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PLAAF JZ8F first picture


Aug 23, 2006
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This is the first under belly picture of the JZ8F. wings on this JZ8F has a higher aspect ( wider, longer) ratio than J8IIB. Also the two things under the wings does not look like weapon rail, maybe ECM pods?

http://imageshack.us:china: :enjoy:
China has good coverage of spy satellites and doesn't require a new platform for recce.
Meant for export maybe?
maybe not, it is to replace JZ6.

an unique impression on J-8 family: a pile of variations but none of them got inducted in big number. I suppose Shenyang takes the family as a laboratorial platform. an noted example is engine test.
is this one of those russian clones. the backfire?
No, it's a modified J-7/MiG-21. Still, I have questions about its effectiveness since PLA bellycrawlers and birdbrains don't talk to each other very well.
The above picture is why I say Chinese have a long way to go.....
There are times when you want the enemy to come at you so you know what they've got up. A stealthy UAV ain't going to elicit a fighter sweep nor light up the SAM radars.
There are times when you want the enemy to come at you so you know what they've got up. A stealthy UAV ain't going to elicit a fighter sweep nor light up the SAM radars.

It's interesting that they chose this bird for the role. I wonder what it's low level performance is like.
Never seen the J8s in the attack role.

USN has seen a lot of J-8s if you remember the EP-3 crisis on Apr.1st, 2001.

J-8 series is nothing like India's LCA, J-8 had ever been the main force of PLAAF before induction of Su-27. Being a high altitude/speed fighter-interceptor it worked decently according to PLAAF's old doctrine in the 1980s and early 1990s. But when PLAAF realised that they have to switch into a new perspective upon mordern air strength after the gulf war, they found J-8 in lack of versatility. it can not suit any air to ground attacks.

Awaring on this, Shenyang had spent much time on J-8, expecting its being upgraded into multipurpose fighters and developed at least 6 variations. the J-8 improvement project had been helped by Grumman and then Russia, many improvements have been achieved such as pinpoint attck, turbofan engine, over-horizon attack and air refuelling, etc..but J-8's aerodynamic feature has maken itself a failure in the way leading to multi-role. the only as well as the rewarding acquisition was the expertise which was afterwards used on J-10.

Fortunately Shenyang didn't trip over J-8. and all their designs starting from J-10 are aimed at multipurpose aircrafts.
USN has seen a lot of J-8s if you remember the EP-3 crisis on Apr.1st, 2001.

Goes to show that flyboys everywhere have more balls than brains.

Awaring on this, Shenyang had spent much time on J-8, expecting its being upgraded into multipurpose fighters and developed at least 6 variations.

One of their few success stories. The original J-11 (not the SU-27s) and J-12s went nowhere.

Fortunately Shenyang didn't trip over J-8. and all their designs starting from J-10 are aimed at multipurpose aircrafts.

The Israelis got more to do with that than Shenyang.
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