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Picturing Pakistan's Past: The Beatles, Booze And Bikinis

Nobody appreciates that extreme but this one is even more disgusting than that , one must ask himself was it worst than killing and terrorizing our own brethren - not to mention the intolerance to the difference in opinion in our times ?

Let the faith of a human be judged by God himself , not any mortal ( or like in our country - the Mullah who is considered the " God's viceroy " on earth who just cant simply be wrong ) ... Simply , if a person finds peace - he will follow the religion regardless of the laws of the country and the imposition of it ... What benefit lies there in shoving your interpretation of the religion down other's throat ?

Sir you statement is enough to show that you don't know anything about Islamic Laws Sir Islamic laws are for everything including economy judiciary and all other aspects of life and most laws have to implemented by government because its their duty according to book of ALLAH and Sunnah of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and Sir ALLAH will judge you that you implemented those laws or not ALLAH has told clearly what he will judge and what you have to implement on this earth you can't run away by saying ALLAH will judge human Islam doesn't work like that Sir
Sir you statement is enough to show that you don't know anything about Islamic Laws Sir Islamic laws are for everything including economy judiciary and all other aspects of life and most laws have to implemented by government because its their duty according to book of ALLAH and Sunnah of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and Sir ALLAH will judge you that you implemented those laws or not ALLAH has told clearly what he will judge and what you have to implement on this earth you can't run away by saying ALLAH will judge human Islam doesn't work like that Sir

That is fine and dandy my dear.

The problem with your argument is that for the last 1300 years, the guys like you say implement Allah's law.

But in reality it is all Ayatullah's law and Mullah's hand-chopping laws.

This is the worst kind of "bait-and-switch".

Boltay kuch, kurtay kuch.

Baghal main Churi, Moon pay Allah Allah

This my dear is what hypocrites used to do from the pagan days.

And now your ilk is spreading the same hypocrisy, the same anarchy, the same murders, the same assassinations, the same Haram puna, all in the name of Allah.

And our piyaray Rasool pbuh said, laanat ho munfafiqeen per.

Learn your fate and quit spreading the message of munafiqeen please.

peace to you, peace to all, peace in the world
That is fine and dandy my dear.

The problem with your argument is that for the last 1300 years, the guys like you say implement Allah's law.

But in reality it is all Ayatullah's law and Mullah's hand-chopping laws.

This is the worst kind of "bait-and-switch".

Boltay kuch, kurtay kuch.

Baghal main Churi, Moon pay Allah Allah

This my dear is what hypocrites used to do from the pagan days.

And now your ilk is spreading the same hypocrisy, the same anarchy, the same murders, the same assassinations, the same Haram puna, all in the name of Allah.

And our piyaray Rasool pbuh said, laanat ho munfafiqeen per.

Learn your fate and quit spreading the message of munafiqeen please.

peace to you, peace to all, peace in the world
Sir Hand Chopping is law of ALLAH not of any Mullah What hypocrites used to do is run away from Islam Sir and follow those some orders and make fun of other orders just like some people make fun of Hand Chopping for thieves which is from ALLAH and Sir for some crimes punishment is death and that is to order of ALLAH so first read Islam and than look at mirror Mr I am spreading massage of Islam if you problem with Islam than openly tell it
Sir you statement is enough to show that you don't know anything about Islamic Laws Sir Islamic laws are for everything including economy judiciary and all other aspects of life and most laws have to implemented by government

If a human is to be punished for his/her every wrongdoing right here in this world , why is there any " heaven " or " hell " for ? :azn: ... Where is the God given " free will " for goodness sake ? ... What do I not know about Islamic laws ? That there are dozens of different interpretations by different sects of the laws and other aspects ... Nay , I know it ... First try to create a welfare society which is free of poverty and crime , where everyone is free to express his opinion in a civil manner , where there is justice and freedom and then come talk here of implementing God knows what laws !

If my family is dying of hunger , I will steal and kill for them to get some food or any other goods , what use would Islamic laws be then in a society like today ? Answer it now ...

Is Bikini Booze Bettles something to be proud of?

Have you seen the whole thread ? Or was it just reading the first few lines and seeing the pictures enough to get you jump on the bandwagon without knowing what we are discussing here ?
Mr I am spreading massage of Islam if you problem with Islam than openly tell it

More like , you are trying to become the same " God's viceroy " on earth judging by your attitude , stubbornness and repetition ... Chanting death/capital punishment to anyone who disagrees with your interpretation of Islam of course in the name of " religion of peace " ... :azn:
More like , you are trying to become the same " God's viceroy " on earth judging by your attitude , stubbornness and repetition ... Chanting death/capital punishment to anyone who disagrees with your interpretation of Islam of course in the name of " religion of peace " ... :azn:
Yes I am the GOD so called viceroy just like the other Muslims who are

If a human is to be punished for his/her every wrongdoing right here in this world , why is there any " heaven " or " hell " for ? :azn: ... Where is the God given " free will " for goodness sake ? ... What do I not know about Islamic laws ? That there are dozens of different interpretations by different sects of the laws and other aspects ... Nay , I know it ... First try to create a welfare society which is free of poverty and crime , where everyone is free to express his opinion in a civil manner , where there is justice and freedom and then come talk here of implementing God knows what laws !

If my family is dying of hunger , I will steal and kill for them to get some food or any other goods , what use would Islamic laws be then in a society like today ? Answer it now ...

Have you seen the whole thread ? Or was it just reading the first few lines and seeing the pictures enough to get you jump on the bandwagon without knowing what we are discussing here ?
Sir humans will be punished for breaking laws which ALLAH has asked governments to implement Islamic laws have their use in every society regardless of time Sir
So as per you every Christian should deny the theory that earth revolves around sun because its against Bible
And Muslims should believe that earth is flat/humans just appeared on earth and no evolution occured

If you want to catch up with the modern world then your beliefs, social structure have to evolve
Not every thing written in religious texts is true or applicable in current world
Its your choice to live in the present or go back to 7th century

i can't say anything about christianity because i don't know about it. however, islam never told us the world is flat! as for evolution the debate still rages in the world regarding the theory if it is correct or not.

however, islam rejects the part of evolution that humans were first apes however, it accepts that humans,plants,animals adapt to their enviroment and learn to adjust.

we can be in the 21st century and follow the rules of religion. because religion is why we have been sent here to this planet.

in 7th century we didn't know much about the SOUL of humans and our prophet said leave it this is knowledge that your Lord knows and only he knows and no one else. and in 21st century no scientist has been able to break that code. so if you think of it everyone is still standing in the 21st century
No. I can comment on people issues. I just don't have to comment on the arguments Muslims have between themselves citing the Koran here the hadith there and revered Islamic commentators X, Y, Z in between.

That is the value system that the Jinnahites, if they didn't totally reject it, at least employed Western values and comparative religion as a touchstone to check with. In general, at the time (1970s-80s) I felt they were inclined to see the Western as superior, whereas I was more interested in the stronger structure of their family and friendships - not yet realizing that their ultimate purpose was more often to support corruption rather than values that benefit an entire society.

Hundreds of millions of Muslims have run away or split away from Pakistan to reject this. You should be able to perceive that even now it takes more "fight" and courage to reject "the system" than to implement it.

mate you are trying to explain rationalism to a foolish Taliban sympathiser, he is not ready to reason with his ideas nor is he ready to reason with what others tell to him or try to make him understand. I know this guy since he joined PDF and one thing he has been consistent about is. he allways tells that "Islam will be implemented by force".
Neither he understands religion nor tolerance.
Its a waste of your precious time to explain your experience of the past and your understanding of the present and the path of the future of Pakistan to morons like him
That is fine and dandy my dear.

The problem with your argument is that for the last 1300 years, the guys like you say implement Allah's law.

But in reality it is all Ayatullah's law and Mullah's hand-chopping laws.

This is the worst kind of "bait-and-switch".

Boltay kuch, kurtay kuch.

Baghal main Churi, Moon pay Allah Allah

This my dear is what hypocrites used to do from the pagan days.

And now your ilk is spreading the same hypocrisy, the same anarchy, the same murders, the same assassinations, the same Haram puna, all in the name of Allah.

And our piyaray Rasool pbuh said, laanat ho munfafiqeen per.

Learn your fate and quit spreading the message of munafiqeen please.

peace to you, peace to all, peace in the world

Mate, I am happy that you want change in your society. But please do not bring in the pegans, In India we have a lot of pegans who do not cause trouble to any one. Their belief and faith or God and religion does not affect the society in any way as most of them tend to leave this belief in their home or in the place of worship. You can quote me of RSS and other religious parties. Then there are equal number of other religious parties that represent Islam in INDIA.
Yes I am the GOD so called viceroy just like the other Muslims who are

Sir humans will be punished for breaking laws which ALLAH has asked governments to implement Islamic laws have their use in every society regardless of time Sir

you'll never feel the pain of the loss of human lives in this process what you seek off unless you lose one of your family member to this madness that you are asking for. I hope that God gives you reasoning ability before anything happens to your dear ones to make you realize the taste of your own radicalism.
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