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PKK kidnaps CHP deputy

We missing a point and thats the fact that our own media doesnt call pkk a terror organisation anymore but a outlawed workers party.
Turkish media is under control of zionists. Who cares what do they call it? Every single Turkish call it terrorist.
I do not believe that he has kidnapped by Pkk. I am pretty sure he just joined them and he will be a guest of pkk for a while. This is new game of chp for sabotaging operations of TSK. There are two parties in Turkiye which are supporting pkk. They are bdp and chp.

Chp falan umrumda değil ama bariz bi şekilde bu iktidarın muhalefet partilerine çamur atmasından başka birşey değil, gelenektir zaten muhalefete çamur atmak.

Edit: Türk medyası AKP'nin kontrolü altında, bir kaç muhalif var onuda görüyosunuz deli gibi susturmaya çalışıyorlar, kör müsünüz anlamıyorum ki.

Sorry for Turkish, where the hell is Turkish thread ?
Chp falan umrumda değil ama bariz bi şekilde bu iktidarın muhalefet partilerine çamur atmasından başka birşey değil, gelenektir zaten muhalefete çamur atmak.

Edit: Türk medyası AKP'nin kontrolü altında, bir kaç muhalif var onuda görüyosunuz deli gibi susturmaya çalışıyorlar, kör müsünüz anlamıyorum ki.

Sorry for Turkish, where the hell is Turkish thread ?

Come on bro. dont be naive. Its crystal clear that parliamentarian is not kidnapped. Since operations had started against pkk, they lost a lot militant. The branch of pkk, chp has started to sabotage that and called Parliament for meeting. Current gov. rejected it then chp started to play other a game and that so-called parliamentarian is a bait. His family members made a statement earlier this morning and ordered to stop operations against terrorist pkk. This is the the summary of hole story.
Why you think Chp is a branch of pkk ? well, because AKP says so, please just open your eyes, what operations ? are you seriously believe this ? thats clearly a pkk offensive ! Akp trying to hide it thorugh their media organs, how exactly meeting will harm any action againts pkk ? can you explain ? no you can't because you're not questioning, you're believing everything akp says.

I don't know about that parliamentarian, kidnapped or gone himself I don't care but don't believe every propaganda you hear.
Yes you're, how can someone believe that recent events are a serious of successful operations by Turkish army ? well, people that believes on AKP's propaganda media also believes that :disagree:

Since the early 90s, its the first time PKK trying to establish area dominance, thats why those clashes lasted that long, because instead of hitting and running like everytime they do, they're trying to hold strategic positions.

Aynı Hacı Bayram gibi konuşuyor buradaki bazı kişiler. Kim bu Hacı Bayram? Geçenlerde polisleri suçlu gibi sıraya dizen bir milletvekili oğlu vardı ya, onun babası...

Demek ki AKP'nin propaganda organları iyi çalışıyor.

I believe what akp says? do i? :rofl:

Yes you are, without even realizing it.

Aynı Hacı Bayram gibi konuşuyor buradaki bazı kişiler. Kim bu Hacı Bayram? Geçenlerde polisleri suçlu gibi sıraya dizen bir milletvekili oğlu vardı ya, onun babası...

Demek ki AKP'nin propaganda organları iyi çalışıyor.

Yes you are, without even realizing it.

After Kemal took over the CHP, ethnic and religious demographics of CHP have changed dramatically.

AKP voters have no right to judge CHP either, they are no.1 Kurd supporters.
Dude i didn't claim that TSK is successful but they hurt pkk more that they(militants of pkk) expected. That's why pkk attacks like a savage animal everywhere in Turkiye. This is not propaganda this is fact. You agree or not doesnt matter for me.

One more thing, i hate akp so please stop this nonsense.
Doesn't matter who is more hurted(I also don't believe the numbers given anymore), TSK is in the defensive positions in those skirmishes , AKP is trying to show it as a TSK offensive and people believes in that, one of the worst parts I hate about AKP, people seriously believe their sh.t without questioning.
The East is so backward that its so disheartning for all Turks everywhere. Lets just give them their automnomy or Independence. Im sick of these killings and terrorism..I fear the east will be our grave yard
The East is so backward that its so disheartning for all Turks everywhere. Lets just give them their automnomy or Independence. Im sick of these killings and terrorism..I fear the east will be our grave yard

No way in hell we are going give our soil! Instead why are we not solving kurd problem just like armenian problem? Mass Deportations! What was those seperatists kurds asking? To live under own flag right? Well guess what? Kurdistan already created as Northern Iraq Automnous Region and have very good relationship and trade market with Turkey.They even use Kurdish flag so i say lets wait till they break themselves from Iraq , recognaze them as Kurdistan and deport every ******** soul living in southeast Turkey so they could live with their own kin , under their own flag and speak Kurdish as much as they like.Do you guys relaize how wonderful would it be if we were send 10 million kurds to Iraq from those PKK aligned areas? Hell we encourage them , we make houses for them to live in Iraq , we give every family a car/basic needs as long as they accept to abolish their Turkish citizenships.Just think about it how perfect would it be if 10 million kurds from those hot zones were to deported to Iraq Kurdish Region and their Turkish citizenship were to terminated.
Everybody clearly and clearly knows this was planned , even if it wasnt he was an unofficial Pkk supporter so it doesnt matter , we shouldnt even try to save him.
No way in hell we are going give our soil! Instead why are we not solving kurd problem just like armenian problem? Mass Deportations! What was those seperatists kurds asking? To live under own flag right? Well guess what? Kurdistan already created as Northern Iraq Automnous Region and have very good relationship and trade market with Turkey.They even use Kurdish flag so i say lets wait till they break themselves from Iraq , recognaze them as Kurdistan and deport every ******** soul living in southeast Turkey so they could live with their own kin , under their own flag and speak Kurdish as much as they like.Do you guys relaize how wonderful would it be if we were send 10 million kurds to Iraq from those PKK aligned areas? Hell we encourage them , we make houses for them to live in Iraq , we give every family a car/basic needs as long as they accept to abolish their Turkish citizenships.Just think about it how perfect would it be if 10 million kurds from those hot zones were to deported to Iraq Kurdish Region and their Turkish citizenship were to terminated.
Level of racism in this post is so damn high.
You can not drive them out of their lands,it's not 20th century anymore,it's 2012.
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