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PLA confirmation: DF-41 is MIRVed (up to 10).

Cool. Seems like China has managed to do what we did in 1968 !

Your 3rd world nation had ICBMs in 1968? Oh right, I forgot, you were pretending to be American.

Anyways, better late than never. Thank you for buying made-in-China products that have allowed China's 2nd artillery the budget needed to target China's enemies with more nuclear weapons. China thanks you for your patriotism. :china::usflag::china:
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What's the point of a nuclear deterrent, if you can't actually use it to defend yourself?

See when the USA sent an Aircraft carrier against India in the 1970's.

What if they do it again today? The world changes all the time, anything could happen.

And since India does not have ICBM, you can't actually retaliate against them. Doesn't matter what they do, you can't respond.

Isn't that a bad situation? Or do you trust them so much that you are 100% sure they will never send an Aircraft carrier against you ever again?
we have our own missile program. we don't have ICBM yet but in future we will surely have it. in next year we are testing Agni-6. In current Geo-politics USA and India are allies. so we don't need to worry. even when we tested Agni-5 USA didn't complaint cause we are counter weight to China. Right now we have potential threat from China only. that's why we don't need ICBM in near future.
Agni-6 will be sufficient to deter China.
SS-18 Satan the be all end all ICBM


China are you even trying?

Satan is liquid fueled, so it is better to compare Peacekeeper with DF-41, since both have similar range and payload, also solid fueled.

But Peacekeeper was silo based, whereas DF-41 can be either silo based or road/rail mobile.

So DF-41 is overall more advanced than Peacekeeper.

However, Peacekeeper only belonged to the 1980s technology, so it is nothing surprising that China's current best ICBM is better than the best US ICBM during the end of the Cold War.
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SS-18 Satan the be all end all ICBM


China are you even trying?

Sorry but the weapons you've mentioned are not comparable technologies with DF-41. Those are 1960's technology. At those times, ICBM was launched from a fixed silo. In today's world such technology does not posses any advantage. You see those fixed silos are already marked for airstrikes and they will be the first targets to be bombarded with air strikes or sabotaged/deactivated with any possible method.

That's why you have road-mobile ICBMs. DF-41 is one of them that can carry up to 10 warheads. This is like a guerilla warfare of the nuclear warheads. It's mobile and contains multiple warheads which makes it extremely hard to intercept.

By the way neither road mobile ICBMs nor MIRV is a new technlogy. However China having those technologies is something new. With this trend, China is walking through the path of MAD type of relations with USA. This is serious.
Does the US habitually shoot down Russian recon flights? Did the US shoot down Mexican military helicopters when they crossed into US territory while chasing drug dealers? By your definition, the US is a cowardly nation.

Is not shooting down recon flights a matter of "guts"? Or is it prudence - in the sense that everyone spies on everyone and it's not worth starting WW3 over shooting down an unarmed subsonic intel aircraft?

On the other hand, does China conduct aggressive intercepts of US recon missions? Yes China does. And the US has the pictures to prove it.
If you do not like my hyperbolic comment, then you need to direct your ire towards your fellow Chinese whenever they go on with fantasies like this one.

China tests 12,000 km ICBM with multiple warheads | Page 4

But...In the long run, I do not expect to see you to do anything.
If you do not like my hyperbolic comment, then you need to direct your ire towards your fellow Chinese whenever they go on with fantasies like this one.

China tests 12,000 km ICBM with multiple warheads | Page 4

But...In the long run, I do not expect to see you to do anything.

So you're basically saying you're no different from the "immature kids" that you love to deride so much since you engage in as much hyperbolic internet d*ck measuring as they do. Got it. ;)
Congrats to the rocket scientists & 2nd Arty on this new toy. Zhu Ge Liang could not have imagined the Dong Feng he borrowed, has contributed so greatly to the security of our nation.
Chinese should also share critical knowledge and technology with us, so we can have our own ICBM with MIRVs...

Offcourse, Chinese should not give us their top-most tech, but some help will do no harm to anybody.

Pakistan's and China's interests are aligned together in every single way.
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