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PIA is technically bankrupt, concedes MD


Apr 9, 2007
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PIA is technically bankrupt, concedes MD

August 04, 2009

News Desk

RAWALPINDI: Managing Director Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) Captain Ijaz Haroon Monday conceded that the airlines has technically gone bankrupt.

Responding to questions in the popular Geo News programme “Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Sath”, while referring to an article published in newspapers proving with documentary proof that the corporation had gone bankrupt, the MD said, “That’s true. I will not try to deny the fact. I concede that PIA has technically gone bankrupt. But all this did not happen in a day or overnight or a month or a year and a half. The airlines had technically gone bankrupt since 2000. The government has been assisting the corporation. In 2001, PIA sustained a loss of Rs13 billion. The government injected money into the corporation so as to bail it out. In 2003 also the government injected money into PIA but halted the practice. As a result, the ‘patient is now on the death bed’.”

To a question by Kamran Khan that it was misuse of the taxpayers’ money and that the corporation should have generated its own revenues, Captain Ijaz Haroon said that whatever had been injected into the airlines by the government was borrowed from banks. PIA had to return this money to the banks from its own revenues with interest, which put additional burden on the corporation and pushed its debt servicing beyond 10 per cent, meaning that if it had to save 8 per cent, it still had to suffer a loss of 2 per cent.

To the question of how long PIA would take to offset a loss of Rs140 billion, the PIA chief asked as to why action was not initiated when the losses accumulated to Rs140 billion, and why the losses were not stopped then. He said had the cycle of losses been disrupted it would have not soared to such a huge amount.

To another query by Kamran Khan that ever since his joining the airlines, its losses jumped three-fold to 39 billion from the previous Rs13 billion while during this period he regularised the services of 6,000 contract workers, Captain Aijaz Haroon refused to accept responsibility for the same and said he was not in a position to answer this question. He said the PIA administration only implemented commitments of the government and the rulings of the courts.

To yet another question as to under which theory he made 20 per cent raise in salaries of the contract employees, allowed them free air travel, medical facilities and pension rights while facing a loss of Rs2 billion according to a quarterly report, he said all those employees whose salaries were raised were members of the CBA and SASA. Their number was over 17,000 and they had not been allowed even annual increment for the last several years.

“I took charge in May 2008. How much has inflation gone up during this period? Airlines across the world have not earned. Where we saved in dollars, we also paid in dollars,” he said. Kamran Khan asked that last year the MD negotiated with pilots at the PALPA platform. He is himself an active member of the Pilots’ Association and knew that across the world pilots were being sent on forced leave and facilities withdrawn from them. Indian Airlines and the British Airways did so but unlike them he made considerable increase in the emoluments of PIA pilots, Captain Aijaz said they have adopted such a schedule that if a pilot avoids a flight he could not draw additional amount but only the monthly salary.

He denied seeking money from the government even for paying off interest on the loans. To a question as to why 27 planes were being purchased when the airlines was undergoing losses, he said no airline of the region had 50 per cent flat figure of 25 year-old planes. “Our Airbuses were old so we purchased new ones. We have no Alladin’s lamp to set everything right overnight. Repair of the old planes cost more. We saved money by purchasing new planes rather than spending it on repairs of the old ones. We have to pay the first installment of $1.47 billion on purchase of new planes in five years. We have to pay Rs3 billion to PSO. On the other hand we are spending Rs11 billion on maintenance of the planes. We have increased earning of PIA.”

Captain Haroon posed a counter-question as to why Kamran Khan did not ask about the losses from his predecessors and why he alone was being made answerable. When reminded of his claim while taking charge that he would restore the health of the airlines within a year, Captain Aijaz Haroon said PIA has many wings, they have their own advisers and their consultants are doing their job and could respond to the queries but he has as a whole improved the financial health of the corporation.

PIA is technically bankrupt, concedes MD
Don't worry friend, PIA is not the only airline. Rest assured you are not alone.


The prob with Govt run airlines is that there are unable to trim the fat & carry too much dead wood.

Add to this the ' favours' that do to various govt agencies.
Same goes with AIR INDIA even the government officials do not travel in the national carrier , however world over airlines are getting bankrupt so it is a collective issue , may be when the recession is over the airlines can start making profits.
PIA is technically bankrupt, concedes MD

How many times does PIA have to go in the red before it is privatized?

Yes, that horrible word, PRIVATIZED, as in a money making enterprise.

The Pakistani government is giant "jobs scheme" and it is afforded by the taxes of those who dao actually pay taxes, why not offer these tax payers relief and privatize PIA, allow it to run like a successful MONEY MAKING enterprise?
They are clever they will buy a new fleet of 29 aircrafts with our money and then privatize it in pennies.
They are the same people who helped established Emirates. Look where emirates is standing now and where are we standing. One of the main reasons of PIA with so much potential still could not grow the way it should be is hiring incomopetent people wether its engineering or traffic or any other division. In traffic most of them are non metric or just matric with no knowledge of english, only hired due to political pressure.

PIA infact has become a Randi for all the governments. They use this airlines for there political misadventures.

This bloody MD of PIA is a chamcha of Zardri, they are making grounds to sell our national asset to their Arab basturd friends.
I still think that this is an global issue rather than an Pakistani issue.

Air India is receiving a bail out package from the Govt.

Even the private airline operator threatened to strike a few days ago I think.

I think that once the global recession is over PIA will get back to its feet.
I still think that this is an global issue rather than an Pakistani issue.

Air India is receiving a bail out package from the Govt.

I think that once the global recession is over PIA will get back to its feet.

Why is it that pak-india love selling off profit making companies but let the taxpayer keep for the loss making ones?

I think it was michael moore that said "Socialism for the rich and free market-capitalism for the poor".
I'm a pilot for a major airline here in the states. Our company makes no money and is in the red. The reason for it is high fuel prices, maintenance cost, salary, medical and retirement benefits. We had to take a cut in salary and benefits to keep our jobs.

There was a time when a ticket would cover the cost of baggage, meals and drinks. Not no more! Passengers are charged for everything, no free-bees. My company is thinking of charging passengers for a little bag of peanuts....Pretty sad.

Privatize or not, airlines make very little profit. :coffee:
What is the tax rate on ATF in Pakistan , it's around 26% in India and airlines see that as the principle source of loss for themselves.
The other airlines been in red understandbly because of fuel prices and over all economy but PIA is been in red mainly cuz of the idiots managing it. Its so much dominated by travell agents that if you look for tickets internationally upon search its says none available , where as if you go to the travel agents for same flight he gives the availability as well as cheap fares. Lets forget the international market not many foreignors come to pak as they think we are all terrorists , there are appx 2 million pakistanis abroad, most of them come home annually that makes a potential target of more than 5000 passengers a day ! every one prefers national carriers if i wish to go abroad always first check with the national carrier.
But hey i guess all that bribes put off the decision makers they are more concerned about their pockets as off the govt!
The other airlines been in red understandbly because of fuel prices and over all economy but PIA is been in red mainly cuz of the idiots managing it. Its so much dominated by travell agents that if you look for tickets internationally upon search its says none available , where as if you go to the travel agents for same flight he gives the availability as well as cheap fares. Lets forget the international market not many foreignors come to pak as they think we are all terrorists , there are appx 2 million pakistanis abroad, most of them come home annually that makes a potential target of more than 5000 passengers a day ! every one prefers national carriers if i wish to go abroad always first check with the national carrier.
But hey i guess all that bribes put off the decision makers they are more concerned about their pockets as off the govt!

Even Private Airlines in India makes huge lose. It has to do with global crises rather then just India or Pakistan. In India, most of people fly in those air lines which offer 1 + tax rs. ticket.
I'm a pilot for a major airline here in the states. Our company makes no money and is in the red. The reason for it is high fuel prices, maintenance cost, salary, medical and retirement benefits. We had to take a cut in salary and benefits to keep our jobs.

There was a time when a ticket would cover the cost of baggage, meals and drinks. Not no more! Passengers are charged for everything, no free-bees. My company is thinking of charging passengers for a little bag of peanuts....Pretty sad.

Privatize or not, airlines make very little profit. :coffee:

IATA is the price regulatory that any passenger should pay, but to hear that you could go over IATA prices is absurd. Most airlines price their tickets less than IATA and thats were the competition is.

PIA made loses in UK with their previous price list, which made other airlines not naming, take full advantage of it PIA was sending empty planes back home. They now learned their lesson and introduced a new price list with 6 fares and they are far more competitive and cheaper than the list previously enforced which had 5 fares(these are categories of the class segments in plane, First class, Business class, Economy class, the economy class is split into 4 categories of price first comers receive the cheapest price and the last ones most expensive of it).
Good to hear that corruption infested Leech is Bankrupt, I hope the Govt. doesnt bleed more precious Dollars into their ever hungry hell bellies :tsk:

^ if any of you think thats rude and intense :hitwall: then it is not :sick: I have a first hand account of their corruption that infests them from their roots to their tip, the higher officials being the best at it :tsk:
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