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PKK kidnaps CHP deputy

Level of racism in this post is so damn high.
You can not drive them out of their lands,it's not 20th century anymore,it's 2012.

Population exchange is a solution. Bring Syrian and Iraqi Turkmens, send Kurds. For 30 years we are wasting manpower and money. It is a peaceful solution.
To everyone please watch this .

Look how our soldiers even when they can totally destroy them allows them to surrender i bet even US dont do this

Infact i think we should consider bringing all syrian turkmens and iraqi turkmens under our wings , if not there is 3 million or more turks living in algeria , we can bring them in .

Turks in Algeria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Population exchange is a solution. Bring Syrian and Iraqi Turkmens, send Kurds. For 30 years we are wasting manpower and money. It is a peaceful solution.

If you really want to do this,then I won't see any difference between Turkey and Nazi Germany.There are already 2 ethnic groups in Turkey:Turks and Kurds and you can't tolerate each other.This shows how racially,you guys are intolerable,which reminds me only of ruling of Nazis over Germany.
If you really want to do this,then I won't see any difference between Turkey and Nazi Germany.There are already 2 ethnic groups in Turkey:Turks and Kurds and you can't tolerate each other.This shows how racially,you guys are intolerable,which reminds me only of ruling of Nazis over Germany.

Pkk's are a very small minority in the hands of people used as a tool. Althoughthey have thier own party , they have like 6% votes , a very small number . Can they even have a party in Iran? or even an MP?

If you really want to do this,then I won't see any difference between Turkey and Nazi Germany.There are already 2 ethnic groups in Turkey:Turks and Kurds and you can't tolerate each other.This shows how racially,you guys are intolerable,which reminds me only of ruling of Nazis over Germany.

I think persians in iran are even more intolerable , they are constantly racist in Iran , although TURKS have constantly in History ( i read history alot) never ever backstab people they live with and have friendhsip with Turks in Iran have absolutely no rights , thats why because of our honouros History and people , we didnt pick up arms although a very huge number , but this policy cannot be continoed for a very long time.
PKK tarafından yapılan açıklamada, Hüseyin Aygün’ün siyasi tavrı dolayısıyla yapılan “yoğun şikâyetler” üzerine “gözaltına” alındığı belirtildi.

Hüseyin Aygün'ün Türkiye’de devletin “Dersim’e ve Dersim halkına” yönelik yürüttüğü politikalara ve ayrıca "Dersim’de geliştirilmek istenen barajlara" dikkat çekmek ve kendisinin bu politikaların hizmetine girmemesi gerekliliğini hatırlatmak amacıyla gözaltına alındığını belirten terörist örgüt, "Hüseyin Aygün kısa bir süre içerisinde serbest bırakılacaktır” dedi.
Milliyet - Aygün'ü kaç

Sorry no english article. You can try google translating it. What is this? And CHP wants olagnustu meeting because of this? MHP declined it as well. Since it seems it was all staged from beginning.
Zulkarneyn, CHP requested that meeting before that issue, its generally for the terror situation.

CHP has the enough numbers, there will be meeting tomorrow, I don't know why people againts that ? for what ? nobody is explaining that, just repeating what AKP says.
It was a different story,first of all,it was based on religion.Secondly,those people had already been displaced because of wars,so they came back to their homelands.Thirdly,you can not compare Kurds with them.Kurds have been here for hundreds of years,so it's called their homeland too,you can't force them to another place.This is exactly what Nazis did.
Pkk's are a very small minority in the hands of people used as a tool. Althoughthey have thier own party , they have like 6% votes , a very small number . Can they even have a party in Iran? or even an MP?

I think persians in iran are even more intolerable , they are constantly racist in Iran , although TURKS have constantly in History ( i read history alot) never ever backstab people they live with and have friendhsip with Turks in Iran have absolutely no rights , thats why because of our honouros History and people , we didnt pick up arms although a very huge number , but this policy cannot be continoed for a very long time.

First of all,this topic is not about Iran,it's about Kurds and Turkey.Secondly,unlike Turkey,ethnic groups in Iran have lived by each other for thousands of years peacefully.No one is intolerable in Iran (except very few Pan-Turks or Pan-Persians).And the statements that Azeris do not have any right in Iran is a big lie.The only thing that they don't have now (though it is mentioned explicitly in the law) is teaching of their language in school that I absolutely support them to have it and I'm sure soon it will happen in Iran.Let's not derail the topic with Iran.You can't make a different thread and we can discuss it in there.
HAHA these British tourists were realised 1 day after they were kidnapped :) and the rest there is no proof that it was PKK.

PKK rebels free kidnapped Briton in Turkey | Reuters

My father told me everyting the Turkish state did against him, his family and his village! stop lying you dirty disgusting barbarian, no wonder why everyone hate you in Europe

You may be personally a good person. Europeans may think highly of you, "personally".

The thing is that: this conflict started before I was born, you were born or your father was born. You continue what you inherited. Feel free to continue. If you think you can shoot a gun, I do the same as well.
Here lets distinguish people who want rights and terrorists and normal kurdish civilians.

PKK - Kill kurdish people , use them as shield , put bombs in cities , kills civilians .

What is supposed to happen if these people had any honour and where humans.

Become a member of their party , and support for more rights ( they have absolutely every single right) or problems happening in every country . Protest like humans , not with molotofs and human shields.

But.... If your aim is kurdistan in Iraq , Turkey , Iran and syria , then think twice , Turkish and Iranian army will wipe you out , be so so thankful we signed all these human rights BS , otherwise these PKKs would have been in what was 1990s , You will be sandwiched to death Between Turks , Iranians and Arabs . It wont happen but just saying .

You don't have strong seperatist movements yet(all of them still weak), although situation of Iran is not different then Turkey, what kind of ethno-cultural rights does minorities in Iran have ? Iran using Shia Islam card, and its seems like its still works but till when ? Iran will turn to same situation with Turkey when a strong seperatist movement starts, your people's reaction will be not different then what you see here.
It was a different story,first of all,it was based on religion.Secondly,those people had already been displaced because of wars,so they came back to their homelands.Thirdly,you can not compare Kurds with them.Kurds have been here for hundreds of years,so it's called their homeland too,you can't force them to another place.This is exactly what Nazis did.

If it is about the secuirty of my family, I dont care what a Iranian think. I am not gonna get lesson from a person living with Mullahs.

If you care so much about Kurds, what is your opinion for Syrian and Iraqi Turkmens? Turkmens have been massacred, assassinated many times in the history, and recent history. Kurds are attention wh0res. Not only Kurds suffer.

You don't have strong seperatist movements yet(all of them still weak), although situation of Iran is not different then Turkey, what kind of ethno-cultural rights does minorities in Iran have ? Iran using Shia Islam card, and its seems like its still works but till when ? Iran will turn to same situation with Turkey when a strong seperatist movement starts, your people's reaction will be not different then what you see here.

They do have sepratism , but its on the lows right now , this happens to all terrorist organisations like it happened in turkey in the end of 1990s , Iran has so many ethnics , as i said TURKS are not honourless people to take armes against people they live with like Kurds , but its like as they dont use arms or raise their voices the other one supresses even more , this will carry on , carry on then blast somehow. Turkeys ethnicities is just TURK very high percentage and some kurds , split than into very patriotic kurds who love Turkey and pkk supporters , and normal kurds who just live normal.

People still dont know how many Turks there are , we supported them alot before but with the AKP government its lowered because all they think about is Sunni Muslims , soon Devlet Bahceli will do his namaz in Kerkuk .

Ahmet davutoglu Kerkuk - look at the people still , our turkmen brothers.

Ahmet Davutoglu'nun Kerkük Ziyareti - YouTube
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