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Pictures of Past three days of heavy snow in Iran

I am jealous :(
I guess we don't have a winter here this time.
I am jealous :(
I guess we don't have a winter here this time.
LOL, I am so happy that you are jealous :p:
hope you some snowy times in remaining winter days bro, but if that didn't happen you are so welcome to join us here.
Although the sight and pics look beautiful, I can't help but feel that the residents there are actually suffering because of it. I know how hard it gets to walk even short distances once the fresh snow gets compressed under it's own weight and solidifies further. And Vehicular traffic will be the worst hit.

I hope i am wrong on this and Iranians aren't too inconvenienced by such vagaries of Nature.
Although the sight and pics look beautiful, I can't help but feel that the residents there are actually suffering because of it. I know how hard it gets to walk even short distances once the fresh snow gets compressed under it's own weight and solidifies further. And Vehicular traffic will be the worst hit.

I hope i am wrong on this and Iranians aren't too inconvenienced by such vagaries of Nature.
Hell ya, you are absolutely right man.
Like drama movies, snow would be fun, as long as you loll in your armchair drink some hot tea, and watch it through window. But living a snowy situation is definitely something nerve shattering. knowing the fact that the days to come will be much much worse.
But personally right now, am enjoying the drama.
Hell ya, you are absolutely right man.
Like drama movies, snow would be fun, as long as you loll in your armchair drink some hot tea, and watch it through window. But living a snowy situation is definitely something nerve shattering. knowing the fact that the days to come will be much much worse.
But personally right now, am enjoying the drama.

Are you staying at the place shown in those pics? I assume the Caspian sea coast areas receive the highest amount of snow in Iran, as moisture picked by the winds blowing from the sea(or Lake?) cool and form more snow.
Hell ya, you are absolutely right man.
Like drama movies, snow would be fun, as long as you loll in your armchair drink some hot tea, and watch it through window. But living a snowy situation is definitely something nerve shattering. knowing the fact that the days to come will be much much worse.
But personally right now, am enjoying the drama.

this morning in news was that a lot of villages in northern province are cut off and lost electricity.
it seems they had to send some battalion from irgc and army to open the roads to those areas .
Thats more snow than we see in Switzerland in whole year. :lol:

Really? What Switzerland are you going to? :eek: i mean, this winter wasn't as generous, but i was in Switzerland for NY holidays and i was skiing on at least a meter of compacted snow.

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Really? What Switzerland are you going to? :eek: i mean, this winter wasn't as generous, but i was in Switzerland for NY holidays and i was skiing on at least a meter of compacted snow.
Well, Switzerland isnt alps only :lol:
Well, Switzerland isnt alps only :lol:


I was an hour's drive away from Zurich.

Anyhow, i don't mean to start an argument who has more snow, i just was astonished that you'd say that kind of snow falls in an entire winter, when i know it's a matter of three snowing days to get that kind of snow blanket...

I was an hour's drive away from Zurich.

Anyhow, i don't mean to start an argument who has more snow, i just was astonished that you'd say that kind of snow falls in an entire winter, when i know it's a matter of three snowing days to get that kind of snow blanket...
This year it only snowed 2cm in my place and molten in 1h. :-)
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