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Picturing Pakistan's Past: The Beatles, Booze And Bikinis

:lol: oh snap, revolution is coming!!!!! funny how everyone in our country freely bashes the liberals and blames liberals for 'destroying' pakistan meanwhile the religious extremists slaugher innocent men/women/childern of the soil in pieces.
Yes Liberals destroyed Baluchistan they destroyed and supported those who attacked children and women in Tribal Areas and when they attack Muslims lands these traitors will be taken out really very soon and Islam will be enforced
A question to pakistani muslims?
What if Muhammad pbuh, somehow returned to the earth and became a ruler of Pakistan.
How would he rule? What things he would permit & what would he disallow? What laws would he implement & how would he enforce them? What type of liberties he would allow to be exercised publicly & privately?

I am very curious to know from the muslims of Pakistan. Pls treat this as if it was really going to happen.

George Bernard Shaw - The Genuine Islam Vol.No.8, 1936.

See post 142.
Yes Liberals destroyed Baluchistan they destroyed and supported those who attacked children and women in Tribal Areas and when they attack Muslims lands these traitors will be taken out really very soon and Islam will be enforced
How!!? by enforcing bikini fridays?:lol: tribal women and childern are also attacked by extremists in name of islam, Taliban who claim to bring islamic revolution aslo killed innocent pakistanis in thousands too, were those all dirty liberals/infidels? man shame on you.
I think Pakistan if 60's or 70's was better Pakistan then the Pakistan that we have at present , people had freedom to respect the faith with out hurting anyone else

Women were libral and had more freedom
There was no issue of Bombing .. NO issue
A man could make 100 ruppees per day and still buy bread and food for their children
A man could drink a beer but in the end of day he did not kills someone or blasted someone
We had Sports , Heros , and People to look up to
We had entertainment centers , TV and Radio where the best talent of country was displayed
We had writers and story tellers
Pakistani Banks , Airlies and other companies were world leaders
Pakistanis were respected , at airports and travelling with Pakistani Passport was not a half crime

We had leaders who would go to UN assembly and openly address their ideas and negotiate deals in favour of Pakistan ..

To put things in context in 60's we were projected to be leaders of Asia ahead of South Korea

70's brought us poverty and then came Zia Ul Haq , the extremist

And the Zia generation is what is driving the country to ground
oh please, they don't rule us, every country has bad 'apples' and you are right, dont know what def is and i don't listen to zaid hamid like fools.

Only bhartis constantly bring up Zaid Hamid on this forum.

Ah yes! Since it's an international forum you can blabber whatever you like, right?

Regardless, of whether its an international forum or not, the say of Pakistanis is more important in this regard. All you guys do on this "international forum" is troll, hence why a majority of Pakistanis don't want to see the garbage spewed by you bhartis. At best you guys are unwelcomed guests on PDF.

Don't bother even acknowledging him, I believe he is the same guy who tried to say temples are getting shahid in Pakistan. :rofl:
this cannot be the defence of what today is happening in Pakistan, I think condition today is much worse than u highlighted here.
the only thing that is hiding today's modernization is that we dont think that this is an issue anymore.
How!!? by enforcing bikini fridays?:lol: tribal women and childern are also attacked by extremists in name of islam, Taliban who claim to bring islamic revolution aslo killed innocent pakistanis in thousands too, were those all dirty liberals/infidels? man shame on you.
Your liberals attacked tribals people on American orders one of the biggest liberal jerks Musharraf attacked his own people on American orders made whole Pakistan their slave killed their children and women and now expect them to show mercy to you WOW first kill them destroy everything they have than expect humanity from them who pathetic of liberal jerks
and when they come back at you you cry the most WOW
Your liberals attacked tribals people on American orders one of the biggest liberal jerks Musharraf attacked his own people on American orders made whole Pakistan their slave killed their children and women and now expect them to show mercy to you WOW first kill them destroy everything they have than expect humanity from them who pathetic of liberal jerks

Calling Musharraf a liberal is an unpardonable insult for all Liberals in the world.You sir,Need to learn more about Liberalism before talking about it.
To Compare :

In 60's and 70's
The biggest issue was may be someone was a playboy or they openly drank so what ... its not like our current politicians are not playboys .. its just done under the table

We have so called , "Religious Champions" who shot people , I ask you , is killing bigger crime or drinking
We have people who would shot a women , if she was accused incorrectly of unfaithfulness (No proof needed)
We have people openly shooting a 10 year old girl with bullet in her head
We have people Killing Minorities just becasue they said something (mere debate issues)
There is free flowing of weapons
We have Bribes and illegeal price hiking etc

The bottom line is

The 60's generation and 70's was admirable .. for their Work ethics - their hard work their vision .. as Pakistani

The post 70's Zia generation has turned Pakistan into a backward , uneducated , class deprived of best talent in country as it works overseas

Pakistan Railways always a profitable organization now a failed institue

Pakistan steels , a gold nuggest with bright future reduced to rubbles I remember the buses of Pakistan steels running on Pakistani roads these used to be new beautiful buses now these are reduced to rubbles like the company

PIA the leading Airline company in West Asia or even Central Asia .. leading company in 60's and 70's ... now their planes are ... not even allowed to fly over some countries and continents

Pakistani Rupees ....was valuable it could allow a Family to eat food and get eductaed , a Pakistani worker would work hard earn 100 rupees and he would thank his allah and say proudly look I do not need to steal I can feed my children , with my hard work .. now .. 100 rupees can't even buy you Milk and Bread ....

Pakistani Hospitals were better equipped with talented doctors , now you see people lying on ground or 2 or 3 people in same bed ..

There was cricket and Hockey on TV and Success in sports

Many Pakistani Banks were leading Banks world wide .. with their Banking Policies now Pakistani can't even a bank account overseas , with out 10 documents

We have gone backword in since 1970's .. and Zia Ul Haq played a big role in that

The genration of 50's 60's 70's was admirable becasue they took a country with limited resources and turned it into Top Nations in Asia ...

What the religious generation did was turned the country into Cow Dung..

Musharraf was taking country into raod to prosperity and then it took 10-40 Religious Monkeys to bring him out of power .. and we see the results we are stuck with Zardari....
together with reporters supported by US embassy financing and condo gifs in UAE
We have a problem and we need to fix this problem......

I prefer Pakistan to be Pakistan of 60's

By Nature Pakistanis are fun loving people

a) We love Music
b) We love Sight Seeing
c) We love culture , and exhibitions interaction with other cultures

Its time for change in country

** The biggest damage to the country was , brain drain to Gulf states in 70's
this damage was irrversable - it allowed uneducated class to get into decision
making roles in all aspects of civil service.

** One thing Musharaff did during his time was he tried to bring back talent back
to pakistan with high salaries comparable to Salaries in USA not many people
would recall this but its a known fact that he tried to reverse the trend.
There is no such thing as liberal fascists. Its a term created by the terrorist sympathizers to equate and create an unreal opposite side.

Liberal fascists dont blow your head off if you dont agree with them, nor do they kill little girls. So please keep these lying terms to yourself.

Liberal fascists do exist just like terrorists.

Liberal fascists dont blow the head off but they blow the brain off with their stupid, unrealistic and imported ideas.

If you are so sympathetic to liberal fascists, then please keep living in your fairyland called India. This term is very relevant in Pakistani discourse.
No you are wrong.My father is a Muslim, and I have read Quran and I never hate or carry any prejudice towards it.But,I just don't agree with what it says.I find no reason to believe it is truth.
But you on the other hand does seem to have a prejudice.You seem to think those people who disagree with your faith and doing it out of hatred towards you and they are your enemies.

Nobody is buying your father is a Muslim we all know how it works, say you have a family member who is a Muslim to try and cover up your bigotry against Muslims. You assume that if you lie everybody will give you a pass for your deep insecurities for Muslims and regard what you say as some sort of critical review but it isn't going to work. Meanwhile you staunchly defend Hinduism left and right while claiming to be an atheist, let me guess you are going to say oh my mom is a Hindu. :rolleyes: Let me guess your "Muslim" father married a Hindu woman which is why you can be critical of Islam and defender of Hinduism, am I warm?? :lol: I doubt you even read the Quran, a lot of the Hindu brigade claim to know about Islam and claim to have read the Quran to try and peddle forth their foolish beliefs and act like they know more about Islam than Muslims. Save yourself the trouble.

Liberal fascists do exist just like terrorists.

Liberal fascists dont blow the head off but they blow the brain off with their stupid, unrealistic and imported ideas.

If you are so sympathetic to liberal fascists, then please keep living in your fairyland called India. This term is very relevant in Pakistani discourse.

You are talking to the guy who tried to peddle forth the notion that temples are "shahid". I am 95% sure it was this guy, if the thread wasn't closed I would try and go back but he isn't worth the trouble, or a reply so don't humor him.
Your liberals attacked tribals people on American orders one of the biggest liberal jerks Musharraf attacked his own people on American orders made whole Pakistan their slave

Who attacked the tribals ? Only terrorist were attacked hiding in tribal areas ! Liberals ? Who are the liberals - give me the very characteristics defining that lot first ? Tribal people's ancient customs used to treat women like slaves which continues even to this day , it was Musharraf's era under which the Pakistan Army entered the FATA for the first time - its own territory ... The economic condition of Pakistan in that " liberal's era " was the best in the history of country ! American orders ? Which your lot followed to make USA the sole super power by neutralizing USSR ... BRAVO !

Americans regard you as savior of their country and even now they dont have nothing to worry since the continental US is beyond your reach and with coalition leaving in 2014 - the best you can do is kill your own countrymen ... Go ahead !
this cannot be the defence of what today is happening in Pakistan, I think condition today is much worse than u highlighted here.
the only thing that is hiding today's modernization is that we dont think that this is an issue anymore.

:welcome: to :pdf:
Liberal fascists do exist just like terrorists.

Liberal fascists dont blow the head off but they blow the brain off with their stupid, unrealistic and imported ideas.

If you are so sympathetic to liberal fascists, then please keep living in your fairyland called India. This term is very relevant in Pakistani discourse.

Can you tell what the F**K is a Liberal fascists??
Whole term sound oxymoronic.
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