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Picturing Pakistan's Past: The Beatles, Booze And Bikinis

Once again a great thread which gives us the hope that we can coexist even with our differences. :cheers:
we have to make sure to our selves that our freedom ends where our nose ends. :azn:
Nope she was an Indian leader.

ok so if indra gandhi was just a leader then you have your answer in your own statement meshud boy is a leader of thugs nothing to do with religion! :wave:
I think Nadeem Farooq Paracha and his liberal types are idiots who want to live in past. They want a country where alcohol is flowing like water, where women are clad in min skirts and bikini, because for them, that modernity.

If that is what they want, they can easily immigrate to the west reasoning their mental persecution and suffocation they feel in the country.

Linking modernization with booze, hashish and backwardness with Islam or any other religion is plain stupidity and illusion of the worst kind. The life and its values are not as binary as Nadeem Paracha and his type want us to believe.

Pakistan has moved on. If this extremism is bad, then the moral degradation of the 60s and 70s was equally bad. Honestly, I would not want any of the extreme types of Pakistan but something middle of the road one.

If Nadeem Paracha has a disgust for religion and he shows his rejection of current Pakistan by referring to 60s and 70s all the time, isn't that extremism? How come using religion at gun point is extremism but peddling your ideology and rejecting the other side not extremism?

These liberal fascists indulge in worst kind of extremism.

To a certain point you are absolutely correct that these liberal fascists like Nadeem Paracha and company are behind the degradation of Pakistan. However, I believe the solution to peace in Pakistan is to have a political unity amongst all sects (Sunni, Shia, Wahabi, Deobandi,etc) while not compromising on their religious differences.

And have the entire country run on the principals of Islamic law where our Constitution is The Holy Quran and Hadees.
To a certain point you are absolutely correct that these liberal fascists like Nadeem Paracha and company are behind the degradation of Pakistan.

There is no such thing as liberal fascists. Its a term created by the terrorist sympathizers to equate and create an unreal opposite side.

Liberal fascists dont blow your head off if you dont agree with them, nor do they kill little girls. So please keep these lying terms to yourself.
There is no such thing as liberal fascists. Its a term created by the terrorist sympathizers to equate and create an unreal opposite side.

Liberal fascists dont blow your head off if you dont agree with them, nor do they kill little girls. So please keep these lying terms to yourself.

This conversation has nothing to do with Indians. This is strictly about Pakistan and Pakistanis
Oh God !!
When will Mr. Paracha come out of the 60s ? He seems to find every link leading to the 60s and then ending in the cruel dictatorship of Zia ul-Haq.

We need modernisation in sectors like economy, education, health, law&order.
Not just booze and bikinis Mr. Paracha ;)
This conversation has nothing to do with Indians. This is strictly about Pakistan and Pakistanis

This is an international forum. Should there need be a private conversation the forum would not be fashioned as it is.
Hard for you it undoubtedly would be, but keep your postings limited to the discussion at hand, not the nationality of other members.

Oh God !!
When will Mr. Paracha come out of the 60s ? He seems to find every link leading to the 60s and then ending in the cruel dictatorship of Zia ul-Haq.

We need modernisation in sectors like economy, education, health, law&order.
Not just booze and bikinis Mr. Paracha ;)

You missed his message altogether. The point about booze and bikinis emphasize that Pakistan was a tolerant vibrant society - when a society is at peace and tolerant, other sectors like economy, education, health, law and order invariably work better.
This is an international forum. Should there need be a private conversation the forum would not be fashioned as it is.
Hard for you it undoubtedly would be, but keep your postings limited to the discussion at hand, not the nationality of other members.

You missed his message altogether. The point about booze and bikinis emphasize that Pakistan was a tolerant vibrant society - when a society is at peace and tolerant, other sectors like economy, education, health, law and order invariably work better.

Ah yes! Since it's an international forum you can blabber whatever you like, right?

Regardless, of whether its an international forum or not, the say of Pakistanis is more important in this regard. All you guys do on this "international forum" is troll, hence why a majority of Pakistanis don't want to see the garbage spewed by you bhartis. At best you guys are unwelcomed guests on PDF.
... You missed his message altogether. The point about booze and bikinis emphasize that Pakistan was a tolerant vibrant society - when a society is at peace and tolerant, other sectors like economy, education, health, law and order invariably work better.

I agree with what you say about tolerance bringing in much needed peace and stability.
People should be free to wear whatever they want, however, the two Bs (booze + bikinis) are not the only symbols of tolerance.

All I'm saying that the two Bs should be a matter of choice, not to be sobbed over continuously in every article like some pervert.

It's hard to type the response btw. Listening to Tahirul Qadri's speech at the same time LOL.
Ah yes! Since it's an international forum you can blabber whatever you like, right?

Regardless, of whether its an international forum or not, the say of Pakistanis is more important in this regard. All you guys do on this "international forum" is troll, hence why a majority of Pakistanis don't want to see the garbage spewed by you bhartis. At best you guys are unwelcomed guests on PDF.

Allow me to say just one thing - you are not the voice of Pakistani's. You are not the elected one to represent the collective opinions.

You are not the owner or a moderator of this forum to pass fatwas on who are or are not welcome on this forum. You are a guest on this forum, just like me. Limit your discussions to the topic at hand. Hard i understand for people like you, but try nonetheless.

I agree with what you say about tolerance bringing in much needed peace and stability.
People should be free to wear whatever they want, however, the two Bs (booze + bikinis) are not the only symbols of tolerance.

All I'm saying that the two Bs should be a matter of choice, not to be sobbed over continuously in every article like some pervert.

It's hard to type the response btw. Listening to Tahirul Qadri's speech at the same time LOL.

True, booze and bikinis are not the only symbols, but they are some of the symbols. I suppose for him its nostalgia having lived in that age.

Who is Tahirul Qadri?
Please mate, dont insult us. There should be a Hindus or India in that line as well.

You'll be surprised actually to know, Pakistanis at this point of time are least concerned about India.
You'll be surprised actually to know, Pakistanis at this point of time are least concerned about India.

I do know it. And im quite happy for it. I was just saying that we do come up in the usual suspects/enemies list. However the order of rankings is rapidly changing.
... True, booze and bikinis are not the only symbols, but they are some of the symbols. I suppose for him its nostalgia having lived in that age.

Who is Tahirul Qadri?

Yeah but his 24/7 nostalgia is a bit unsettling. If he keeps this up, more people are going to wish it never happens again for the sake of preventing people like him in the future.

And here's a wiki on Tahir ul-Qadri. He's currently in Lahore giving a speech about reforms he wants to see here.
So we essentially swung from one extreme to another ! What happened to the 'moderate' Pakistan ? :what:

No, Pakistan WAS 'moderate' till about the late 70's. Islam was still a dominant part of everyone's life then but there were pockets more liberal social scenes which now don't exist.

I am a witness to the bikinis on Karachi beaches, of teachers wearing mid-skirts, of hotels serving beers to guests at swimming pools, of seemingly endless arrivals of foreign leaders and grand receptions for them on the streets.

The social scene was relaxed--much more than what happened by 1988 (Zia's death)--but there were still Shia-Sunni riots, the national politics was far too ethnic than now, the Deobandi and Brelvies at each others throat. Even in those relaxed days the poverty was more obvious; one of the common phrases was: 'There must be a God because otherwise Pakistan can't exist'.

Pakistan HAD swung to an extreme by 1988 but since then there is a reversal, however slow, but there is. It is a different matter that, due to WOT, Pakistan is facing tremendous challenges. Once peace is restored you will see!
No, Pakistan WAS 'moderate' till about the late 70's. Islam was still a dominant part of everyone's life then but there were pockets more liberal social scenes which now don't exist.

I am a witness to the bikinis on Karachi beaches, of teachers wearing mid-skirts, of hotels serving beers to guests at swimming pools, of seemingly endless arrivals of foreign leaders and grand receptions for them on the streets.

Why the hell wasn't I born pre '70s ! :hitwall:

On a serious note : To my palate thats pretty extreme too ! If modernity or moderation is measured by 'minimalist' clothing & 'booze' them I'm afraid that wasn't an idyllic setting for me either !
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