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PLA rehearsing India attack

I was just wondering If China would give away its claim on Arunachal if India give away its claim on Aksai chin??..I don`t think the issue is that simple.
I think the issue is made up by jealous on each side,why couldn't we share what we have each other.
I m here talking only on hypothetical scenario(which I dont think will ever happen).that IF there was a war breaks out,New Delhi is very vulnerable to the enemy attack due to its proximity to the border area.India may have the ability to fight back,but China's major cities are thousands of miles away from the border,any long range missiles have to travel a long distance to reach any major Chinese cities,that will give China enough time to intercept them on the course.and since New Delhi is within the striking distance of all weapons and airplane,defence for the city can be easily overwhelmed.It IS JUST A HYPOTHESIS.
I was just wondering If China would give away its claim on Arunachal if India give away its claim on Aksai chin??..I don`t think the issue is that simple.

It's not that simple.

Read up on what happened during the last Sino-Indian war. China was sorting out territorial disputes from a position of weakness, but Nehru rejected it.

China today, is stronger vis a vis India, than any other time since the founding of the PRC. In the last fifty years, our economy and military spending has never been FOUR times the size of India's. But today it is.

Now we are bargaining from a position of relative strength, so the window for closing the disputes in a way that is not strongly favourable to China is over.
I think the issue is made up by jealous on each side,why couldn't we share what we have each other.
hmm good to hear that because war is definetly not wanted .. war with china or with anyone else for that matter is akin to putting your hand in hot sand ,China may survive due to shaolin tarining ...lol ...not, just kidding:D ,due to bigger economy but would be devastating for us.:fie:.I don`t know but given a choice of chance to prosper with arunachal with us but without aksai chin OR all out war with China for aksai chin , i would choose the first any given day .. I don`t know what other Indian members opinions are but somehow i still think the matter is not that simple
I was just wondering If China would give away its claim on Arunachal if India give away its claim on Aksai chin??..I don`t think the issue is that simple.

Not possible.

Tomorrow they will say, we will not "claim" New Delhi, if you give up Kolkata.

China never had anything to do with Aksai Chin. (neither Arunachal Pradesh, but that's a different matter).

1. Aksai Chin was never a part of China.
2. Even the old Tibet, never had any claim on Aksai Chin. (Read about Tibet-Sikh wars).
3. Aksai Chin was one of China's land grab, and they should've vacated that in 1962 itself.

Aksai Chin is a key thorn that hinders peaceful relations between India and China.

And China pays more for these bad relations .... than India.
In diplomatic circles, China is a pariah. It's almost at war with the World.

It's for China to introspect about its actions, not only in Aksai Chin, but also in South China Sea, Senkaku Islands etc.
It's not that simple.

Read up on what happened during the last Sino-Indian war. China was sorting out territorial disputes from a position of weakness, but Nehru rejected it.

China today, is stronger vis a vis India, than any other time since the founding of the PRC. In the last fifty years, our economy and military spending has never been FOUR times the size of India's. But today it is.

Now we are bargaining from a position of relative strength, so the window for closing the disputes in a way that is not strongly favourable to China is over.

So what you really want ?? I mean you have grown big no doubt , but we grown big too , though not as big as you.We are a huge army with nuclear power not some banana republic . I guess even China knows that it claim on whole of Arunachal is just not going to materialize anyway.There has to be some middle ground where both nation has to concede some of the ego and land.Is is it possible??
I m sorry i m dragging the matter of South china sea here ,but you are way too bigger than Vietnam and other nations around there resist your might and you can probably defeat them in a day or two but you are not going to do that because, this will seriously harm your global image .With your economic might, you have also develop international image and relationship which neutralizes your military might to a large extent.C`mon who would like to see another superpower bully??. So your point of being Four times bigger than us to impose your will upon is probably not going to work. Both nation must concede some of their demands for peace to happen..and war is definetly not the option I pray.
There has to be some middle ground where both nation has to concede some of the ego and land.Is is it possible??

The middle ground is the current status quo. Which India is trying to break, by messing around with us in the South China Sea.

...and war is definetly not the option I pray.

Just like last time, that it up to you. If you want peace, then stay away from our core interests. If you want war, then try to hurt our core interests as much as possible. Your choice.

Either option can further India's interests, provided you have enough political will, or economic/military power to carry it through.
There has to be some middle ground where both nation has to concede some of the ego and land.

I already gave you the example ... will you concede Kolkata if they promise "never" to claim New Delhi ?

China is fast becoming a 21st century Hitler's Germany.

The world needs to remember the folly of having the policy of appeasement.

The reason is easy to see .. China claims Spratlys and Paracel Islands. The fine understanding is that they have not said that they "don't claim" Phillipines. After Spratlys, next Phillipines is at risk of becoming China's core concern.

Obama is right ... world should stand firmly behind Vietnam and Phillipines. If we meet China's "demands" on South China Sea .. for "peace in our times" ---> An eventual war is more or less guaranteed.

Check them on Spratlys and Paracel Islands ... stand firm --> And that's the only chance that China will move away from actually playing out another Hitler.
So what you really want ?? I mean you have grown big no doubt , but we grown big too , though not as big as you.We are a huge army with nuclear power not some banana republic . I guess even China knows that it claim on whole of Arunachal is just not going to materialize anyway.There has to be some middle ground where both nation has to concede some of the ego and land.Is is it possible??
I m sorry i m dragging the matter of South china sea here ,but you are way too bigger than Vietnam and other nations around there resist your might and you can probably defeat them in a day or two but you are not going to do that because, this will seriously harm your global image .With your economic might, you have also develop international image and relationship which neutralizes your military might to a large extent.C`mon who would like to see another superpower bully??. So your point of being Four times bigger than us to impose your will upon is probably not going to work. Both nation must concede some of their demands for peace to happen..and war is definetly not the option I pray.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but we have favor with the people, just not the elites.

Indonesians, Filipinos, Malaysians, Africans, Pakistanis, and Russians have more than 50% approval for China.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but we have favor with the people, just not the elites.

Indonesians, Filipinos, Malaysians, Africans, Pakistanis, and Russians have more than 50% approval for China.
You may have their favor , i m not going refute it though you didn`t provide any source.But my question is would they still support you if you go to war with us or they start to worry about their own sovereignty specially those who are around the south china sea??wouldn`t they label you bully??
Not possible.

Tomorrow they will say, we will not "claim" New Delhi, if you give up Kolkata.

China never had anything to do with Aksai Chin. (neither Arunachal Pradesh, but that's a different matter).

1. Aksai Chin was never a part of China.
2. Even the old Tibet, never had any claim on Aksai Chin. (Read about Tibet-Sikh wars).
3. Aksai Chin was one of China's land grab, and they should've vacated that in 1962 itself.

Aksai Chin is a key thorn that hinders peaceful relations between India and China.

And China pays more for these bad relations .... than India.
In diplomatic circles, China is a pariah. It's almost at war with the World.

It's for China to introspect about its actions, not only in Aksai Chin, but also in South China Sea, Senkaku Islands etc.

haha,so absurd.China's image is pretty good around the world and according to the international poll,US came out as the biggest threat to the world peace.and South Tibet was never part of India.actually India was not even a country if not for British colonization and funny thing is this made up country tries to claim the land which their former master conquered by force and even asks for more.an arm race with China which the economy is more than 3 times the size of India's?we will see eventually who suffers more,good luck.
Wait until U.S. leaves Afghanistan. Pakistan is with you China. Pakistan will attack from India's west, China will attack from India's east.

:pakistan: :china:
Pakistan's biggest worry is definitely US army.

Fortunately, this is not the 70's or something. China is so powerful and our technology so advanced now, we could defeat india decisively by using just a fraction of our military power. Even with the vast majority of our troops focused on hot spots in Korean peninsula, Taiwan and South China Sea, just Chengdu and Lanzhou military region alone can beat down india.

We should not lose our focus by fighting India unless it imposes a war on us, but Indians are smarter than that.

The real threat is a large nation in the northern, western hemisphere that does not have territories at the North pole.
You obviously haven't been on PDF long enough. Have you heard of 1962 Sino-Indian War? I didn't think so.

From Aksai Chin to New Delhi is about 1200km by road. The first 300km of that is through extremely mountainous terrain. If you go from the border at Uttar Pradesh it's 600km, with the first 150km being mountainous. Even this distance would be a logistical nightmare if you want to make a quick attack.

For reference, in World War II, the German army had to travel about 1100km through extremely flat terrain to reach Moscow.
New Delhi is only 350 km from the border of Tibet and Uttarakhand. Our guided artillery rockets reach 350 km at sea level.

I think the issue is made up by jealous on each side,why couldn't we share what we have each other.
Because this is not kindergarten! It's not playtime with purple dinosaurs. Anybody who reflexively stands on the other side against China on every issue without any understanding of the situation is clearly a traitor.

In that other thread you were disparaging Pakistanis too by saying "normal Chinese people" don't care about the the difference between indians and Pakistanis. It's clear that you would like to see China weakened because you think that is in your best interests. A totally typical traitor mentality.

You're probably here just to improve your English so you can kiss up to foreigners more.
Of course 'this is not kindergarten',this is a primary school,sorry for intruding.
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