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PIA plane crash near Model Colony Karachi with 93+ on board

Supreme court takes SU moto and removes the CEO of PIA who had Airforce experience to force the airline to run by monkeys in Union

Result = Accident

When Supreme court is forcing airline to run with no CEO what can be stated further
RIP .. more devastating is it crashed in a residential area . hope no one injured or killed there ...
From the video, it looks like the upper floors of some buildings were sheared off. The locality looks like some shelled neighbourhood from Syria.

Plane survivor?
This is most likely from the houses destroyed because of the crash and not from the plane!

A lot of videos and pictures and more importantly, a lot of blaming going around. This is time to refrain from spreading anything that is not certain.

Requesting all members here not to act like Pakistani media which in a race to break news (post first) will post anything and everything without considering the consequences.
Just read the news.

My deep condolences to our Pakistani brother, may they rest in peace.
As it's so close to the runway could it be a problem with the altimeter? Showing an incorrect height?

investigation will probably show, multiple failures,
mostly in CAA.... pilot is hero, he was cool and calm even in mayday situtation, listining to audio,

our pilots are excellent , all around the world, working in different airlines,

problem is maintanance, safety,decline in standards in all areas of airline operations.
إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ‎,
Point to be noted, both engines failed.
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May all the departed souls rest in peace! May all injured recover speedily! Those who have lost their kin, find strength in this grief. This is unfortunate in the holy month of Ramzan.

We may have differences being Indians or Pakistanis, but as a human if we don't feel grief on loss of innocent life, we should doubt ourselves as humans!!
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