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PLA confirmation: DF-41 is MIRVed (up to 10).

We must build enough number of nuke warhead to keep uncle sam at bay.

The non first use of nuclear policy shall be rectified.

The NFU policy doesn't really matter, and it is helping China to gain the moral high ground.

In the real scenario, between US/Russia/China, anyone who fires the first shot would get noticed in just few minutes, and expect other's ICBMs also being lifted in the air before getting hit.
The NFU policy doesn't really matter, and it is helping China to gain the moral high ground.

In the real scenario, between US/Russia/China, anyone who fires the first shot would get noticed in just few minutes, and expect other's ICBMs also being lifted in the air before getting hit.
We shall delpoy more X band radar spreading the planet, expecially in the south American.
Maybe Pakistan interested in the multi war-head tech?:D

That's under the table my brother .hush.....hush.....

Can any country in this planet intercept DF41`with existing technology?

yes , we are very much interested :P
there were rumors that Pakistan is working on MIRV technology from years ... i hope we can now take Chinese help for our own Missile systems
With 10 more years, we shall be on par with USA navy for sure.
In ten yrs, the US will have a working defense against ballistic missile that will render the DF-41 ineffective against US -- fer sure.

Sure, even the HGV is interceptable theoretically, but the chance to intercept one missile is like the chance to win a lottery ticket.
Please...The US were already on the way back in the 1960s with the Nike-Zeus interceptor program before missile treaties with the USSR cancelled the program. You are too late in the news.

No. As far as I know, as of now, you can't intercept MIRVed ICBMs...

@gambit might be able to explain it further...
Yes you can. It is a matter of target detection, maintenance, and interceptor quality.

Satan is liquid fueled, so it is better to compare Peacekeeper with DF-41, since both have similar range and payload, also solid fueled.

But Peacekeeper was silo based, whereas DF-41 can be either silo based or road/rail mobile.

So DF-41 is overall more advanced than Peacekeeper.

However, Peacekeeper only belonged to the 1980s technology, so it is nothing surprising that China's current best ICBM is better than the best US ICBM during the end of the Cold War.
Bullshit. Putting a missile on trucks does not make it 'more advanced'.
So you're basically saying you're no different from the "immature kids" that you love to deride so much since you engage in as much hyperbolic internet d*ck measuring as they do. Got it. ;)
And I got relevant experience to back up what I say as well in those measuring contests. Got it ?
we have our own missile program. we don't have ICBM yet but in future we will surely have it. in next year we are testing Agni-6. In current Geo-politics USA and India are allies. so we don't need to worry. even when we tested Agni-5 USA didn't complaint cause we are counter weight to China. Right now we have potential threat from China only. that's why we don't need ICBM in near future.
Agni-6 will be sufficient to deter China.

Work on Surya is already going on and within 1 or 2 years Surya will be tested. We do need ICBM
Work on Surya is already going on and within 1 or 2 years Surya will be tested. We do need ICBM
yes i am hearing about surya since long time but don't know anything about its progress. we sure need ICBM but right now we have enough deterrence with Agni.
yes i am hearing about surya since long time but don't know anything about its progress. we sure need ICBM but right now we have enough deterrence with Agni.

DRDO developing missile capable of carrying multiple warheads | Zee News
February 8, 2013

"It will be a three-stage missile and taller than the Agni-V. The design is just taking shape and other sub systems are under development. If everything goes as per the programme, the missile will be ready by mid 2014," said the source.

I think we will be testing it in the coming 1 or 2 years.
And I got relevant experience to back up what I say as well in those measuring contests. Got it ?

Not when you post nonsense equating *not* shooting down a routine recon flight as evidence that a nation won't defend itself when attacked. In fact, it doesn't matter how much experience you have when you're so easily baited into losing your cool by some random fanboy. You're better than that. :)
In ten yrs, the US will have a working defense against ballistic missile that will render the DF-41 ineffective against US -- fer sure.

Totally 50% of success rate based on the scripted tests.

Ground-Based Midcourse Defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please...The US were already on the way back in the 1960s with the Nike-Zeus interceptor program before missile treaties with the USSR cancelled the program. You are too late in the news.

Yeah, 0% of success rate in the 2014 test.

U.S. Army's Hypersonic Space Weapon Destroyed Seconds After Liftoff

Bullshit. Putting a missile on trucks does not make it 'more advanced'.

With the modern CEP and supermaneuverability, of course it is much more advanced.

Do you seriously wanna compare the 1980s supercomputers with the modern ones?
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Totally 50% of success rate based on the scripted tests.

Ground-Based Midcourse Defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, 0% success rate in the 2014 test.

U.S. Army's Hypersonic Space Weapon Destroyed Seconds After Liftoff

With the modern CEP and supermaneuverability, of course it is much more advanced.

Do you seriously wanna compare the 1980s supercomputers with the modern ones?
you are right, these amrican motherfucker thinks that they are best in the world:lol: intelligence is not your property Mr. Gambit
Totally 50% of success rate based on the scripted tests.

Yeah, 0% of success rate in the 2014 test.
All tests are controlled/scripted tests. I thought I explained that by now. Were you asleep in class when I gave those lessons ? And you think your China does not perform controlled/scripted tests ?

With the modern CEP and supermaneuverability, of course it is much more advanced.

Do you seriously wanna compare the 1980s supercomputers with the modern ones?
You used trucks. :lol:

But so what if the DF-41 is newer and have more modern avionics ? That does not mean it is 'better' as a whole. It could simply mean that its improvements are based upon past inferior performance, not because it was measured up to the Peacekeeper's standards.

Yours is a limited mind. That much we already know. Arms treaties between US and the USSR limited US ICBM locations, for example. That does not mean we cannot put the MX on mobile platforms. Further, may be the reason why China put her ICBMs on mobile platform is because the rest of continental China is not as well protected as continental US and not as well developed. Right to the north lies Russia. To the east are countries that may or may not be friendly to China. That make putting ICBMs on mobile platforms even more logical than putting them in silos. Not because mobile platforms implied technological superiority.
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