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PLA Presence in Northern Areas ? ? ?

Daily Mahasib Gilgit Baltistan
Daily Baad-e-Shimal (Gilgit, Baltistan) [In Urdu]

Daily Jammu & Kashmir (Azad kashmir) [In Urdu]

Daily Kashmir Express (Kashmir) [In Urdu]

# Kashmir Observer (Kashmir) [In English]
# Kashmir International (Muzafrabad)
# Kashmir International (Pakistan & Azad Kashmir)
# Kashmir Watch

# Mirpur Times.com (Mirpur, Kashmir)

Sada-e-Waqt (Azad Kashmir, Islamabad, Rawalpindi)

The list is long to post here apart from all major Newspapers and news channels have offices and outlets in Azad Kashmir and reporters, desks for Balitistan, Gilgit, Chitral.
I noticed that there is no online news portal for Gilgit is that correct? I couldnt find Urdu websites for the ones you mentioned. Would appreciate if any Urdu on English local news agency is available online.

Also Kashmir watch and other websites are just collection of news articles and don't have local journalists reporting on local issues.

Kashmir Observer (if it refers to Kashmir observer.net) is based in Srinagar

Mirpurtimes is an exception though and although Urdu has pretty good local news coverage. Thanks for that.

Some local papers specfically in the English language on the Indian side are

Thanks for the info but the blog still does not complete the role of local media in Gilgit. In the articles posted there is not a single mention of the recent violence and shoot-at-sight curfews in Gilgit so I don't thinkblogs would give an accurate view. That is why blogs by GBDA and Balwaristan who claim to befrom Gilgit and want independance have low credibility.

Thanks for the info but the blog still does not complete the role of local media in Gilgit. In the articles posted there is not a single mention of the recent violence and shoot-at-sight curfews in Gilgit so I don't thinkblogs would give an accurate view. That is why blogs by GBDA and Balwaristan who claim to befrom Gilgit and want independance have low credibility.

Welcome To Daily Mahasib Online Edition ( Leading Newspaper of Gilgit, Baltistan, Northern Areas, Azad Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, Abbotabad, Hazara)

:: Daily Baad-e-Shimal ( Leading Newspaper of Gilgit Baltistan ) :: www.dailybaadeshimal.com

BTW that blog i gave you is the most impartial.
What type of stupid double standards is this?

China helps Pakistan build up her infrastructure and somehow now that is a Chinese attempt to colonize Pakistan? Does China have bases and troops in Pakistan?

This is just another pathetic attempt to put a wedge in China-Pakistan friendship.
That what I thought. I dont think PLA has any sort of control in these areas. In future, it would be interesting if Pakistan actually allows China to set up a military base or maintain a permanent military presence in the area.

Even if china sets up a military base majority of pakistan will not be against it. China is our friend and have always helped us in times of need.

and to other Indian members .....
Even now if they are in gilgit baltistan (which is not the case in reality but just assume if what the author wrote is true) they are there to build Road, rail links, Dams, help people affected by recent floods and Ataabad lake affectees. So what it has to do with India or any one else.?? China and pakistan have all the right to cooperate and develop their economic and other links. every body in this world IF sensible and not biased would not mind that.
Even if China wishes to make use of our ports, they are more than welcome, they need not make new railways and roads, most Pakistani logistics companies will be happy to be of assistance.
Even if China wishes to make use of our ports, they are more than welcome, they need not make new railways and roads, most Pakistani logistics companies will be happy to be of assistance.
But land is more secure, more quickly, to have more large-scale trade, more large-scale personnel exchanges. China and Pakistan have more closely than the current small scale of trade and personnel exchanges.
Well the west is jealous and the Indian are happy to bend and twist that jealousy to put Pakistan in bad light
In fact, I was surprised on the trade is so small between China and Pakistan, the key is still the cost, our border trade is very limited because of lack of infrastructure. China's rich tourists are welcomed by the world, however, even if Pakistan is China's friendly country is famous, but is still very little travel to Pakistan. If there is rapid, convenient border through, good infrastructure, will be more conducive to attracting tourists.

Of course, also need to have a stable security environment in Pakistan.
What type of stupid double standards is this?

China helps Pakistan build up her infrastructure and somehow now that is a Chinese attempt to colonize Pakistan? Does China have bases and troops in Pakistan?

This is just another pathetic attempt to put a wedge in China-Pakistan friendship.

There is a US critic, Webster Griffin Tarpley, in one of his videos on you tube, titled The Men Behind Obama, hear him what he has to say about the bad luck of Pakistan and what is the real reason US is after Pakistan.

Just look at the happenings around China, US comes to Afghanistan just near to China, Pakistan is put into a turmoil with very much US behind it and its the only strategic partner of China in this area, US warms up to India and goes for big defence deals and India starts crying about China threat and military steps to counter it, US-Vietnam warming relations, plus other US initiatives in the CAS region, these all are tactics & strategy of a game plan, to encircle and counter China.

And now this idiotic and stupid news item as everything else is failing with regard to Pak-China relations failure, people may call this conspiracy theories and what not, but such people are blind to the realty and the happenings going around.

So this is the reality. The real intention of the US.
I think this report is more out of the writer's or shall we say America's perceived fear of China's outreach to the 'warm waters' than what the chinese are upto in Gilgit-Baltistan. It's so full of BS.

The entire western portion of Kashmir stretching from Gilgit in the north to Azad (Free) Kashmir in the south is closed to the world

Had he cared to even read a little, he would have noticed that the number of foreigners visiting Northern Areas of Pakistan is greater than people visiting any other region of the country. The region thrives on toursim. Where is K-2 and Nanga Parbat?

a simmering rebellion against Pakistani rule and the influx of an estimated 7,000 to 11,000 soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army.

Unlike the street protests in occupied kashmir, where are the rebels in GB? Poor soul could not provide even a single such incident to back his conspiracy theory.

When high-speed rail and road links through Gilgit and Baltistan are completed, China will be able to transport cargo from Eastern China to the new Chinese-built Pakistani naval bases at Gwadar, Pasni and Ormara, just east of the Gulf, within 48 hours.

Now here is the main concern of the US.

Mystery surrounds the construction of 22 tunnels in secret locations where Pakistanis are barred. .

Care to tell the name of the locations? I'll go see for him.

But if reporters could get into the Gilgit-Baltistan region and Azad Kashmir, they would find widespread, brutally-suppressed local movements for democratic rights and regional autonomy..

All the major international channels just recently reported the Lake crisis of Hunza. I guess he didn't get the chance to see the reports.
Chinese army in control of much of ***************** Kashmir, says expert

The storm over China’s denial of a visa to an Indian general serving in Jammu & Kashmir may be only a “diversionary sideshow” compared to another far more serious development — the “effective control” by the Chinese army of large swathes of ***************** Kashmir (***), strategic analysts told DNA.

“A large tract of territory in *** is now under the effective control of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA),” a Singapore-based analyst who returned recently from Afghanistan said on the condition of anonymity.

The development holds “enormous significance” for India’s security interests on its north-western border, far more than the “storm in a Chinese tea-cup” over China’s denial of a visa to Lt-Gen BS Jaswal, he added.

Indian officials say they are aware of the presence of Chinese troops in ***. An external affairs ministry spokesperson told DNA on Friday: “We are aware of the activities in ***. We have categorically stated that the entire state of Jammu & Kashmir is a part of India and any activity should take place with our permission.”

Asked if the government was specifically aware of the presence of the Chinese army and other agencies in building roads, he said: “We are aware of it and we have made our views known.”

Asked about the Chinese response, he added, “We have made our position clear and the Chinese are aware of it.”

The denial of visa, on the ground that Jaswal was in operational command of Jammu & Kashmir, which China considers disputed territory, provoked a strong response from India on Friday.

The Chinese ambassador was called to the foreign ministry and visas denied to some Chinese military personnel. Demarches were also sent to Beijing to protest the denial of a visa to Lt Gen Jaswal.

China has in the past circulated maps depicting Kashmir as a ‘country’ separate from India, and controversially granted stapled visas to travellers from the state.

Some analysts point out that China’s latest provocation comes amidst increasing signs of Chinese assertiveness on other frontiers. “It’s difficult to say how this decision was made by China’s intricate bureaucracy, but it comes at a time when Beijing is flexing its muscle in various territorial disputes,” reasons Jonathan Holslag, research fellow at the Brussels Institute of Contemporary China Studies and author of China and India: Prospects for Peace.

“Clearly, China has upped the stakes in the conflict over Arunachal Pradesh, but now Kashmir too is rising again to prominence as a bargaining chip and a crucial strategic corridor,” Holslag noted. China, he added, is “increasingly visible in all kinds of construction and water management projects” in ***.

Other analysts see China’s pin-pricks vis-a-vis Kashmir and its on-the-ground activities in Pakistan as part of a strategy to keep India preoccupied with its western border, and away from China.

“China’s consistent strategy for more than a decade has been to keep India distracted towards the north,” says John Lee, a foreign-policy research fellow at the Sydney-based Centre for Independent Studies and a visiting fellow at the Hudson Institute.

Lee reckons that the visa denial may be tied to a “perception within Chinese strategic circles that India did not respond positively to China’s ‘soft’ approach of recent years - and, on the contrary, strengthened strategic relations with the US and with countries in South East Asia.”

Chinese strategic circles are pitching for a “hardening” of China’s relationship with India “because they believe they don’t have much to lose, given what’s happened in the last few years.”

China believes India is becoming much more assertive strategically in south-east Asia, he adds.

Prof Dibyesh Anand of the University of Westminster in London points out that in recent years there has been a strident articulation of China’s “core national interests”, and the “change of tack in Kashmir” - if confirmed as official policy - could be “part of this assertion”.India, adds Anand, should seek clarification not only on the denial of the general’s visa but on China’s position on Jammu & Kashmir.

“When China insists that India repeatedly iterate its recognition of the Tibet Autonomous Region as part of China, there’s no reason why India cannot seek a similar clarification.” And if, he adds, China views the entire Jammu & Kashmir as disputed territory, “India needs to rethink its entire China policy - because this will clearly be an interference in India’s internal affairs and in bilateral relations with Pakistan.”

But looking beyond the latest episode, Anand says that a resolution of the Sino-Indian border dispute is critical. “Cooperative relations between the two countries will not count for much so long as the border dispute is alive.” And, in his estimation, the border dispute is “not only about strategic priorities but more importantly about nationalist narratives.” In these narratives, China sees India as an “irritant, a country willing to work with the US to harm China.” India, on the other hand, sees China as “untrustworthy and working closely with Pakistan.”

And Indian and Chinese leaders, says Anand, “have shown no interest in changing these nationalist narratives.”

Holslag believes that “as much as China is struggling with a growing sense of strategic claustrophobia, other powers are fretting about what they perceive as China’s growing assertiveness.” These security dilemmas, he adds, “will become more pressing in a region where balances of power alter rapidly, especially when territorial interests are at stake.”

As for India’s response to the latest provocation, “escalation management is the key,” says Holslag. India, he notes, has responded “proportionately by blocking a few visits, while keeping most military exchanges on track.” But with continued “wrangling over Pakistan, proliferating trade disputes, hardening positions in border negotiations, and growing nationalism,” Sino-Indian relations will become “increasingly difficult to manage,” he reckons
There is a US critic, Webster Griffin Tarpley, in one of his videos on you tube, titled The Men Behind Obama, hear him what he has to say about the bad luck of Pakistan and what is the real reason US is after Pakistan.

Watched the video, seems to be nothing but another conspiracy theory. In the first 5 minutes itself Mr.Griffin alleges that the men who control Obama want a showdown with Moscow & Bieijing, but nearly a one & half year into his presidency Obama has simply done nothing like that. On the contrary he has improved relations with Moscow and engaged with Beijing to iron out differences.

What beats me is the popular appeal that conspiracy theories seem to have in Pakistan & over majority of Pakistanis in general. This Webster Griffin guy seems to have no credibility and speaks a lot of hogwash & yet you buy his theory. It is more a case of "i will believe what i want to believe."

Just look at the happenings around China, US comes to Afghanistan just near to China, Pakistan is put into a turmoil with very much US behind it and its the only strategic partner of China in this area, US warms up to India and goes for big defence deals and India starts crying about China threat and military steps to counter it, US-Vietnam warming relations, plus other US initiatives in the CAS region, these all are tactics & strategy of a game plan, to encircle and counter China.

Are you suggesting that Afghanistan was invaded to encircle China!!?? & it had nothing to do with Al Quaeda/Taliban??

By the way, you didn't explain how the invasion of Iraq was staged to encircle China!!

And now this idiotic and stupid news item as everything else is failing with regard to Pak-China relations failure, people may call this conspiracy theories and what not, but such people are blind to the realty and the happenings going around.

So this is the reality. The real intention of the US.

You don't like a piece of news & it automatically becomes idiotic & stupid. I am still waiting for an answer to post-23. Your assertion that Gilgit-Baltistan is open to foreign journalists seems to have fallen flat on its face, your stoic silence on the topic leaves only this inference. Members of European Parliament are not allowed permission to go there forget foreign journalists. This rises the question - what is Pakistan trying to hide??
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