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PLA move in Ladakh is part of Beijing plan to destabilize India permanently

I do not think it was China's plan to open a front on Indian border until it became quite apparent that US might use India to pinch China from this wide while US and allies pinch them from SCS.
According to me China preemptively made the move, moved in with large force to their claim line and dug in to prevent any misfortune in Himalayan theater.
Any significant loss or win atleast in this theater will come at a great cost to both this will prevent any leverage. Deterrence indeed.
China can now focus on SCs more while everyone debates small quarrels here and there in Himalayas.
Such a stupid idea. Tibetans could not protect their own country against the Chinese and you expect them to protect India?
Tibetans had no army,they had militia that too not in numbers to defend the entire Tibet. Even India lost to china during 62 .I am not saying we should leave it to the Tibetans to defend the lac. They should be deployed in large numbers as they are good at that altitude and they know the area well. Nothing pisses China more than they will be facing Tibetans.
where are those brave biharis these days ? are you guys so coward that gorkha on LOC and tibatians on LAC . barhaman or marathy are shemales ?
I don’t know what happened to you mate, you used to be a member who used to find humour in every situation while showing class. Now it’s just vitriol that comes out in your posts.
Wars are fought on economies and not bravery or tactics. The economy that can absorb more and for a longer period wins. On the Indian side there are major disadvantages as she has to pump money equivalent to what China haa spent in spreadout timeline of a decade. This us further complicated by the current downturn of the Indian economy (the plans to attract forms exiting China (if works) will take considerable time) also the baniya coward approach of putting in all resources on the end they feel vulnerable will only bleed them more.

On the point of destabilizing India, they key to it lies in the south and south west not in the north (even the worst scenario of Ladakh and AP getting out of hands will still not destabilize the whole country unless it's used to trigger the sleeping south.)
I don’t know what happened to you mate, you used to be a member who used to find humour in every situation while showing class. Now it’s just vitriol that comes out in your posts.
dont you see the world is changed mate ? since you guys elected fasicsts as rulers things have been changed .
Wars are fought on economies and not bravery or tactics.
It depends on what types of conflicts. If it is a war of attrition or a long term conflict (i.e. World War I, World War II), then you would be correct. But if it is a localized and quick conflict (e.g Sino-Indian War, Gulf War), these wars are entirely fought on tactics and technology at hand. Unless China was planning a long term war against India (let's say conquering beyond Delhi), then that is where the Chinese economic advantage would truly shine because of the massive Chinese war production. But for a short and decisive conflict like 1962, the economic advantage does not hold as much.
Do your own fighting, you cowardly lot.
I don't blame the Indians ... they are afraid of dying. I am also afraid of dying. But the good news is I am not in the armed forces while they are :enjoy:. Unfortunately, someone like the Chinese, who have suffered through some extreme wars in the past century are not afraid of very difficult sacrifice (e.g. 1.5 to 2 million soldiers killed in the Second Sino Japanese War, 200k killed in the Korean War).
I don’t know what happened to you mate, you used to be a member who used to find humour in every situation while showing class. Now it’s just vitriol that comes out in your posts.
I also noticed that..
he also got angry on India channels blasting all day while laughing ''ab pakistan mary ga corona ki maut''.... since then he didn't come down.
LOL why the whining from Hindustan Times? I thought the elephant was going to show the dragon its shupa powa? I thought Xi Jinping was cornered, rattled and on the back foot?
Indian economy cannot sustain a northern theater of war with stretched resources and poor logistical strategies.

China will always have the element of surprise in the Himalayan theater of war.

The coming decade is a make or break for the Indian Union as it locks horns with One China and Look East policy simultaneously.
Wars are fought on economies and not bravery or tactics. The economy that can absorb more and for a longer period wins. On the Indian side there are major disadvantages as she has to pump money equivalent to what China haa spent in spreadout timeline of a decade. This us further complicated by the current downturn of the Indian economy (the plans to attract forms exiting China (if works) will take considerable time) also the baniya coward approach of putting in all resources on the end they feel vulnerable will only bleed them more.

On the point of destabilizing India, they key to it lies in the south and south west not in the north (even the worst scenario of Ladakh and AP getting out of hands will still not destabilize the whole country unless it's used to trigger the sleeping south.)

Wars are not fought on economics only... bravery and tactics, along with Intelligence... play the most critical role...

Sometimes Garnal sahab put onus on ECONOMY in order to hide their INCOMPETENCY... on the front of Planning, execution and Intelligence...

And at the end...
Not having enough guts to face grass eater, coward, Baniyas... alone... or in group...
Shows the level of cowardice that opposition have...

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