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PLA Presence in Northern Areas ? ? ?

To what extend China will have to protect this area from extremists jihadi's from Uzbek, Tajik's, Turkmenistani's infiltrate through this passage to wage jihad in Xingjiang (Uighur). Taliban would love a safe heaven there.

China might regret opening this route in future. They had a natural barrier
Chinese troops in Pakistan???!!! I think Pakistan already has US and NATO bases. How many country's troops are currently present in Pakistan?? :pop:

It could be the fighting ground of future US-Chinese rivalry. :hang2:

To what extend China will have to protect this area from extremists jihadi's from Uzbek, Tajik's, Turkmenistani's infiltrate through this passage to wage jihad in Xingjiang (Uighur). Taliban would love a safe heaven there.

China might regret opening this route in future. They had a natural barrier

Analysis like this add nothing to the discussion because these are just simply not even reasonable concerns.
Analysis like this add nothing to the discussion because these are just simply not even reasonable concerns.

Possibilities are endless, Soviets and Americans found out the hard way. What makes chinese so invinsible.?
Possibilities are endless, Soviets and Americans found out the hard way. What makes chinese so invinsible.?

Short answer?? Because every PLA officer grew up reading this book.


Many people think it impossible for guerrillas to exist for long in the enemy's rear. Such a belief reveals lack of comprehension of the relationship that should exist between the people and the troops. The former may be likened to water the latter to the fish who inhabit it. How may it be said that these two cannot exist together? It is only undisciplined troops who make the people their enemies and who, like the fish out of its native element cannot live.

The PRC was founded by the greatest guerrilla movement in history

These are the punjabis because pakistan have changed the demographics of occupied Kashmir but we have maintained position of 1947.

Do you really believe about kargil what u have said.

I can go on and prove but don't wanna derail this thread.

I hope you are not high on something while writing the post.

NLI Battalions are fully composed of people from Northern Areas, except for the officers. There is no Punjabi thing in it, don't utter nonsense.

And yeah i know much about Kargil then you guys, personally know 2 officers who commanded these NLI units over there.

So now discuss the topic, rather then nonsense.
Short answer?? Because every PLA officer grew up reading this book.


The PRC was founded by the greatest guerrilla movement in history

So you are telling me reading that book would thwart extremist jihadi's. If you say so :hang2:

if reading books could win wars, then what hell we been doing for thousands of years.
Chinese troops in Pakistan???!!! I think Pakistan already has US and NATO bases. How many country's troops are currently present in Pakistan?? :pop:

It could be the fighting ground of future US-Chinese rivalry. :hang2:

Pakistan has Chinese , American and NATO bases,wonder how many air bases have been left at their control
So you are telling me reading that book would thwart extremist jihadi's. If you say so :hang2:

Well evidence doesn't lie does it? Despite the Tibet and Xinjiang being majority none ethnic Han, there are no armed insurgencies in China. One cannot say the same about India.
if reading books could win wars, then what hell we been doing for thousands of years.

Which is why so many military books were written and so many military courses were taught through out the centuries.
Well evidence doesn't lie does it? Despite the Tibet and Xinjiang being majority none ethnic Han, there are no armed insurgencies in China. One cannot say the same about India.

You expecting the Tibetans to pick up a gun, silly you
Xingjiang is just a matter of time when this movement will pick up. Don't be too confident that china will forever keep the Muslims and Tibetans quiet.

You are entering the wrong side of Himalayan pleatue buddy, Foreigners are not welcomed here. People on this side really don't take it too well, when it comes to there dignity being challenged.

I'm sure you not going to refer another book now.:cheers:
You expecting the Tibetans to pick up a gun, silly you
Xingjiang is just a matter of time when this movement will pick up. Don't be too confident that china will forever keep the Muslims and Tibetans quiet.

You are entering the wrong side of Himalayan pleatue buddy, Foreigners are not welcomed here. People on this side really don't take it too well, when it comes to there dignity being challenged.

I'm sure you not going to refer another book now.:cheers:

I'll STOP here with your none-sense since you think Tibetans have never been violent in their history. I guess the Indian General Zorawar Singh was defeated and killed by Tibetan flower power in 1841.

General Zorawar Singh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and I guess these soldiers on parade will put their guns down before they go into battle

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So you are saying china will beat the Taliban and free the people of Durand line from extremists Jihadi backed by Taliban.

So, China will do what other coulnd't do for ages. Best of Luck
Well to the contrary, it seems you may be high on something.

They had two walimas kind of, one in Sialkot called the walima and another reception in Lahore, both for different set of people.

Anyway, keep the discussion as per topic.

That might have been the case. But i would like to see a credible link to take your word for it.

Initially she was denied a visa to visit Sialkot, maybe the establishment relented later on. Here is a link:

Sania denied visa for Sialkot, reception in Lahore: Rediff Sports

This very question of visa denial was put to Shoaib in a NDTV interview after their marraige, he just let it pass.
Well evidence doesn't lie does it? Despite the Tibet and Xinjiang being majority none ethnic Han, there are no armed insurgencies in China. One cannot say the same about India.

Armed insurgencies usually come up with only external support. See the state of Jammu & Kashmir for instance. If the ISI had not provided arms & indoctrination there would have been no armed insurgency in Kashmir the first place. One exception to this rule are the badlands of Khyber-Pakhtoonwa (formerly NWFP).

Secondly an armed rebellion did exist in Tibet against the Chinese in 1959. Then the CIA trained armed guerrillas at Camp Hale in the US. Then Nixon's policy change axed such covert support.

The Uighur's keep exploding a bomb or two in Xinjiang once in a while. So your assertion that there is no armed insurgency is factually incorrect. All the conditions for an armed insurgency in these two regions exit as clearly evident form the riots that have taken place there recently and the high level of resentment against the Han people who have migrated to these regions, juts that external support in the form of weapons is lacking.

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