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PIA plane crash near Model Colony Karachi with 93+ on board

إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ

Ya Allah have mercy on their souls.

Ya Allah have mercy on their families grant them strength in this difficult time.

Ya Allah grant the departed souls Jannah.

Its is allover World News media, CNN, Sky News, BBC News, Aljeezera, CBC, Russian TV, European TVs, Chinese TV, FOX, TRT etc etc

Planes have been parked on lockdown for 2 months in Coronovirus and not properly maintained when just last week A320s started flying again.

All world airplanes should be thoroughly checked after resuming flights.
May all the departed souls rest in peace! May all injured recover speedily! Those who have lost their kin, find strength in this grief. This is unfortunate in the holy month of Ramzan.

We may have differences being Indians or Pakistanis, but as a human if we don't feel grief on loss of innocent life, we should doubt ourselves as humans!!
Thank You, I didn't know anyone onboard, or those whose houses got demolished, but I'm immensely sad at this tragedy. Opens up old wounds.

So many innocent lives lost, just when Eid is around the bend.
Deepest condolences to brotherly Pakistan for their loss in the tragic PIA aeroplane crash in Karachi. May Allah grant a place in heaven for those who lost their lives, and give patience to their families and beloved ones.
Altitude data.
The plane came down in 17 minutes. But things seems to have gone wrong in the last 6 minutes where the plane is gaining and losing altitude .


there are two survivors
Altitude data.
The plane came down in 17 minutes. But things seems to have gone wrong in the last 6 minutes where the plane is gaining and losing altitude .

View attachment 634809

there are two survivors
Black box has been recovered from the plane
The recent "Certificate of Maintenance Review" aka "A Check" issued for AP-BLD, on 28-04-2020 was valid till 25-10-2020.

As per the Certificate
Type: A320-214,
Hours: 47,108
Cycles: 25,860

Certificate approved by Chief Engineer Quality Assurance, PIA J.I.A.P. Karachi, Noorul Qadir. AME No. 1436 on 28 April 2020.
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إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون May Allah give strength and patience to families of the deceased. I hope there are many survivors.

Looks like a heavy technical fault.
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