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PLA Presence in Northern Areas ? ? ?

Indian never seems to tire of expressing hatred toward Pakistan - Now that China has denied visa for a leading Indian occupation army officer, Indian is hopping mad at the international embarassment. Further as China's economy integrates more and more with Pakistan and as the possibility for more people to people contacts increase with the construction of rail and road networks, a desperate attempt to portray peaceful and friendly Pakistan China relations as a threat to Pakistanis, is being made.

Indian has no standing, relations between Pakistan and CHina will continue to grow and deepen, terrorists, in the pay of thus far unknown persons or country, will continue to wreck havoc in Pakistan and threaten lives in China as well - Who benefits from this? It's a dangerous game.

Now that you are yourself derailing the thread by bringing in other issues, let me answer you. Lets not get into hatred. There have been countless acts of terrorism directly from your soil. I suppose they weren't all out of love for us.

Pakistan and China arent like long lost brothers. The only solidifying aspect in their friendship is their mutual distrust and hatred of India. So if you are telling me that trade and other contacts are just because the average Chinese and the average Pakistani guy just love each other, you gotta be kidding me. If it wern't for the strained Indian and Chinese relations, China wouldn't have cared two hoots about Pakistan.
I asked one of my Gilgiti neighbor that do you have anything to do with Kashmir or are you a Kashmiri?? he said three words "are you nuts?"
Now that you are yourself derailing the thread by bringing in other issues, let me answer you. Lets not get into hatred. There have been countless acts of terrorism directly from your soil. I suppose they weren't all out of love for us.

Pakistan and China arent like long lost brothers. The only solidifying aspect in their friendship is their mutual distrust and hatred of India. So if you are telling me that trade and other contacts are just because the average Chinese and the average Pakistani guy just love each other, you gotta be kidding me. If it wern't for the strained Indian and Chinese relations, China wouldn't have cared two hoots about Pakistan.

The relationship between China and Pakistan have a solid foundation of history and reality, do not be too self-righteous.

As for India, 20 years ago may have much weight, now, the ratio is gradually reduced, not very important. Reality, for China, India has no big security threat. The development of relations between Pakistan and China, is entirely based on the strategic partnership, more in economic development and energy security environment, not because of India, at least not so much.
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Dont take it personally Taimi. You are getting heated up over nothing. And you'd know better than to call out people of one nationality as you know members of all nationality here indulge in the act in question here. You would know that there would be plenty of examples where Pakistanis or BD guys have derailed threads. Heck, the China denies visa to Indian general thread got posted twice. And we even had Pakistani Elite members posting on both the threads! Not an accident.

Why shouldn't I, as you have no idea how we run this place and what kind of sh*t we have to clean up and see on daily basis.

Yeah all does, but one group is much superior in that. A said before, see it as a neutral, you may see it, otherwise you will never. Yeah twice or thrice is nornmal, but 5-6 times isn't.

And you are mistaken if you think I am complaining. Which one of my posts on this thread seemed like complaining? And please dont start again with "Look at BR and then talk". Well, I have been to other Pak forums as well. Pakdef being one of them. The kind of bigots and racists you have there will make BR members look like angels. Its true that PDF is one of the most balanced forums around. But the fact remains that once you swear by your impartiality and neutrality, saying things like "We give you guys a lot of freedom" sounds odd.

You aren't complaining, its called bashing.

Sorry, but when a forum uses TSP for a country, there can't be another forum which houses more bigots & racists then that. I have read Indian forums and seen the views of your countrymen, here nothing of that sort is left posted. To you it seems odd, but as said before, go and see how much freedom is allowed to us on your forums, but as a neutral, which seems impossible after reading your posts.

And my point in my discussion with Muse was that its tough to decide which article is baseless and which is not. And as the background of the Mods here is Pakistani they would inadvertently find articles baseless that Indians would find to be on solid ground. Its natural without accusing anybody of partiality.

As said before, for Indians everything is on solid ground, your SF are killing innocents in Kashmir and they find it to be justified on solid ground that they are stone throwers and are paid from across the border. So this is the Indian members mentality of on solid ground.

So from your perspective every damn article has to be posted in threads where it doesn't makes sense and everything has a sold ground even if its taken from a blog of someone.

So now instead of talking about us, plz continue with the topic, if you have to add something to it, plz don't teach us what to do and how to run the place, we know it better.
Let end this discussion with clear cut lines.

China is not colonising Pakistan much for the Indian day dreams.
Indians just need an excuse to derail, cry and curse Pakistan over evetything. I recommending banning sevral of them from here.
. Heck, Sania Mirza didn't get a visa to visit Sialkot and she married a Pakistani crickter and i am but a mere Indian citizen.

Are you high or smthn, Sania Mirza had her Walima Function in Sialkot, I hope i dont need to provide you a source
Why are we giving explanations to these Indians. PLA is not present in N-areas even if PLA is there then India kiya pat le ga? :partay:
Mods close this thread.
I guess you are high mate. Her Walima function was held in Lahore. Here is a link for your benifit:

Gilani's son's punch spoilt Sania-Shoaib's 'walima' reception at Lahore - ET Cetera - News By Industry - News - The Economic Times

Well to the contrary, it seems you may be high on something.

They had two walimas kind of, one in Sialkot called the walima and another reception in Lahore, both for different set of people.

Anyway, keep the discussion as per topic.
There are several no south asian news agencies saying 7000 chinease troops occupy Pak Kashmir.

some placed called gilit and some areas are no go for pakistanis.

very strange me thinks.

don,t see 7000 russians or israelis military in siachen or indian kashmir
I wonder, why is it so hard for the Indian members to understand a simple logic, if there is genocide in Norther Areas, then why isn't there any uprising ?? 16 NLI battalions fully composed of members from Northern Areas are serving in Pakistan Army, these same NLI units which kicked Indian arses in Kargil, why are they doing so if their kins and relatives are being killed through a genocide ?? Why are they serving in the same PA which is being accused ?? People in thousands of unmarked graves are lying in the Indian Occupied Kashmir, not the Azad Kashmir. Should i mention and rapes and God knows what not ?? Should i mention other Indian SF record in rest of the India ??

And now you bring in Balochistan and then say we don't derail threads. Go to the Balochistan thread and read if serious enough, otherwise don't waste your time as the Indian peoples mentality won't change, they wanna keep thinking what they like to.


These are the punjabis because pakistan have changed the demographics of occupied Kashmir but we have maintained position of 1947.

Do you really believe about kargil what u have said.

I can go on and prove but don't wanna derail this thread.
Let end this discussion with clear cut lines.

China is not colonising Pakistan much for the Indian day dreams.
Indians just need an excuse to derail, cry and curse Pakistan over evetything. I recommending banning sevral of them from here.

The problem is the trolls would probably just go on youtube and start posting videos protesting the decision.

These are the punjabis because pakistan have changed the demographics of occupied Kashmir but we have maintained position of 1947.

Do you really believe about kargil what u have said.

I can go on and prove but don't wanna derail this thread.

Case in point for good management and neutrality of this forum is that you have 300 something posts and not 16 and a ban.
There are several no south asian news agencies saying 7000 chinease troops occupy Pak Kashmir.

some placed called gilit and some areas are no go for pakistanis.

very strange me thinks.

don,t see 7000 russians or israelis military in siachen or indian kashmir

chinese are smart people..thier are simply looking at their nations priorities..the main aim is to ensure the safe transit of Chinese imports landed at the Gwadar port and transited through Northern Area to China..which may well act as a lifeline to them just in case thier is anywar with india in future..cioz if god forbid thier is a war indian navy will ensure that thier oil supply takes a severe hit.
Pakistan claims to be a sovereign country but it has no qualms about having foreign troops stationed on their soil. earlie it was AMERICA now its CHINA..
This is a google earth image dated May 31 2010 of the Hopar glacier with the tunnels and roads under construction. One tunnel is seen complete with a road going into it.
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Presence of foreign military on pakistani soil may well be the new game plan fr the pakistani govt.and military to keep indian offensive limited to a certain level...this is surely not a good move from china..and is only to invite more trouble in the already troubled area..
Chinese troops in Pakistan???!!! I think Pakistan already has US and NATO bases. How many country's troops are currently present in Pakistan?? :pop:

It could be the fighting ground of future US-Chinese rivalry. :hang2:
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