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Physicists To Test If Universe Is A Computer Simulation

Or maybe you're imagining our universe simulation to be in a regular pc in someone's basement. Maybe. Who knows..:lol:

I just hope the guy has better stuff than windows vista.

ill go for windows 8 for our universe:bunny:
Does this also,mean that we are programmed?
Not necessarily...if the race that created this simulation had the tech to create a sim of such complexity and scale as the universe/earth then for sure they would have the capability to create artificial intelligence for the subjects (us) and as such we would have free will.

I would refute this point though:

And that given the size of reality - billions of worlds, around billions of suns - it is fairly likely that if this is possible, it has already happened.

And if it has? Well, then the statistical likelihood is that we're located somewhere in that chain of simulations within simulations. The alternative - that we're the first civilisation, in the first universe - is virtually (no pun intended) absurd.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/member...iverse-computer-simulation.html#ixzz2R2B4FYuk
It's is not like we belive that we are alone in this universe, well I certainly don't and even many religions point to there being life on other planets.
+ if this theorey was found to be true-then what?

Would life be worth living?

The world would go to sh!t in a day IMHO!
+ if this theorey was found to be true-then what?

Would life be worth living?

The world would go to sh!t in a day IMHO!

We could always play the game with greater verve..after all if its all a game then nothing's as severe as we think it is...
+ if this theorey was found to be true-then what?
Would life be worth living?
The world would go to sh!t in a day IMHO!
Not really.
@Abingdonboy There is a research project going on in creating an artificial brain at EPFL. Work is at advanced stage.

Programmed, there is a huge possibility.
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n wat will happen to universe if like computers,a virus gets into da system?:undecided:

or if da cd stucks in da dvd rom?:undecided:

The simulation will be more like a software than a CD rom :P

And I think there are viruses all around us waiting to end the simulation. We know them as Black Holes :P

Anyway, this is a really intriguing idea.

Aakhri sab Moh Maya hai ;)
The simulation will be more like a software than a CD rom :P

And I think there are viruses all around us waiting to end the simulation. We know them as Black Holes :P

Anyway, this is a really intriguing idea.

Aakhri sab Moh Maya hai ;)

but on serious note,how dis simulation is possible?:undecided: explain it to me!

or were thy jus usin it symbolically?:undecided:
@Star Wars If this hurts your brain, word of advice, don't explore things like this. It will make you insane.

If you still want to do it, get things straight and work on one topic.

@Aeronaut You doubt that we are programmed or not ?

Anything and everything about Humans is programmed and can be determined. It is just too complex that people tend to take the easy way out to save themselves from approaching insanity due to thinking of these stuffs.

insanity is a bit stretching it though ..... A potential information or knowledge should not be just walled out just because it is mysterious or out of boundaries of what we are usually trained to think from child hood...
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but on serious note,how dis simulation is possible?:undecided: explain it to me!

or were thy jus usin it symbolically?:undecided:

Think of it as a game running on a very large scale. Take Sim City 4 for example. You can control so many variables in the game. In the same way, maybe we are all part of a simulation, maybe a game. Just as the characters in the game would not be aware of it, we aren't.

The premise of the theory, from what I understand, is that there will be a time when an intelligent species becomes so intelligent that it can simulate life or universe on a very large scale. Then some intelligent species in that simulation will someday create another simulation inside the simulation. The probability that WE are the first species to do so is very unlikely. Hence, we must be in some kind of simulation.

In fact, I would say that every religion somewhat is based on the simulation model (unintentionally)

Some Higher Power up there is watching every move of us, guiding us, telling us what to do and if we go wrong, he is correcting us. Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, all preach the same thing.
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