilSpec @Georgeclark

I think dust in India is associated with Climate. I mean, my city, Chennai has 3 climates. Hot, hotter, and hottest. Whatever cleaning one makes, Chennai is always dusty.

Comparing with cities with low temperatures, foggy, and good rain and due to thick atmosphere dust is not much circulated. In high temp cities there is no moist, and dust is simply in the air. Its tough to control it.
Roads on Mountainous places
I love the beauty of zigzag roads in the mountains.
Lijiang-Luge Lake, in 2010
屏幕快照 2015-04-18 23.05.39.png

But we need also build these expressway bridges/tunnels in China and India, isn't it?
Aizhai Bridge, G65 expressway, Hunan Province. Now also a popular tourist site in mountainous Hunan.
屏幕快照 2015-04-18 23.03.44.png
Beautiful! I love the harmony of concrete and steel.
Is it possible to ban those three-wheels and motorbikes in India? Most cities in China have banned them, at least in downtown, only electric bikes are allowed, but never allowed on control-access expressways where 60kph is a required minimum speed.
3 wheeler and 2 wheeler are like the Life of India ones the Quality of Life is increased people will tend to buy cars which is happening on pace right now. But is very worrying for congesting roads. it could happen in New cities. Like Delhi and gurgaon not much 3 wheeler and 2 wheeler as compared to rest of India and yup on Expressways Bikes are banned here too and 3 wheeler are only in cities.
I don't know much about china, But India needs roads, not just big free ways, but good state roads, and paved roads in rural areas. India's roads are horrible right now.
Building infrastructure is not mission impossible, developing countries can have it! China and other developing countries should collaborate on this issue, it's about people and their life of decency.
I could never imagine a lot of village roads in China had changed so much until last week when I took a coach to a county in a mountainous region.
Village road in China along national expressway

China and India are doing something that other developed countries have done by a century. It's tough, but the future is bright!
Some Big Indian Highways, many more are being built here too. India already has 6 and 12 Lane highways connecting to almost every big City.



Roads on Mountainous places

Some Links which reduce drive hours from 3 hours to 10 mins


We need these developments both in India and China.

haha Damn, Same is with Delhi Metro Damn conjugated :( though having trains every 5 mins and about 8 boggy-es in every train. Evening peak hours you have to crush in. @Nihonjin1051 Japaneses Metro tops the congested Chart :p:

WOW!! India really is showing great developments there! More and More!

As for the congestion in Japanese Metro, yes it's so true! It's so impossible to drive through Tokyo during peak hours as of the traffic! Best to take the HSR instead. And hopefully we can have access to Maglevs soon! Imagine buddy, 590 km in one hour!
WOW!! India really is showing great developments there! More and More!

As for the congestion in Japanese Metro, yes it's so true! It's so impossible to drive through Tokyo during peak hours as of the traffic! Best to take the HSR instead. And hopefully we can have access to Maglevs soon! Imagine buddy, 590 km in one hour!
Yup on my visit to Japan I was crushed in :v but it was experience in its own and the capacity is good.
WOW!! India really is showing great developments there! More and More!

As for the congestion in Japanese Metro, yes it's so true! It's so impossible to drive through Tokyo during peak hours as of the traffic! Best to take the HSR instead. And hopefully we can have access to Maglevs soon! Imagine buddy, 590 km in one hour!
You know at least 70% people in greater Tokyo rely on railway, no region can surpass that number. Tokyo is a paradise for railway fans.
屏幕快照 2015-04-19 09.03.47.png
I think dust in India is associated with Climate. I mean, my city, Chennai has 3 climates. Hot, hotter, and hottest. Whatever cleaning one makes, Chennai is always dusty.

Comparing with cities with low temperatures, foggy, and good rain and due to thick atmosphere dust is not much circulated. In high temp cities there is no moist, and dust is simply in the air. Its tough to control it.
My city Wuhan(very industrial, 10million people) for instance, has four distinctive seasons. In summer, >40 degree and 100% humidity; in winter, wind from Siberia blows Beijing's smog 1000km south to Wuhan; in spring, rainy all day; in autumn, best season, but very short. Pollution in Wuhan is mostly from industrial emissions and because of its location(surrounded by rivers, lakes and mountains) . Although Wuhan is not Top100 most polluted cities(PM2.5), frankly speaking, air quality is not good. I check AQI of Wuhan every 1-2 hours and avoid going out if AQI is too high. Do you guys in Chennai have similar anxiety towards AQI? I think for a lot of people in China, the first thing to do after waking up is to check their climate/AQI APP.

We have several monitoring points in different regions of Wuhan, in main commercial centres and industrial parks.
The yellow numbers are all from industrial parks.
@AndrewJin and @Nihonjin1051 guys one question though is it only development which helps country grow ? I think for India and China specialy farming is very important too and sustainable farming. Today I m going to a new by village will upload images soon.
@AndrewJin and @Nihonjin1051 guys one question though is it only development which helps country grow ? I think for India and China specialy farming is very important too and sustainable farming. Today I m going to a new by village will upload images soon.

Food security, definitely, is a guarantor of national development. India needs to do what Japan and China has done in regards to farming; corporate management of farms, but at the same time, select food imports from certain countries. And ban any GMO food products.
@AndrewJin and @Nihonjin1051 guys one question though is it only development which helps country grow ? I think for India and China specialy farming is very important too and sustainable farming. Today I m going to a new by village will upload images soon.
The tendency of agriculture in China is corporate farming. It's very inefficient for individual farmers to attend to their tiny lands and be exposed to high risks. US is doing greatly, with small agricultural population but huge yields. More and more farmers are going to cities or towns when the urbanization is accelerating. However, the agricultural output is not on the decline and more labour is into non-agricultural industries. The first policy of Chinese government for each year is always about agriculture which is more than important, it's about national security.
@AndrewJin and @Nihonjin1051 guys one question though is it only development which helps country grow ? I think for India and China specialy farming is very important too and sustainable farming. Today I m going to a new by village will upload images soon.
Let me upload some photos about villages in Anhui Province of Central China, all taken from last weekends to this week. Chinese in the countryside are not about agriculture, also into tourism, small business(some related to Alibaba) and village-owned companies. More and more villages are changing their development strategies but their "red line" of cultivated land cannot be violated.


In China, how a officer is promoted is still that ancient-style system. Any mayor and even President Xi starts from being a village governor or county governor first(or the same level officer of an SOE). So they have incentives to make their served village better, if not, their political career is ended. For instance, the new mayor of my city was first a deputy in a village, and it takes him 20 years to become a mayor or 10 million people. If he performed well(from major index and gratings from citizens), he may be promoted to the provincial level. If not, he will be stuck in the same level or demoted.
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