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PLA confirmation: DF-41 is MIRVed (up to 10).

With 10 more years, we shall be on par with USA navy for sure.

The US Navy and military in general can project huge amounts of firepower anywhere around the world and can engage in sustained high intensity warfare over long periods of time. China is not even close to having such a capability. China couldn't even manage a search and rescue effort in their own backyard without looking incompetent on the world stage.

The US Navy has decades of operational and war-fighting experience while the PLAN has practically none. Go ahead though, keep deluding yourselves...
All tests are controlled/scripted tests. I thought I explained that by now. Were you asleep in class when I gave those lessons ? And you think your China does not perform controlled/scripted tests ?

You used trucks. :lol:

But so what if the DF-41 is newer and have more modern avionics ? That does not mean it is 'better' as a whole. It could simply mean that its improvements are based upon past inferior performance, not because it was measured up to the Peacekeeper's standards.

Yours is a limited mind. That much we already know. Arms treaties between US and the USSR limited US ICBM locations, for example. That does not mean we cannot put the MX on mobile platforms. Further, may be the reason why China put her ICBMs on mobile platform is because the rest of continental China is not as well protected as continental US and not as well developed. Right to the north lies Russia. To the east are countries that may or may not be friendly to China. That make putting ICBMs on mobile platforms even more logical than putting them in silos. Not because mobile platforms implied technological superiority.

You can keep twisting the reality if you want.

But just like your brother NiceGuy, you people are too insignificant to change the reality.
The US Navy and military in general can project huge amounts of firepower anywhere around the world and can engage in sustained high intensity warfare over long periods of time. China is not even close to having such a capability. China couldn't even manage a search and rescue effort in their own backyard without looking incompetent on the world stage.

The US Navy has decades of operational and war-fighting experience while the PLAN has practically none. Go ahead though, keep deluding yourselves...

Sichuan earthquake is on the magnitude a thousand times greater then Katrina.

Read the comment by the uploader..

Cool. Seems like China has managed to do what we did in 1968 !

Because China had no need to upgrade its very small nuclear deterrent for a very long time.......That is until George Bush withdrew from the ABM in 2002 and started building a missile defense.

How U.S. Strategic Policy Is Changing China’s Nuclear Plans
How U.S. Strategic Policy Is Changing China’s Nuclear Plans

During 2002, the United States withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty; it signed the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty with Russia (also known as the Moscow Treaty); it finalized a new Nuclear Posture Review (NPR); and it pushed ahead with plans for a national missile defense, culminating in President George W. Bush’s December announcement that the United States would deploy a rudimentary system in 2004.

Each of these decisions signaled that the Bush administration is rethinking the role of nuclear weapons in its broader strategic policies. Experts on U.S.-China relations have argued that, by doing so, the Bush administration is encouraging China to rethink its own approach to nuclear weapons, potentially diminishing its interest in international agreements and perhaps even sparking an arms race.1 With only two dozen nuclear-armed ICBMs capable of hitting the United States and an official policy of not using nuclear weapons first in a conflict, China’s current nuclear posture is considerably weaker than the U.S. posture. But some analysts have speculated that that could change if U.S. policy threatens mainland China or upsets the situation in the Taiwan Strait.

This article is based on more than 60 not-for-attribution interviews with Chinese government officials, arms control experts, military officers, and journalists conducted during the summer of 2002. Their comments clearly indicate that, although the Moscow Treaty and the NPR have not had a significant impact on Chinese thinking about nuclear weapons, U.S. missile defense plans (and the associated withdrawal from the ABM Treaty) could substantially influence China’s ongoing plans to modernize and expand its nuclear forces.

China nuclear modernization is only reacting to US nuclear policy.

So, 12 years later (That's how long it took), does United States now feel safer ?

The US Navy and military in general can project huge amounts of firepower anywhere around the world and can engage in sustained high intensity warfare over long periods of time. China is not even close to having such a capability. China couldn't even manage a search and rescue effort in their own backyard without looking incompetent on the world stage.

The US Navy has decades of operational and war-fighting experience while the PLAN has practically none. Go ahead though, keep deluding yourselves...
Keep on dreaming.
With 10 more years, we shall be on par with USA navy for sure.

WOW, New Years Resolution much?? You do realize, creating many hulls with less advance technologies don't make you "on par" with anyone right? Its just numbers.

So if you are trying to say that the PLAAN's size will be the same as the USN (number wise), I can understand that. Anyone with money can build ships. However, the warfare ratio will be MUCH superior in the USN's favor.

In TEN years, the US will be using Hypersonic interceptors. What that means is that upon a launch detection of DF_Anything..... future SM III or IIII will be used to intercept the incoming missile and it will intercept it a few hundred miles away from the silo or the "truck" it lifted off from.

So be ready to catch the MIRV / 10 warheads when they fall down after Santa intercepts the DF_whatever at Hypersonic speed!
Keep on dreaming.

The truth hurts doesn't it? The PLAN and Chinese military in general can't project power the way the US military can. They don't have the military, logistics, or allies to do so. The anti access/denial strategy that the Chinese have pursued is just further proof of that.
The truth hurts doesn't it? The PLAN and Chinese military in general can't project power the way the US military can. They don't have the military, logistics, or allies to do so. The anti access/denial strategy that the Chinese have pursued is just further proof of that.
Our non-interference policy restrict us from having military base. But this could change once we deploy more AC in 2020s. The AA/AD strategy main focus is to keep US force out of Taiwan crisis. It has nothing to do with our capability and inability to project power abroad. I repeat, we can be you, a hegemonic imperialist, but at what cost? We remain commit to mutual respect rather than seeking master-slave relationship that you have with your allies.

The US Navy and military in general can project huge amounts of firepower anywhere around the world and can engage in sustained high intensity warfare over long periods of time. China is not even close to having such a capability. China couldn't even manage a search and rescue effort in their own backyard without looking incompetent on the world stage.

The US Navy has decades of operational and war-fighting experience while the PLAN has practically none. Go ahead though, keep deluding yourselves...
The only incompetent is you, as evidence by the Katrina hurricane. If you are talking about missing Malaysia Flight Search, last I check, our superpower American friends and their "leader" in the search group Australia, still cannot find a lick of shit. LOL
With the DF-41 now in operation, the chance of war between US and China have decreased as the cost of all out war with China for the US is way too high. This means the military advantage the US has over China can never be used to destroy China but China can now use its advantage (its economy) to diminish American power globally.

This is what happened between the US and the Soviet Union. US economic power won the Cold War, because the Soviets could never use its advantage (its military) to destroy the US whereas the US used its superior economic power to its advantage.

With each passing decade, the US will continue to lose power and influence globally and China will increase its power and influence.

The best days of the US are well behind them.
With the DF-41 now in operation, the chance of war between US and China have decreased as the cost of all out war with China for the US is way too high. This means the military advantage the US has over China can never be used to destroy China but China can now use its advantage (its economy) to diminish American power globally.

This is what happened between the US and the Soviet Union. US economic power won the Cold War, because the Soviets could never use its advantage (its military) to destroy the US whereas the US used its superior economic power to its advantage.

With each passing decade, the US will continue to lose power and influence globally and China will increase its power and influence.

The best days of the US are well behind them.

We need to keep increasing and upgrading our nuclear capability, because this is the best way to prevent the warmongering behavior from our opponent.

So we can keep outplaying them with our economic leverage.
The best part is all the trillion of tax payers money being used since Reagan time to build a missile shield that (Perhaps with the exception of against N Korea) does not work and will never work.

US Defense Industries are the biggest winner. US tax payers ....... the biggest losers.
The best part is all the trillion of tax payers money being used since Reagan time to build a missile shield that (Perhaps with the exception of against N Korea) does not work and will never work.

US Defense Industries are the biggest winner. US tax payers ....... the biggest losers.
You said that, not because you have any clue about the subject, but only because of spite and petty jealousy.

So here is a clue for you, son...

LGR - The ARPANET and Computer Networks
The technical and operational success of the ARPANET quickly demonstrated to a generally skeptical world that packet switching could be organized to provide an efficient and highly responsive interactive data communications facility.
There were a lot of skepticism about ARPANET's notion of having a nuclear war survivable communication network all across the US. Naturally, the ones with the most doubts were the loudest mouths about their doubts. Kinda like you and your mouth. :lol:

Then when Raygun proposed SDI, of course there were plenty of skeptics being vocal about their doubts, never mind that barely twenty yrs earlier, the US with the Nike-Zeus interceptor program were figuratively walking its interceptor towards a dummy warhead and that it was the ABM Treaty that cancelled the program. Today, with advances in sensors and computational powers, only fools like yourselves would reveal your foolishness by loudly proclaiming that such an interception is 'impossible'.

Then when the F-117 came out, there were skeptics who loudly stated that 'stealth' was 'impossible' due to A, B, and C reasons. Now they pretty much STFU.

The US defense industries are the winners while the rest of the world -- losers. By a mile, son.
You said that, not because you have any clue about the subject, but only because of spite and petty jealousy.

So here is a clue for you, son...

LGR - The ARPANET and Computer Networks

There were a lot of skepticism about ARPANET's notion of having a nuclear war survivable communication network all across the US. Naturally, the ones with the most doubts were the loudest mouths about their doubts. Kinda like you and your mouth. :lol:

Then when Raygun proposed SDI, of course there were plenty of skeptics being vocal about their doubts, never mind that barely twenty yrs earlier, the US with the Nike-Zeus interceptor program were figuratively walking its interceptor towards a dummy warhead and that it was the ABM Treaty that cancelled the program. Today, with advances in sensors and computational powers, only fools like yourselves would reveal your foolishness by loudly proclaiming that such an interception is 'impossible'.

Then when the F-117 came out, there were skeptics who loudly stated that 'stealth' was 'impossible' due to A, B, and C reasons. Now they pretty much STFU.

The US defense industries are the winners while the rest of the world -- losers. By a mile, son.
asusual amrican superiority complex:p::cry::lol::lol: Mr. Gambit you don't admit the fact that DF-41 is far far advance for your whole missiles shield don't you Mr
IMO, the PLAN is not close to being on par with the USN. Not in 10 years and not in 20 years. How does the DF-41 tie into this? Previously, American warplanners envisioned attacks on mainland China as a viable extension of Air/Sea Battle. One of the main reasons for lack of American hesitation was because China's nuclear deterrent was always minimal. This was due to faulty Chinese political policy and an erroneous belief that even a single nuclear weapon is sufficient deterrent against any adversary. Why else, after 5 decades, would China opt to have one of the world's smallest nuclear arsenals with only a limited number of ICBMs?

American arrogance (and we see a manifestation of that in American posters on PDF) has changed the strategic calculus. Chinese leaders have rightfully determined that Americans are willing and eager to attack the Chinese mainland during any conventional conflict - something the US would never do to Russia - precisely because of Russia's massive nuclear arsenal and ability to end the United States' existence. So China has responded in kind and accelerated her development and acquisition of ICBMs and nuclear warheads. A nuclear arsenal is useless if a potential adversary doesn't fear your capabilities and believes that they can "win" a nuclear exchange. There's no deterrent value and they will attack your cities, infrastructure, hospitals etc with conventional weapons because they believe that if the force escalation continuum were taken to its logical conclusion, they would survive while you would be completely obliterated.

Now, Chinese leaders have rightfully determined that they need a lot more nukes and ICBMs so that in the case of any nuclear exchange due to escalating conventional attacks on mainland China, America will feel more pain and realize that it won't "win" with all of its major cities in smouldering ruins. It's about time. With a larger Chinese nuclear arsenal, the world just got a lot safer. And this is one nuclear "peace" process that the US definitely had a hand in bringing about. Thanks 'Murica! :angel:
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