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I geniunly feel sorry for people who are trying to cover up Irans internal problems; this is also counts for turkeys.

Some say 'unlike Turkey,ethnic groups in Iran have lived by each other for thousands of years peacefully'- then i look at PJAK, the Jundallah.[1] Even notable people in iran lecture about ethnic conflicts in Iran. The only reason why there are less terror groups, when compared to all the ethnic minorities, is because Iran is already split; into states.

[1] Iranian Studies Group at MIT

However these terror groups don't represent the whole population of the minority, just like the PKK and how they only got 5.8% of the vote. We must not forget that such terror groups do not aim to give more 'freedom' to 'their people'; their aim is to destabilise the country and keep the them weak foor external control.
I geniunly feel sorry for people who are trying to cover up Irans internal problems; this is also counts for turkeys.

Some say 'unlike Turkey,ethnic groups in Iran have lived by each other for thousands of years peacefully'- then i look at PJAK, the Jundallah.[1] Even notable people in iran lecture about ethnic conflicts in Iran. The only reason why there are less terror groups, when compared to all the ethnic minorities, is because Iran is already split; into states.

[1] Iranian Studies Group at MIT

However these terror groups don't represent the whole population of the minority, just like the PKK and how they only got 5.8% of the vote. We must not forget that such terror groups do not aim to give more 'freedom' to 'their people'; their aim is to destabilise the country and keep the them weak foor external control.
Sorry dude,but you are deeply wrong.
If you call Iran splited up,then I don't know what Turkey is.
Yes Iranians have lived peacefully together for many years,and bringing examples like Jundallah (who was supported by Arab regimes,Al-Qaeda and U.S) and also PJAK who is the sister of PKK,is very silly.
For example,about Jundallah,when Iran captured their leader,Baloochs rushed in to streets and celebrated for hours and days.That guy and his group were hated even by their own tribe.Now Jundallah is vanished,and Pjak has gone out of Iran and now probably are fighting with Turkey.They don't represent anything.
Iran is united,today more than ever,And I won't be surprised if some people are jealous about it or trying to manipulate the facts.
Turkey is 80% Turks

Iran 60% Persian

Iran tabriz , many Turks chanting Yashasin Turkiye
Turkey is 80% Turks

Iran 60% Persian

Iran tabriz , many Turks chanting Yashasin Turkiye
You are misunderstood my friend.Who says Iran is only about Persians?All these ethnic groups together define Iran.
Chanting Yashasin Turkey doesn't show that they don't support their own country,no offense,but that conclusion is ridiculous.You should practice some reasoning skills.
All the ethnic groups in Turkey define Turkey but very high majority is Turks .

All the ethnic groups define Iran but the persians are not very much ( persians being iranic people ) , while they are alot of Turkmens , Arabs , Afshar Turks and other tribes and ethnicities.
All the ethnic groups in Turkey define Turkey but very high majority is Turks .

All the ethnic groups define Iran but the persians are not very much ( persians being iranic people ) , while they are alot of Turkmens , Arabs , Afshar Turks and other tribes and ethnicities.
After Iraq attacked Iran,it was Arabs,Kurds and Azeris who fought the enemy in first days of war,before the army arrives.
I think it's hard for you to digest it,all those ethnic group love their country and are patriots,some even more than Persians.They have sacrificed their lives for this country,and are still willing to.Iran is like Russia,China,India,Pakistan or US,it consists of many ethnic groups,but all of them are patriots and put Iran before any other things,like language,race or ethnics.
Obviously they will , do they like iraq more or the country they live in? . In cyprus peace operation , pkk operations and other things theres so many kurds who also died for the country , infact alot of the martyrs killed by PKK are kurds aswell .
After Iraq attacked Iran,it was Arabs,Kurds and Azeris who fought the enemy in first days of war,before the army arrives.
I think it's hard for you to digest it,all those ethnic group love their country and are patriots,some even more than Persians.They have sacrificed their lives for this country,and are still willing to.Iran is like Russia,China,India,Pakistan or US,it consists of many ethnic groups,but all of them are patriots and put Iran before any other things,like language,race or ethnics.

ignore them ... recently turks member connect every of their problems to Iran and in the end they saying " Iran will be separate in near future " ....

let them dream , they aren't worthy enough to answering them .... their heart is full of hatred toward Iran so your words have no effect .....
Twillight your talking pure illogical . It wasnt us making constant non-stop threads about Iranians , but Tabriz azari the fake azari turk who cant speak turkish , he made like 10 threads all about us .
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