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PLA simulates siege on Taiwan's Presidential Office!


Mar 27, 2015
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A screenshot of the exercise footage aired by CCTV. (Internet photo)


Presidential Office Building, Taipei - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China's ongoing "Stride-2015 Zhurihe" series military exercise may have included simulating a siege on Taiwan's Presidential Office Building, reports the Shanghai-based Guancha Syndicate.

The Stride-2015 Zhurihe series exercise commenced on June 1 at the Zhurihe Combined Tactics Training Base of the People's Liberation Army in the grasslands of northern China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region. Zhurihe is Asia's largest and the PLA's most modernized training base, and is the only base where the PLA can hold group-army-scale actual-troop campaign exercises.

The series has now entered its third phase, "Stride-2015 Zhurihe C," which again split the troops into red and blue squads in full-scale competitive drills. Footage from the exercise was aired on China's national broadcaster CCTV on July 5, during which participants talked about the seriousness of the exercise and the importance of treating it as a real live-fire mission.

At around three minutes into the segment, according to Guancha, the video captured a large white and red structure that appears extremely similar in appearance to Taiwan's Presidential Office Building. The five-story building situated in Taipei's Zhongzheng district has been the ROC Presidential Office since 1950 after the Nationalists fled to Taiwan after their defeat at the hands of the Communists in the Chinese civil war. It has a front facade of 140 meters and a side length of 86 meters. The tower at the center of the building measures 60 meters high.

Guancha stated that the footage of the structure may have inadvertently revealed the PLA's true mission in staging the exercise: to prepare for a potential military conflict against Taiwan, which Beijing continues to regard as a renegade Chinese province.

The People's Liberation Army Daily, a China-based media outlet for the PLA, reported that the red squad utilized new combat capabilities in securing the city target and grabbing victory, adding that the exercise featured the coordination of military aircraft, drones, special forces and reconnaisance units.




Si vis pacem, para bellum. :coffee: No need to take offence, Taiwanese friends. Looks like the PLA is just preparing for the (seemingly) impossible...
I believe its more important to first exercise getting to Taiwan than to place a siege on presidential office.
Cannot just have this thread for me alone, need to call on


For this golden thread

Hahaha, we'll let them practice maybe practice makes perfect, God forbid they try to take Taiwan.

7th fleet and the JSDF might have to intervene.

I believe its more important to first exercise getting to Taiwan than to place a siege on presidential office.

My thoughts exactly.
Fatties are probably the ones coming from money (and hence being promoted via corruption {using all that money}). At least they are doing something about it. What is the general view among US Army circles about PLA's preparedness and training?

Well, about the fat soldier, I don't know. There are always gonna be fatty-fat-fat in the Army, any army. I was classified as overweight too when I served, I was 185 cm tall and weight 91 kg which give me a BMI over 25, but it is another matter to have obese people serving. Just keep you wonder how he or she can pass physical.

Problem is not on the soldier itself tho, but the political influence within the rank of PLA, the ugly truth is, if you are this fat and you can bribe your way into position, that means the decision making processes (Either acceptance or promotion process) are corrupted. Which means the army, in general, would have to swing toward what the politician control. That is the biggest problem not some individual rich second generation fatty....

For the US Army assessment. We see the PLA just started modernizing, it would be mile ahead for them to actual prepare for whatever mission at hand, simply because they are still being upgraded. How well can you prepare when you switch your equipment like every second month?

No doubt training is adequate, but it always room for preparation.
Not sure what this thread have to do with superpowa Indian

Is this thread region locked? I am as free to give my input as any Japanese, Vietnamese or Pakistani.

There are lot of countries which consider Chinese aggression to be a threat and actions of China have a direct bearing on the policy of my nation. When China adopts such threatening gestures like exercising for an assault on Taiwan, it's but natural for citizens of other countries with which China has dispute to respond.

Is this thread region locked? I am as free to give my input as Japanese, Vietnamese or Pakistani.

There are lot of countries which consider Chinese aggression to be a threat and actions of China have a direct bearing on the policy of my nation. When China adopts such threatening gestures like exercising for an assault on Taiwan, it's but natural for citizens of other countries with which China has dispute to respond.


Chinese aggression lmao ok let me educate you: fighting back against imperialists, war criminals and people who have made it national policy go destroy you is not only rational and good, but a necessity.

you can defend yourself with words or by refusing to deal with then, which is what Chinese have been doing, but if they start getting physical?
Hahaha, we'll let them practice maybe practice makes perfect, God forbid they try to take Taiwan.

7th fleet and the JSDF might have to intervene.

My thoughts exactly.

Again, history told us if we had invaded Japanese Homeland, we would have lost about 1 to 5 million casualty. That's why we use Atomic bomb in the first place.

Warfare changes, but war remain the same. We are not talking about some third rate country that even my next door neighbour can walk all over on, we are talking about a war with peer or near peer enemy, if China actually decided to attack Japan or Taiwan, they would have to prepare to stomach large amount of casualty. But then I remember someone once told me China can drive tank across Taiwan in 2 hours (Ironically, that dude was supposed to come from Taiwan) which I feel amazed as It took me 4 and a half hour drive last time I drove across Taiwan...
Chinese aggression lmao ok let me educate you: fighting back against imperialists, war criminals and people who have made it national policy go destroy you is not only rational and good, but a necessity.

you can defend yourself with words or by refusing to deal with then, which is what Chinese have been doing, but if they start getting physical?

My friend, personally I respect and admire China and it's people. What you guys have achieved in such a short period of time has not happened before in history and is unlikely to happen again.

That said, I pose a very sincere question with no intention to offend you - What was the need or point of this exercise? I don't believe China does anything without thinking, Taiwan not in a thousand years can possess any threat to China so what purpose does this exercise serve?

You should always take other people's concerns into consideration. When China protested against India, Australia, US and Japan exercising in 2008 we all stopped. We understood your concerns and every one expects the same from China

Well, about the fat soldier, I don't know. There are always gonna be fatty-fat-fat in the Army, any army. I was classified as overweight too when I served, I was 185 cm tall and weight 91 kg which give me a BMI over 25, but it is another matter to have obese people serving. Just keep you wonder how he or she can pass physical.
BMI! That's rather crude way to measure obesity, but unfortunately still prevalent:(
Problem is not on the soldier itself tho, but the political influence within the rank of PLA, the ugly truth is, if you are this fat and you can bribe your way into position, that means the decision making processes (Either acceptance or promotion process) are corrupted. Which means the army, in general, would have to swing toward what the politician control. That is the biggest problem not some individual rich second generation fatty....
True. That's why I said promote via corruption lol:agree:
How do you think this (good-for-nothing fat superior) would affect decision-making during actual combat?
For the US Army assessment. We see the PLA just started modernizing, it would be mile ahead for them to actual prepare for whatever mission at hand, simply because they are still being upgraded. How well can you prepare when you switch your equipment like every second month?

No doubt training is adequate, but it always room for preparation.
Good to know. Complex modern equipment must also add to training durations.
Do you know of @Officer of Engineers
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