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PIA plane crash near Model Colony Karachi with 93+ on board


The reason the control tower was not involved was because of the height and speed of the aircraft the ATC had not handed the aircraft over to the ground control tower---.

The landing gear did not come down was because the speed was above 250 knots where landing gear wuld not deploy---.

The not deployed landing gear chimes were on warning the pilot that the gear is not down---.

The question is what was the hurry to the pilot to descend so fast and land rather than going around and coming back---.

This is the crucial question---we understand that the Pilot was " hot dogging " the aircraft---but why and what caused him not to heed the warning of the air controller to go around---.

The other thin is---there were no other flights in the skies---no flights backing up---no worries of delays or late departure---what was the reason the pilot decided to land the first time---?

Pakistan airliner crash survivor says pilot warned of 'troublesome' landing seconds before crash
Moments before the Pakistan International Airlines flight crashed into a crowded neighbourhood near Karachi's international airport, surviving passenger Mohammad Zubair says the pilot warned over the intercom that the landing would be "troublesome".
I know this is going to be controversial, but it should be investigated if the pilot was fasting and did it have an impact on his decision making skills. In my opinion, the pilots should never fast on days they are flying.


They should never fast---but they still do---. Like the Air Blue pilot---.

They went from 10,000 feet to ground in 4 minutes

8,000 feet to 2,000 feet in 1 minute 30 seconds

PK8083 briefly had descent rate of about 6,000 feet per minute to 7,000 feet per minute. For some perspective, NASA space shuttle has descent rate of 10,000 feet per minute when returning from space. So PIA had descent rate closer to a Space Shuttle landing than a plane
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With time more and more data coming to fore, which is point out that highly likely, its seems like pilot error.

So far we know that aircraft was at 10,000 ft in the air instead of 7,000 ft. This is where ATC issued its first warning to the pilot to lower the plane's altitude but he ignored.

Closer to the runway when it was supposed to be at 7,000 ft instead of 3,000 ft. ATC issues 2nd warning, but like first time, pilot ignored it again (saying again that he was satisfied and would handle the situation, saying he was ready for landing).

Fuel wasn't an issue, so it could've continued to fly.

Furthermore, while approaching the runway from Malir, designated 25L, for the second attempt, the pilots also took a short distance of 1.5 nautical miles instead of the mandatory 7 nautical miles defined for such a large-sized plane.

It all sounds to me pilot's error (but I could be wrong). Maybe he got over confident and didnt follow all the required steps to handle such large plane. Thats why they say that, there is no room for complacency. One wrong move and price is highly unimaginable, which everybody had to pay unfortunately.
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Just want to point out that Boeing 737Max crashes were also initially blamed on "inexplicable" pilot errors. It was pressure from pilots' unions that made them take a second look.

When an ostensibly experienced pilot makes such a major error its always pertinent to look into whether something malfunctioned or the error was compounded by the poorly designed system.
Just want to point out that Boeing 737Max crashes were also initially blamed on "inexplicable" pilot errors. It was pressure from pilots' unions that made them take a second look.

When an ostensibly experienced pilot makes such a major error its always pertinent to look into whether something malfunctioned or the error was compounded by the poorly designed system.


this is not boeing Max. There was no accident of the boeing max with better trained american pilots on the.

circumstances are totally different.

there is no visible difference of accident info.

accident info was available at that time and initial info led to same conclusion in the end about the program.

accident info is available now and states the problems as they occured.
Friend of my father, who's son was in the plane with his family was among the Victims , his father name is Zakariya .
This video is showing plane had landing gear down on 1st landing? Engines are still running and it is not stalling?

So they did have gear down correctly on 1st landing? This is turning out to be an even bigger mystery than I imagined.
They probably didn't as they did a manual gear down after they aborted the landing, can't be sure as there is no evidence "yet" indicating they did but seeing as the aircraft did come down with the gear down this whole episode is confusing at best.
@MK you are being too judgemental and rude, the whole story is not even out yet.

The situation will be a lot clearer if the last 15 minutes of communication between the pilot and ATC is released without any edits. what's released only gives half the picture and creates a lot of confusion[/QUOT

our govt always release , information, which suits the govt, to protect, minipulate , alter and further confuse the awaam, (which every govt thinks are idiots,)..its surviving the storm doctrine,

i am still waiting to see APS school inuiry report...already 4 yrs?

no inquiry ordered either for ehasn ullah ehsan, escape? departure? vacation to turkey?

the list is long, painfull, n ugly........ coverups!
I don`t have words to describe the horror, pain and sadness I am feeling right now after going through the comments. May Allah grant high ranks to these Shaheeds.

And I must praise the bravery of the pilot Captain Sajjad Gul. Everyone of us heard his voice and replies to the ATC. He was so composed and confident that he knew he had everything in control despite all the odds he was aware of. He did not let the passengers panic by letting them know what was happening. He didn`t want anyone to be scared of what was going to happen next. He truly saved so many hearts from sinking for themselves and for their dear ones. This brave person deserves a medal. Rest in peace Sir. Thank you for your service!

The reason the control tower was not involved was because of the height and speed of the aircraft the ATC had not handed the aircraft over to the ground control tower---.

The landing gear did not come down was because the speed was above 250 knots where landing gear wuld not deploy---.

The not deployed landing gear chimes were on warning the pilot that the gear is not down---.

The question is what was the hurry to the pilot to descend so fast and land rather than going around and coming back---.

This is the crucial question---we understand that the Pilot was " hot dogging " the aircraft---but why and what caused him not to heed the warning of the air controller to go around---.

The other thin is---there were no other flights in the skies---no flights backing up---no worries of delays or late departure---what was the reason the pilot decided to land the first time---?
I'm afraid that might be it. If he were at landing speed with the gear up, no freaking way they would have been able to perform a go-around. His 1st approach is probably nuts, flying inches above the ground on the runway....and bounce it a few times before advancing N1 to TOGA.

I don`t have words to describe the horror, pain and sadness I am feeling right now after going through the comments. May Allah grant high ranks to these Shaheeds.

And I must praise the bravery of the pilot Captain Sajjad Gul. Everyone of us heard his voice and replies to the ATC. He was so composed and confident that he knew he had everything in control despite all the odds he was aware of. He did not let the passengers panic by letting them know what was happening. He didn`t want anyone to be scared of what was going to happen next. He truly saved so many hearts from sinking for themselves and for their dear ones. This brave person deserves a medal. Rest in peace Sir. Thank you for your service!
He may have been calm, which is prudent by his profession. But the aircrew messed up big time. No medal shall come if it is determined to be pilot error. As pointed out by pilots, he's no hero, yet tried to fix up his errors which unfortunately became mistakes.

"An error does not become a mistake unless it is refused to be corrected" - JFK
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