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PLA move in Ladakh is part of Beijing plan to destabilize India permanently

The only problem is the PLA has even more Tibetans than the IA ... actually way more. Most of the Tibetan warriors did not flee China and instead surrendered to the PLA and later were absorbed in their ranks. Their offspring are the PLA soldiers of today.
It must seem strange to Indians that slaves would not listen to their masters. All slaveholders should be afraid of the PLA, because he was the People's Liberation Army all the way.
It depends on what types of conflicts. If it is a war of attrition or a long term conflict (i.e. World War I, World War II), then you would be correct. But if it is a localized and quick conflict (e.g Sino-Indian War, Gulf War), these wars are entirely fought on tactics and technology at hand. Unless China was planning a long term war against India (let's say conquering beyond Delhi), then that is where the Chinese economic advantage would truly shine because of the massive Chinese war production. But for a short and decisive conflict like 1962, the economic advantage does not hold as much.

I don't blame the Indians ... they are afraid of dying. I am also afraid of dying. But the good news is I am not in the armed forces while they are :enjoy:. Unfortunately, someone like the Chinese, who have suffered through some extreme wars in the past century are not afraid of very difficult sacrifice (e.g. 1.5 to 2 million soldiers killed in the Second Sino Japanese War, 200k killed in the Korean War).
The length of the war in itself is decided by the economies and you would be surprised how quickly the reserves start to dry up in wars. On the gulf War, it wasn't a war but a surrender.
Wars are not fought on economics only... bravery and tactics, along with Intelligence... play the most critical role...

Sometimes Garnal sahab put onus on ECONOMY in order to hide their INCOMPETENCY... on the front of Planning, execution and Intelligence...

And at the end...
Not having enough guts to face grass eater, coward, Baniyas... alone... or in group...
Shows the level of cowardice that opposition have...
All bravery goes into drain when ration starts to dry up.
China’s moves in Ladakh and the South China Sea are based on a historical construct. If a Green Line crafted in 1960 by then paramount leader Mao Zedong is the People’s Liberation Army’s objective in Ladakh, it is the 9, 10 or 11 dash line (depending on political convenience; the concept has a dubious historical basis in the Sino-French war) that is the target of the Red army in the South China Sea.

The PLA’s main enemy in the South China Sea is a competing superpower, the US, which is backing Taiwan, even as the members of the ASEAN look the other way. Its adversary in Ladakh, adjoining sensitive and restive Tibet and Xinjiang, is a rising power, India whose neighbours Have all become increasingly cosy with Beijing in recent years.

Although the ambitious western theatre commander of PLA, Zhao Zongqi, portrayed the Indian Army as an aggressor or a warmonger after Monday’s clash at the Rezang La — Rechin La ridgeline, the fact is that Indian troops are only preventing the Chinese from reaching their outrageous Green Line claim in the south of Pangong Tso. The Indian Army did the same on August 29-30, and at the same spot. It is quite evident that there is a short-term and a long-term context to the latest clash, both of which are familiar to commanders on the ground.
Clearly, the latest PLA aggression is aimed at teaching the Indian Army a lesson for using the Special Frontier Force, largely comprising Tibetans-in-exile, on the front line in the August clash. What has upset Beijing the most is that the sacrifice of a Tibetan SFF JCO Nyima Tenzin in the battle on August 29-30, something that has become a rallying point for Tibetans all over the world and sparked a new life to the resistance against the Chinese occupation of the region. To make matters worse, the SFF proved its worth in high mountainous terrain.

However, the long-term objective of China is to destabilize India by putting continuous pressure along the 3488 km Line of Actual Control (LAC), fully knowing its impact on Indian polity and on the image of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. On August 12, 2013, Shyam Saran, a China expert and then Chairman of National Security Advisory Board, had submitted a report to the then Prime Minister’s Office that advocated increased patrolling of the LAC by Indian Army and Indo-Tibetan Border. Saran said while the patrolling points (65 in Ladakh) within the Indian LAC were identified by the apex China Study group, there was a need for the Indian Army and the ITBP to patrol till the actual LAC as there were significant gaps between the points and the perceived line. While admitting the patrolling mountainous terrain was difficult, the former foreign secretary pointed to increased PLA activity in these areas due to upgrade in border infrastructure by China.

Essentially, what Saran in context of the April-May 2013 PLA intrusion in Depsang Bulge meant was that PLA had the option of nibbling the LAC due to lack of Indian patrolling till the perceived LAC. The 2013 intrusion has ensured that the Indian forces virtually cannot patrol points 10 to 13 with the PLA sitting on the mouth of the Bulge at Raki Nullah. The PLA aggression in the past four months in East Ladakh has left the Narendra Modi government no option but to militarily contest the PLA nibbling of the LAC or lose political equity by ceding territory to Communist China.

India is facing a triple whammy from China. First, its economy has shrunk 23 per cent in the first quarter due to the coronavirus pandemic that originated in Wuhan, China. Second, the economic cost of putting the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force on war-like alert with emergency purchases is significant and mounting each day. It is quite evident that the Chinese economy can afford this deployment, and Beijing would like to tire out the Indian Army and economically bleed India until such time status quo ante is restored in Ladakh. The PLA is an expert in tiring out the enemy since the Korean war. Third, the country it is using its all-weather ally Pakistan to provoke India on the Line of Control (LOC) through cross-border firing and terrorist infiltration. Had it not been for umbilical ties between India and the Nepalese army, Beijing may have well been successful in activating the fourth dimension to bleed India.

While the PLA’s attention is today diverted on two fronts with the US activating the Indo-China front, with Australia and Japan, India will feel more military pressure in Ladakh should the US position change after the country’s presidential elections in November. Europe is still to understand the rise of China, which has close economic ties with EU powerhouse Germany. The big picture for India appears to be grim at the moment in context of China but the country will be in pole position if it can ride over this round of Chinese checkers.

WOW! Very good plan. Because of this plan we got 9000 Sq Km of our pre-1962 territory back.

Puleez puleez bring more such plans.
All bravery goes into drain when ration starts to dry up.

Free ration if ammunition ends... and not brave... who knows that better than PAKISTAN...

Economic might will come into picture only if war is stretched... and limited to ground forces... no Air force, naval or missile strike...
WOW! Very good plan. Because of this plan we got 9000 Sq Km of our pre-1962 territory back.

Puleez puleez bring more such plans.

First Modi called off the "pav-sava pav" ke nukes bluff... now it is time for CHINESE might... or Modi is not Nehru...
Tibetans had no army,they had militia that too not in numbers to defend the entire Tibet. Even India lost to china during 62 .I am not saying we should leave it to the Tibetans to defend the lac. They should be deployed in large numbers as they are good at that altitude and they know the area well. Nothing pisses China more than they will be facing Tibetans.

Good to see that an Indian admitting their defeat.
Cannon foddering Tibetans to protect their borders on filmsy grounds of better prepared and good for altitude.

I thought only last week , whole of Indian media was full of praises how Indian army is very good and proficient in Altitude fight and they can cope far better than Chinese on high grounds.

All of sudden Indians are not good, they should place Tibetans in great number to defend India. :nono: :nono:

And Rawat goes to 🚹 to change his undies. :haha::sarcastic:
WOW! Very good plan. Because of this plan we got 9000 Sq Km of our pre-1962 territory back.

Puleez puleez bring more such plans.
India will be lucky if the Chinese do not decide to enter New Delhi ... the only thing stopping them is the open defecation, pollution, and complete lack of sanitation. More than likely, the PLA soldiers will have to enter with gas masks and protective clothing so they can just endure the Indian filth :enjoy:. Rest assured though, I'm sure one of the first things the PLA will do as an occupying force is to ban defecating on the streets (as well as letting cows be on roads with other cars).
Wars are not fought on economics only... bravery and tactics, along with Intelligence... play the most critical role...

Sometimes Garnal sahab put onus on ECONOMY in order to hide their INCOMPETENCY... on the front of Planning, execution and Intelligence...

And at the end...
Not having enough guts to face grass eater, coward, Baniyas... alone... or in group...
Shows the level of cowardice that opposition have...

Honestly, thus far, India hasn't demonstrated any of these qualities.
Indian media is taken as gospel of truth when it criticizes India by CCP bots and the same media become a joke when it does the same to China. CCP bots, learn the word 'Hypocrisy'.
Honestly, thus far, India hasn't demonstrated any of these qualities.
  • Bravery - The Indians immediately broke formation and routed after their CO was killed by a rock ... then they were subsequently finished off by the PLA or jumped off cliffs
  • Tactics - Using overwhelming numbers (10+ soldiers) to beat up one PLA recon patrol back in May
  • Intelligence - The Indian intelligence failed to detect the 1962 war despite numerous Chinese threats and again failed to detect the Chinese incursions into Indian LAC, which has led to the loss of 1000+ square kilometers of strategically valuable Indian territory
  • Getting beat into a pulp - 100/100
The only quality the Indians have demonstrated is the last one ... way more successfully than any of us would have imagined in our wildest dreams.
  • Bravery - The Indians immediately broke formation and routed after their CO was killed by a rock ... then they were subsequently finished off by the PLA or jumped off cliffs
  • Tactics - Using overwhelming numbers (10+ soldiers) to beat up one PLA recon patrol back in May
  • Intelligence - The Indian intelligence failed to detect the 1962 war despite numerous Chinese threats and again failed to detect the Chinese incursions into Indian LAC, which has led to the loss of 1000+ square kilometers of strategically valuable Indian territory
  • Getting beat into a pulp - 100/100
The only quality the Indians have demonstrated is the last one ... way more successfully than any of us would have imagined in our wildest dreams.

India's top problem since independence has always been its potential rationality being hijacked by ultranationalism of media and masses, derived from its deep rooted inferiority/superiority complex. It could accept hundreds of years white colonial rules, but can't settle borders with fellow Asian countries.

This country has more of the mentality of a street vendor, but lacks the wisdom of a great power.
Maybe modi kaka thinks that if India takes enough beating from China, eventually China will take what she wants from India and extend the hand of friendship to india. When that happens IA can solely focus on Paxtan.
LMFAO Indians retreated back across the Chinese Claim Line after PLA opened fire :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

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India should deploy the Locals(Tibetans) at lac in huge numbers and they should be guarding the lac . They are good at that altitude.
Yes when actual india make movies and cry on actors death..

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