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PLA would lose 40% of its fleet to sink a US carrier

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Why must a US carrier to be sank?
Carriers themselves even whole navys are just rusting steels useless on oceans all the nations including US already realize.
war on words only.

china has DF-21, one DF-21 or it's variant can sink one carrier, us has 11 carriers, 11 DF-21 got them all. chinese navy lost nothing.
The DF-21D have yet to have an open water test against a moving employing full countermeasures.

Oooppss...The DF-21D have yet to have an open water test. Let alone against a moving target, and lastly against full countermeasures. :lol:

As if you cute little bunnies have what it takes to fight a fair fight anymore ! :whistle:
And what constitute a 'fair fight' in war? And you think the Muslims using women and children is anything honorable?

You're not the same men from the two Great Wars - The men who stormed the beaches of Normandy had nuts of steel you on the other hand would probably run-off at the mere mention of 'kabooom' ! :unsure:

And had I not held a certain beautiful & kind Swedish lady in such high regard I'd kick your buttt just to prove it ! :P
You would probably run from an Air Force guy like me, pal. :lol:
This article is a joke.We can make USA fall without firing a shot.Just dump its treasuries in open market and US economy which is burdened with debt will collapse.
Another sucker who can barely balance a checkbook believes that myth.

But you are correct that the article is a joke. The casualty for the PLAN would be more like 50-60%. Not 40%.

if it were that easy, the US should take 4 ac and wipe out PLAN? Writing easier than doing.
It is that easy. The PLAN admirals are just glad that we are in a good mood.

US had 100 years to conquer China but could not when China was weaker than india.
That is because the US had no plans to conquer China.
seems that while talking about the possible war between China and USA, indian will become very "self-confident", :undecided:

40% of PLA Navy sounds more conservative figure...first I doubt if China can ever dare to sink the US carrier, and if it does so, politically it will be an end of CPC regime in China and millitarily Tibet and Taiwan will be in better position to challenge Chinese millitary!
So, typical poor indian thinking with ***, why not ask whether US dare to attack china first.

WAR wont take place overnite and that too between China and the US....and who told you China does not have large and developed enemies? India and Japan are top two enemies of China both are having serious border conflicts with it...US may be more powerful but it is not china's direct enemy...it will fight with China only its allies are at risk!
Don't guess who is chinese enemy, something you indian don't understand.

actually,it'll be a land war than anything.even when we can't deploy a huge force instantly,PLAN will never risk to fight a naval battle in IOR,nor they'll risk an Air war,where they can face a significant air loss due to IAF being a capable Airforce(even Chibots ranting will be upon us soon,even they will accept it).plus,PLAAF will be in disadvantage due to short number of airstrips and load restriction due to height of Tibet.but IAF willn't experience that kind of problem as we've so many operational Airbase/Airstrips around the border while we're making more and more operational.
I think you don't make such bullsh*t here, you "have" more than million reasons and advantages that can beat china, just like before 1962, you Nehru was strongly self-confident.

China always rely on their brute force technique(of PLA) than some smart move to overwhelm enemy.and unless they change their tactic overnight,you'll neither see a Naval,Missile or Air Battle.actually,you'll not see any battle at all,few handful of skirmishes maybe.cause,what China really lacks is war hunger.they might love to bully around,but a war,well,hell no.
I know for you indian, china tactics is brute, if you indian can understand war conducting art, you are not indian.
And if china determine giving enemy lesson, china will not be niggard, india have one, I think you still don't learn from it, such a low level.

you are playing proxy war against India by supporting Pakistan. India has not yet began by supporting East Turkestan Muslims torture and kill inhuman Chinese communists.
Proxy war?! the war between you and Pak has been started from you independence, china want a proxy war against india, supporting indian internal maoist is much better.
You can't re-export weapon to East Turkestan Muslims, can't be better!

one example..against Vietnam,Chinese force had massive superiority.but they couldn't even force Vietnam to pull out their main force from Combodia,let alone defeat it.so,thats your clue.
Do you know how long did the China-Viet last?

actually USA protected China then,not to mention other countries who protected China then(during both war against Japan)... :rolleyes:
You expose your floor of IQ to us, :azn:
Another sucker who can barely balance a checkbook believes that myth.

But you are correct that the article is a joke. The casualty for the PLAN would be more like 50-60%. Not 40%.

It is that easy. The PLAN admirals are just glad that we are in a good mood.

That is because the US had no plans to conquer China.

The only thing that is the main threat to Chinese navy is the nuclear submarine components. Carrier battle groups are overrated and floating ducks for our missiles.

The DF-21D have yet to have an open water test against a moving employing full countermeasures.

Oooppss...The DF-21D have yet to have an open water test. Let alone against a moving target, and lastly against full countermeasures.


Like your F-22 asphyxiation machine ,lol?

or like the fake chips you found in US army equipment lol which we sold you and you continue buying like suckers? We own you. We are your biggest creditor also.
Like your F-22 asphyxiation machine ,lol?
Sure as the sky is blue the -22 is ten times better than that Russian copy you got flying.

or like the fake chips you found in US army equipment lol which we sold you and you continue buying like suckers? We own you.
Yeah...So when you are going to start acting like you 'own' US?

We are your biggest creditor also.
Yeah...Barely 10% of total US bonds. The American public is the largest bondholder of total US debt. Get a clue. Or more like several.

But back to the topic...Your PLAN is little better than a coast guard and we do not need the F-22 to take out the PLAAF.

The only thing that is the main threat to Chinese navy is the nuclear submarine components. Carrier battle groups are overrated and floating ducks for our missiles.
Another conscript reject talking like he knows...
@gambit, lol that why US is dreaming about taking out china for 100 yrs now. And not even dare to do anything to china. Lol we shoot missile over Los Angeles, what jet flying over the sky it is a bird. Lol it is an f-22 bird lol, it is china missile over Los Angeles.
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I think some is being underestimated here.
Both Forces have almost equal number of personals

actually nope..PLA is significantly larger..but as our troops' number is massive and we're enjoying defender's advantage,we'll be able to field more soldiers..

My Friend these claims had been made before
1965 1971 all out war even the numbers were in indian side Pakistan air forces achieved air superiority not even able to equal the odds where india had huge numbers advantage

you're kidding,right???Air Superiority in 1971 war???forgot battle of longowala,where PA got annihilated by 2 days of continuous attack by IAF and not a single fighter from PAF came to rescue??while almost all fighters got shot down by IAF in Eastern Theater???surely you need to revise both 1965 and 1971 war..

i what makes you think that they can only deploy only 3 to 5 lakh Soldiers

its their estimates,based on their currently deployed troops and capability to bring soldiers via road and rail via tibet within around 1 month(to Indian Borders).India has trailing in this sector,as we can bring only 1.5-2 lakh soldiers in that time frame to the border while China can bring over 3 lakh.now,as we've superior number of soldiers deployed in Kashmir,as well as Sikkim,these two sectors are fine,while Arunachal remains a matter of worry.thats why IAF reopened several old airstrips as we've better strategic airlift capability given by C-130,C-17 and huge number of helos like Mi-17.

worst news for you is that,our own mountain strike brigades are coming up.new strategy is,if they attack and capture few lands from us,we counter attack and grab few more..as Karakoram Highway is laying next to our border,its an lucrative proposal.we can use that as a bargaining chip to get our lands back.but even that will be a small news,as none of our strike corps are deployed near China border(we've 3),and at the time of war,India is formulating to deploy these massive number of force within 72 hours for counter strike..

I suggest you read Cold Start Doctrine.IA is denying it exists.but the fact is,massive deploymeny in a short time is one of the major sector in Cold Start Doctrine..


also,something on 2 Front war by India...


you may find more informative links,which is available,which describes probable action during the course of war...

IF you ready my 1st post i didn't included india because i knew the terrain is not suitable for a massaive , China will try to Hold instead of waiting and will try to achieve air superiority with air force and air raids same for India they will try to hold it, the invaders have to give a huge numbers of troops No matter which 1 is

yup,thats true.Indo-China border isn't ideal for battle.but that doesn't stop us from battling heights of Siachen or Kargil.we've to prepare for worst.worst news for China is they can't use their armor brigades/heavy weapons properly.few light tanks/armored carriers perhaps,nothing more.but even that couldn't deter us from raising armored brigades in Ladakh.challenge is always there,methods to bypass that too..
And what constitute a 'fair fight' in war? And you think the Muslims using women and children is anything honorable?

Oi it was said in jest ! :pissed:

You would probably run from an Air Force guy like me, pal. :lol:

Then it is settled then - Meet me at the Brooklyn Bridge tonight at midnight & we shall duel to the death ! :smokin:

And while you're at it can you please pick some Irish Coffee & Caramel Crusted Baggles for me on the way - My sweet tooth is acting up ! :ashamed:
Sorry.........but ive got to join in here!

No one outside Chinese military circles actually knows the capabilities of the DF-21, the so called carrier killer.

Mind you, the thought that China has such a weapon, and has this capability, so far has been enough to rattle the US military!
OP is an idiot, China could essily take out USA carrier within 1200 KM range from coastal line. Why send our Navy to face US fleet alone?
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