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Iraqi Air Force F-16 Flies For First Time

That explains this article Iraq's F-16s Have A Cool Paint Job But Antiquated Weapons

The US refused the sale of AH 64-E until Iraq bought the MI 28Ne, after a deal for MIG 35's or Flankers the US won't have a reason to block AMRAAM anymore.

IMHO - Iraq shouldn't stick its boats to Russians by buying both Mig-35 and Su-35. You need to diversify your arms intake. Buy Su-35 as its an awesome machine plus go for J-10Bs or JF-17 Thunder Block IIIs. If you have 3 suppliers, it means you will benefit the most by competition between them.
Buy American, Russians are not to be trusted. They have the tendency to backstab their "friends".
I wanted to share something that I remembered just now, Iran started buying Russian fighter jets right after Iran-Iraq war ended, when sale agreement was made, Russians agreed to deliver maintenance kits so Iran could maintain those jets on its own, however Russians refused to provide manuals that were needed for repair and maintenance of those jets, whereas Americans did provide F-14 manuals and repair kits when Iran bought the jets from them. Russians didn't even abide by their agreements to provide maintenance for the Kilo submarines Iran bought from them, or even deliver the S-300s Iran ordered, the list goes on. I have news that even in Bushehr they try to limit Iranians access to minimal tasks, this is exactly what they did when they built Ramin thermal plant.

They refused to launch Iranian satellites (Mesbah) that they had agreed and were paid for.

Needless to say that it took 20 years for Russians to build a half-assed nuclear plant! At a cost of billions!!!

Don't forget that in Iran-Iraq war Soviets were Iraq allies, but they supplied both sides, of course their sales to Iran was limited to light-weapons, but still its shows that they are not a reliable ally.
There are so many examples of Russian treacheries that I keep remembering them:

1- Hindering and delaying development of Iran's Natural Gas Fields,
2- Isolating Iran (betraying their supposed ally) by Voting in favor of Intl sanctions;
3- Refusal to provide spare parts for the Jets they sold to Iran;
4- Many, many, many more...

However, Russians could easily be used if you're not a country under sanction. If you are, they are going to **** you up.
You speaking from experience?

Of experiences of others.
I'm personally not into whatever you're into. But I have no problem with your kind, as long as you keep it away from me.
Buy American, Russians are not to be trusted. They have the tendency to backstab their "friends".

So imagine if the US sold Iran F14's without AIM 54 back in the 70's. That's what Iraq gets from them when buying fighter aircraft, this F16 cannot stand against any neighbor without having to evade their longer range missiles first, it's only good for the air to ground capabilities.
So imagine if the US sold Iran F14's without AIM 54 back in the 70's. That's what Iraq gets from them when buying fighter aircraft, this F16 cannot stand against any neighbor without having to evade their longer range missiles first, it's only good for the air to ground capabilities.

Don't worry about that. Iraq will invest more than $30bn worth of armaments before 2020. Purchases will include interceptors, armored units as well as long-range air-to-air missiles. Iraq needs to be stabilized and solve its internal security issues. In time you will have enough equipment to defend against any foreign invaders. But presently the most important threat that Iraq is facing is virgin loving people who tend to be very unstable, like nitroglycerin. You need to deal with that first.
200 JF-17 Block 2 with BVR capabilities in JV with Pakistan-China, should be good for Iraq's Airforce, not to forget some HQ's for air defense, even Turkey went for that.
Al Khalid MBT would be a good bet too for a JV.
SU-35s for air superiority and the F-16s (with the capacity for BVR missiles, AMRAAM or other types, if possible) for interception and interdiction.
If the question of the suppliers reliability (other than for JVs) arises, then iraq should go for the best China can offer in place of SU-35s, since the americans won't sell any F-15s to Iraq.
Buy American, Russians are not to be trusted. They have the tendency to backstab their "friends".

Yeah thats right its definitely the Russians who cant be trusted. I hope this was a joke otherwise world might switch word ironic with sam1980.
Yeah thats right its definitely the Russians who cant be trusted. I hope this was a joke otherwise world might switch word ironic with sam1980.

Hey, I'm half-Iranian myself. And I do personally have beef with Russians because of their treacheries. Why don't you start reading posts #20 and #21?
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