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PLAAF should learn from Libyan War

Dragon Emperor

Oct 25, 2010
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I think PLAAF should learn some lessons from Libyan war, and that is the undeniable and absolute importance of air power and air superiority in modern war. Firstly, because of Gaddafi's warplanes, the rebels are routed and bombarded easily. If the rebels had an air force with defected pilots and planes, they could have dogfighted, but they don't have any. Secondly, the Western air forces superior air power easily destroyed a lot of Gaddafi's air force and army units. In WW2, which was more than 60 years ago, German general Erwin Rommel(if i am not mistaken), says, "An army that has to fight in a battlefield where the enemy has complete air superiority is like savages trying to fight against a modern army."

This clearly shows extremely the importance of a strong air force and air defence, and this should apply more to China than any other country, considering that just 10 years ago, China had only less than 100 4th gen fighters, very few modern SAMs, and over 2000 junk old MiG clones. So, China needs more than 5 times the amount of modern SAMs China has now, more anti-stealth radars, 1000+ J-10s and J-11s of all variants, and more than 400 5th gen fighters before 2025 if China wants to have the capability to utterly and severely defeat any US Wild Weasel ECMs and Phantom Ray Stealth UAV ECM attacks as well as B-2 or F-22 air strikes!:china: China should more increase military budget. It might cost a lot, but the security of China must not be counted in terms of money. For China's defence, whatever it takes in order to have powerful defence! Picture in the future 200 F-35s, 20 F-22s, 8 B-2s and 5 next gen USAF bombers making massive air strikes in all of China in a span of 24 hrs, including more than 500 Tomahwaks fired from naval platforms and China should use that image as a guiding point as to how much PLAAF should have to be able to defeat USAF massive bombings. Hardened underground air shelters for planes should also be more built in China.
China should have a mine field in the sky. Hahaha.
It isn't a war if one side does not retaliate.
We already thought of that. The response is more nukes. Russia could have everything else be in the stone age and the US will still not touch a hair of it due to nukes.
China was already aware of this since the first Gulf War.

Otherwise, why they have spent so much money onto the Air Force and Navy in the last 20 years?
Dragon Emperor:

Is air superiority the lesson from Libya? I would suggest that the lesson from Libya for China is the use of the notion of protecting particular populations - while ignoring the protection of other populations
Dragon Emperor:

Is air superiority the lesson from Libya? I would suggest that the lesson from Libya for China is the use of the notion of protecting particular populations - while ignoring the protection of other populations

That will lead to the collapse of the government. The best way to win a war is to not let the enemy even get close to your borders. If Libya had China's military, the De Gaulle would be on the ocean floor and French planes shot down before they even took off. Currently, every US base in East Asia is within range of our cruise and ballistic missiles.
Well crusader forces (lets call it as it is now) normally have , same tactics

Its always starts with bombardment of Air defences , normally by stealth planes followed by bombardment of airfields

The fighter planes fro crusaders , normally are against older planes , so their 1 plane is equal to 5 enemy planes and to make things even more unbalanced

The radar and technical advantage is too high

If Qaddafi was smart he would be lauched an all out offence - which unfortunately he did not as he feared the nuclear strike

Again just goes to show you , if you give up your Nuclear weapons , and don't build high altitude denfeces or missiles your nation becomes slaves to crusaders

China is alot more superior - its missile defence and nuclear weapons are more the enough to deter any crusaders
I think PLAAF should learn some lessons from Libyan war, and that is the undeniable and absolute importance of air power and air superiority in modern war. Firstly, because of Gaddafi's warplanes, the rebels are routed and bombarded easily. If the rebels had an air force with defected pilots and planes, they could have dogfighted, but they don't have any. Secondly, the Western air forces superior air power easily destroyed a lot of Gaddafi's air force and army units. In WW2, which was more than 60 years ago, German general Erwin Rommel(if i am not mistaken), says, "An army that has to fight in a battlefield where the enemy has complete air superiority is like savages trying to fight against a modern army."

This clearly shows extremely the importance of a strong air force and air defence, and this should apply more to China than any other country, considering that just 10 years ago, China had only less than 100 4th gen fighters, very few modern SAMs, and over 2000 junk old MiG clones. So, China needs more than 5 times the amount of modern SAMs China has now, more anti-stealth radars, 1000+ J-10s and J-11s of all variants, and more than 400 5th gen fighters before 2025 if China wants to have the capability to utterly and severely defeat any US Wild Weasel ECMs and Phantom Ray Stealth UAV ECM attacks as well as B-2 or F-22 air strikes!:china: China should more increase military budget. It might cost a lot, but the security of China must not be counted in terms of money. For China's defence, whatever it takes in order to have powerful defence! Picture in the future 200 F-35s, 20 F-22s, 8 B-2s and 5 next gen USAF bombers making massive air strikes in all of China in a span of 24 hrs, including more than 500 Tomahwaks fired from naval platforms and China should use that image as a guiding point as to how much PLAAF should have to be able to defeat USAF massive bombings. Hardened underground air shelters for planes should also be more built in China.

The situation with China is that it has a lot (I mean a lot) of different 4th, 4.5++, and 5th-gen variants, but none of these are ever produced in titanic numbers.

In a way China is experimenting with different types of aircraft, much like how the Navy is experimenting with different destroyers.

The main problem is that we have to cut down the number of different variants and focus on a variant to produce in big numbers.
That will lead to the collapse of the government. The best way to win a war is to not let the enemy even get close to your borders. If Libya had China's military, the De Gaulle would be on the ocean floor and French planes shot down before they even took off. Currently, every US base in East Asia is within range of our cruise and ballistic missiles.

Cruise missiles won't do the job. That is left for radar-evading bombers.

The H-X bombers should be enough for this in the future.
The situation with China is that it has a lot (I mean a lot) of different 4th, 4.5++, and 5th-gen variants, but none of these are ever produced in titanic numbers.

In a way China is experimenting with different types of aircraft, much like how the Navy is experimenting with different destroyers.

The main problem is that we have to cut down the number of different variants and focus on a variant to produce in big numbers.


china should keep investing in R&D.

and i disagree with the OP. when it comes to cost effectiveness, cruise and ballistic missiles are the way to go. also to having 5th gen fighter jets isn't everything in air superiority, AAMs play a large role. china needs to develop BVRAAMs. even the old J-7s would become a major threat if it's equipped and can launch BVRAAMs.
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