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Pictures illustrates FSA democracy in Syria!

Master and slave mentality too :lol:?

because their masters in the west... in addition because they are racist... they are supporting Alqaeda and killing Syrians and sending terrorists weapons to kill Syrians...

you do support them... you send them weapons and encourage their terrorists acts, you even celebrate their suicide bombings that kill innocent people...

like I said, show me a shia eating human organs... the F$A Faroq bridage leader ate human organs... F$A terrorists, the ones you support

You are think-headed. If we were supporting these individuals, then whyTF would someone eat someone else's flesh? :lol:

There are tons of videos shed a light on the Shia militias involvement in this conflict.
Master and slave mentality too :lol:?

You are think-headed. If we were supporting these individuals, then whyTF would someone eat someone else's flesh? :lol:

There are tons of videos shed a light on the Shia militias involvement in this conflict.

show me shia militants beheading humans or eating their organs....
Hahaha.....fake bullshit indignation....a couple days ago you were laughing at the fact that Syrian civilians were dying while saudi arabia remined untouched.....lol.......cheap propagandist......not even a good one....

Ethical reasons? .-.

If it weren't for the Syrian people being slaughtered, getting their skull crushed by the T-72 tanks, and the ongoing killing of children, then what for would it be? Don't tell me because of Iran blah blah blah, we had good relations with Assad, why are we going to turn against him for all of a sudden.

Maybe you will want to look at this to find out more.

LoLz. We don't support these baboons; stop taking advantages out of these savages. :lol:
Hahaha.....fake bullshit indignation....a couple days ago you were laughing at the fact that Syrian civilians were dying while saudi arabia remined untouched.....lol.......cheap propagandist......not even a good one....

And who might you be? Another key-board monster :lol:

prove to me they are shia or alawite...

I can make the same argument on any Nusrah execution :lol:

I will drop my ball here now.

Weren't they involve in the conflict? Yes, then well, here you go ;)

Is that the best you can do? Really? Lol....yes please leave now your arguments are bankrupt of any reason....cheap propagandist....
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Is that the best you can do? Really? Lol....yes please leave now your arguments are bankrupt of any reason....cheap propagandist....

I posted the video, you are entitled to believe or disbelieve it. :smart:

Enjoy being a typical PDF user.
I posted the video, you are entitled to believe or disbelieve it. :smart:

Enjoy being a typical PDF user.

I didnt see any syrian soldiers beheading anyone or canabalism or burying people alive or setting them on fire...and no gassing alawite children.....these are all things that your saudi terrorists have been doing and video taping for the past two years....

Basically i saw someone who had gotten the **** beaten out of them and was stabbed a few times....nowhere does it confirm it was assads soldiers..

Youre really up the creek without a paddle here...you are making comments and have NO...i repeat NO evidence to back it up...none whatsoever......

Your hasbara is weak son....try harder....
Barbaric Shia Nusayrie Soldiers Beating Sunni Girl infront of Father in Syria - YouTube
Aleppo | Assad's Soldiers Enjoying Dragging, Beating, Insulting and killing A Civilian - YouTube
18+ Syria - Assad Soldiers Kill Protesters, Abuse Bodies - Leon Panetta Wants to Save This Army - YouTube

Have a nice life Mr. Wannabe American
I didnt see any syrian soldiers beheading anyone or canabalism or burying people alive or setting them on fire...and no gassing alawite children.....these are all things that your saudi terrorists have been doing and video taping for the past two years....

Basically i saw someone who had gotten the **** beaten out of them and was stabbed a few times....nowhere does it confirm it was assads soldiers..

Youre really up the creek without a paddle here...you are making comments and have NO...i repeat NO evidence to back it up...none whatsoever......

Your hasbara is weak son....try harder....
So where are the beheadings and canabalism and burying people alive and setting them on fire and gassing alawite children? Because this is what your wahabi terrorists are doing....

Those videos dont exist do they? You are a liar....

And the best you can come up with is some terrorists getting beaten up....seriously? Are you that big of a lying pusssy?

No facts...just pure lies...no evidence....

Your hasbara gets weaker every minute.......

I can tell that you've gone mad over these videos :lol: :D :rofl: :omghaha: :laugh:

Let's refrain from using foul language, try not to lose temper, and not to go banana!

Were those barbarians associated with Assad's death squads? Yes.

Were those barbarians taking a pride by killing harmless people? Yes.

Were those barbarians dancing on the graves of the civilans? Yes.

Were those barbarians invovled in killing minors? Yes.

Let just draw a line in the sand; calling things what they ought to be call, and try not using Taqqyiah. :lol: You and the masters you are submitting to will pay a huge price over this.

So where are the beheadings and canabalism and burying people alive and setting them on fire and gassing alawite children? Because this is what your wahabi terrorists are doing....

Those videos dont exist do they? You are a liar....

And the best you can come up with is some terrorists getting beaten up....seriously? Are you that big of a lying pusssy?

No facts...just pure lies...no evidence....

Your hasbara gets weaker every minute.......
Lol......but where are the beheadings? I never said Assad never killed anyone...or that at some point early on there were mistakes made by some of his military....i can be homest about that because i am not a liar...those videos are over two years old......Why do you think the vast majority of Syrians support Assad now? Because no matter how bad Assad might have been at the beginning...he changed his ways...he won the people back...plus no matter how he was...the Syrian people have seen how much worse and barbaric your wahabi cannibals are...beheading..setting people on fire..burying people alive..gassing alawite children..cannibalizing dead bodies...
There are literally THOUSANDS of videos of this...and you and your fake indignation never denounced any of them....

Your hasbara is weak and you have no proof other than some *** kicking videos...shut up already...you cannot back anything up with any facts... Just lies....bullshit propaganda and fake indignation....

Youre saudi paymasters will pay for the hell they are currently putting innocent syrians through...and no cheap propaganda will save you...

I can tell that you've gone mad over these videos :lol: :D :rofl: :omghaha: :laugh:

Let's refrain from using foul language, try not to lose temper, and not to go banana!

Were those barbarians associated with Assad's death squads? Yes.

Were those barbarians taking a pride by killing harmless people? Yes.

Were those barbarians dancing on the graves of the civilans? Yes.

Were those barbarians invovled in killing minors? Yes.

Let just draw a line in the sand; calling things what they ought to be call, and try not using Taqqyiah. :lol: You and the masters you are submitting to will pay a huge price over this.
Lol......but where are the beheadings?

Assad death squads don't have the courage to confront their enemies. Instead, they flex their muscles on harmless people who bear no arms in hand. Haven't you wondered why hasn't Assad striked back at Israelis? :rofl:

I never said Assad never killed anyone...or that at some point early on there were mistakes made by some of his military....i can be homest about that because i am not a liar...those videos are over two years old......Why do you think the vast majority of Syrians support Assad now

LoLz, so now you are openly admitting that the Assad's regime committed crimes against humanity? Or were all these killings came under the umbrella of '' Manslaughter ''?

What are the vast majority? there are 18 million Syrians vying to throw Assad into the dead sea :lol: .. Unless you were using Taqqyiah then that might be something else!

Because no matter how bad Assad might have been at the beginning...he changed his ways...he won the people back...plus no matter how he was...the Syrian people have seen how much worse and barbaric your wahabi cannibals are...beheading..setting people on fire..burying people alive..gassing alawite children..cannibalizing dead bodies...
There are literally THOUSANDS of videos of this...and you and your fake indignation never denounced any of them....

Are you suggesting that you know better about the Syrians than us? Or was that your humane ego? :lol:

What Alawite children had the FSA gassed my dear? Are you going to buy the rubbish that came out from Assad's personal advisor? :D

Youre saudi paymasters will pay for the hell they are currently putting innocent syrians through...and no cheap propaganda will save you...

With all due respect bro, but neither you or your Black-turban Mullahs or the entire adherents to your own sect will do nothing about Syria. Forget about getting in our way because you failed in the past, and you keep failing in present, and will fail in future. :lol:

Lol......but where are the beheadings? I never said Assad never killed anyone...or that at some point early on there were mistakes made by some of his military....i can be homest about that because i am not a liar...those videos are over two years old......Why do you think the vast majority of Syrians support Assad now? Because no matter how bad Assad might have been at the beginning...he changed his ways...he won the people back...plus no matter how he was...the Syrian people have seen how much worse and barbaric your wahabi cannibals are...beheading..setting people on fire..burying people alive..gassing alawite children..cannibalizing dead bodies...
There are literally THOUSANDS of videos of this...and you and your fake indignation never denounced any of them....

Your hasbara is weak and you have no proof other than some *** kicking videos...shut up already...you cannot back anything up with any facts... Just lies....bullshit propaganda and fake indignation....

Youre saudi paymasters will pay for the hell they are currently putting innocent syrians through...and no cheap propaganda will save you...
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