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PLA rehearsing India attack

1. Coming through the Himalayas what will the Chinese be looking for? Where will this end, and what will be the effect on SA?

2. Ideally for China, and here we are not talking hypothetically, the Chinese rolling down the mountain should be met by an armor push by BA. The jubilant NE Freedom Fighters would be waiting to garland the Chinese and BD Forces.

3. China would have prepared the ground work in BD, among the freedom seeking NE peoples, the Maoists of India and the Maoists of Nepal. All of these peoples are fed up of India's bullying bellicose attitude. China would definitely have had worked out a joint strategy with all these elements.

4. Not only the Himalayan, Eastern and NE but entire SA cartography will be changed. With a weakened Brahmonic oligarchy in Delhi, the Marhattas will want their sovereign Confederacy. The Tamils will like to be free. Khalistan will be reborn overnight. A struggle may ensue between the Sikhs and the Rajputs for the control of Delhi.
1. Coming through the Himalayas what will the Chinese be looking for? Where will this end, and what will be the effect on SA?

2. Ideally for China, and here we are not talking hypothetically, the Chinese rolling down the mountain should be met by an armor push by BA. The jubilant NE Freedom Fighters would be waiting to garland the Chinese and BD Forces.

3. China would have prepared the ground work in BD, among the freedom seeking NE peoples, the Maoists of India and the Maoists of Nepal. All of these peoples are fed up of India's bullying bellicose attitude. China would definitely have had worked out a joint strategy with all these elements.

4. Not only the Himalayan, Eastern and NE but entire SA cartography will be changed. With a weakened Brahmonic oligarchy in Delhi, the Marhattas will want their sovereign Confederacy. The Tamils will like to be free. Khalistan will be reborn overnight. A struggle may ensue between the Sikhs and the Rajputs for the control of Delhi.

Apparently Dodos are not extinct yet !

1. Coming through the Himalayas what will the Chinese be looking for? Where will this end, and what will be the effect on SA?

2. Ideally for China, and here we are not talking hypothetically, the Chinese rolling down the mountain should be met by an armor push by BA. The jubilant NE Freedom Fighters would be waiting to garland the Chinese and BD Forces.

3. China would have prepared the ground work in BD, among the freedom seeking NE peoples, the Maoists of India and the Maoists of Nepal. All of these peoples are fed up of India's bullying bellicose attitude. China would definitely have had worked out a joint strategy with all these elements.

4. Not only the Himalayan, Eastern and NE but entire SA cartography will be changed. With a weakened Brahmonic oligarchy in Delhi, the Marhattas will want their sovereign Confederacy. The Tamils will like to be free. Khalistan will be reborn overnight. A struggle may ensue between the Sikhs and the Rajputs for the control of Delhi.
The PLA exercise itself assumes an indian surprise attack along the LAC using their quantitatively superior forward deployed forces, trying to cut PLA's transport routes such as roads and railways. PLA will defend them and then bring up troops stationed in Lhasa or Chengdu to the front. PLA will devastate Indian army using precision-guided munitions, rockets and artillery.

Once the indian invasion is destroyed, I think the logical follow up would be rocket artillery attack and bombing on New Delhi until it surrenders. The only way to begin a full invasion of india would be to capture airfields with paratroopers and bring MBT and other heavy army equipment by air transport. Or transport them along railways connecting China to Pakistan or Nepal, and drive along highways to india.

A full scale invasion of india is unlikely. More likely is heavy bombing of New Delhi will shake india to its roots. States will declare independence and the central government authority in New Delhi will be overthrown.

If any new subcontinent state such as Tamil needs China's protection against second-line indian army (for domestic order), China will need to achieve air superiorty and then bring in PLA on the ground to defend these new states.
Apparently Dodos are not extinct yet !


if they were extinct, :no: how wud this idiot be quacking still!!!!!

---------- Post added at 10:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ----------

The PLA exercise itself assumes an indian surprise attack along the LAC using their quantitatively superior forward deployed forces, trying to cut PLA's transport routes such as roads and railways. PLA will defend them and then bring up troops stationed in Lhasa or Chengdu to the front. PLA will devastate Indian army using precision-guided munitions, rockets and artillery.

Once the indian invasion is destroyed, I think the logical follow up would be rocket artillery attack and bombing on New Delhi until it surrenders. The only way to begin a full invasion of india would be to capture airfields with paratroopers and bring MBT and other heavy army equipment by air transport. Or transport them along railways connecting China to Pakistan or Nepal, and drive along highways to india.

A full scale invasion of india is unlikely. More likely is heavy bombing of New Delhi will shake india to its roots. States will declare independence and the central government authority in New Delhi will be overthrown.

If any new subcontinent state such as Tamil needs China's protection against second-line indian army (for domestic order), China will need to achieve air superiorty and then bring in PLA on the ground to defend these new states.

I love your post!! Why don't u use your expertise to write books??? It will keep the poor warm in winter!!!!:chilli:
Now that PLA is already rehearsing for an india attack, border talks have completely broken down! Now that diplomacy is over, only military force can settle the issue! :)

Chill creeps into India-China ties
New Delhi, Nov 25, DHNS:

A meeting between Indian and Chinese Special Representatives (SR) over boundary disputes scheduled for early next week has now been postponed indefinitely, in the backdrop of a row between New Delhi and Beijing over hydrocarbon exploration in the South China Sea.

The Special Representatives—India’s National Security Adviser Shiv Shankar Menon and China’s State Councillor Dai Bingguo—were expected to hold the 15th round of talks on the protracted boundary dispute in New Delhi on Monday and Tuesday.

They were expected to firm up the proposed “Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on India-China Border Affairs,” an additional arrangement involving senior diplomats of both countries to urgently deal with any evolving situation along the Line of Actual Control. The dates of the Special Representative level talks were not made public officially. Sources earlier said Special Representative Dai would travel to New Delhi to hold the next round of SR-level talks with Menon. The two SRs held the 14th round of talks in Beijing on November 30, last year.

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), however, on Friday stated that New Delhi and Beijing were in touch with each other to set dates for the SR-level talks in the near future, hinting that the parleys scheduled for Monday and Tuesday had been deferred indefinitely.

“We are looking forward to the 15th round of SR talks in the near future and the two sides remain in touch to find convenient dates for the meeting,” said Vishnu Prakash, official spokesperson and Joint Secretary (External Publicity) of the MEA.

The statement was issued a day after China’s state-run Xinhua news agency stated in a commentary that India’s “jitters” and fears over China’s growing clout in the region was caused by an “inferiority complex” and “loud jealousy”.

The SR-level talks were postponed in the backdrop of New Delhi brushing aside Beijing’s objections to the role of India’s ONGC Videsh Limited in hydrocarbon exploration in offshore blocks claimed by Vietnam in the disputed South China Sea. Beijing said it was opposed to any country engaging in oil and gas exploration in “waters under the jurisdiction of China.” China claims “indisputable sovereignty” over the South China Sea.

New Delhi refuted the Chinese objection, stating that its ties with Vietnam in the hydrocarbon sector were in accordance with the international laws and it would like the bilateral cooperation to grow in the coming years. India went ahead to strengthen its hydrocarbon ties with Vietnam.

During a meeting on the sidelines of the East Asia Summit in Bali in Indonesia earlier this month, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao that Indian interests in the South China Sea were “purely commercial” in nature and sovereignty claims on the disputed waters must be settled according to international law. Wen sent out a message of warning while addressing the Asean leaders in Bali and stated that “outside forces” should not, under any pretext, get involved with the dispute on the South China Sea.

Earlier in late July, an Indian Navy vessel, the ‘INS Airavat’, was reportedly warned by the Chinese Navy off the coast of Vietnam against entering “Chinese waters”. India also flexed its muscle last week with the successful test of new-generation 3,500-km Agni IV missile, followed by an announcement that Agni V, with a strike range of over 5,000 km would be test-fired in just three months.

Frozen relations

* Special representatives of the two countries were scheduled to hold the 15th round of talks

* They were expected to firm up an additional arrangement involving senior diplomats to urgently deal with any evolving situation along the Line of Actual Control

* Statement comes a day after Chinese news agency commented on India’s ‘jitters’ and fears over China’s growing clout in the region caused by “inferiority complex” and “loud jealousy”

* Foreign ministry says both sides in touch to set convenient dates for talks in the near future

Chill creeps into India-China ties
Some things cannot be negotiated. Force is sometimes necessary. On the border issue with India, force or show of force may be the ultimate solution.
Some things cannot be negotiated. Force is sometimes necessary. On the border issue with India, force or show of force may be the ultimate solution.

How long wil you make us wait ? How long you will keep on rehearsing ?
They are waiting for the Chinese population to further decline demgraphically.

Then all the old people will make a mega attempt to climb the Himalayas, with a walking stick in hand and diabetes tablets in pocket.

Actually... China has a lower dependency ratio than India does, and this is likely to continue for a very long time. :lol:


China and India, 2025 | RAND Report

(And this is under the assumption that the Chinese government is stupid enough to keep the one-child policy in its current form for several more decades, which is extremely unlikely).
Now that PLA is already rehearsing for an india attack, border talks have completely broken down! Now that diplomacy is over, only military force can settle the issue! :)

Chill creeps into India-China ties

Wait until U.S. leaves Afghanistan. Pakistan is with you China. Pakistan will attack from India's west, China will attack from India's east.

:pakistan: :china:
Actually... China has a lower dependency ratio than India does, and this is likely to continue for a very long time. :lol:


China and India, 2025 | RAND Report

(And this is under the assumption that the Chinese government is stupid enough to keep the one-child policy in its current form for several more decades, which is extremely unlikely).

They key difference is that "dependents" in case of China are mostly old people .... in case of India they are children.

And China has more dependents than India (as of now). Trend only show that dependency ratio is China is expected to worsen.

If one-child policy is given up .... dependency ratio will worsen faster during 2015 to 2035 (when the first batch of children born in 2015 will become employable).

As if this was not bad enough ... there are too few females in China, hence Chinese have to marry Vietnamese.

Now imagine what these Vietnamese mothers will be teaching their children !!! .... more like about Ho Chi Minh than about Mao.

In this scenario, China starts sending its last remaining young people to get butchered in wars .... well .....well !
And China has more dependents than India (as of now).

Completely wrong. :lol:

Learn to read please, you even quoted the chart just now but you didn't read it. China has a LOWER dependency ratio than India, and this will continue at least until 2030, even in the worst case scenario that no changes are made to the one-child policy.
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