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PHOTOS: INS Vikramaditya

A noob question - What does this Aircraft Carrier brings to the Indian Navy that it didn't have otherwise ?

I mean if Pakistan was the threat & neutralizing our Naval Assets was the objective - I can't imagine why the current Indian Naval Armada wouldn't be able to do that adequately enough as it is ! I mean the best we can hope for is Blockade Denial & even that is going to be near impossible due to the sheer disparity (both in numbers & in quality) between the IN & the PN; barring the 3-5 Subs we've got I don't see how the Pakistan Navy can present much of a challenge as it is ?

Therefore wouldn't it have made more sense to procure 4-5 better frigates or destroyers for the same price & perhaps raise 2-3 squadrons of Su-30MKIs modified for a Naval Strike Role ? As I understand the MKIs launched from anywhere North-West of the Southern-Most Triangular Tip of India would have more than adequate range to strike at any Naval Asset that Pakistan may position in the Arabian Sea in addition to targeting any Land Based Naval Assets across the Coast-Line !

Even when it comes to China - Why shouldn't land based Naval Assets of the IN be more than adequate when any Chinese Naval Armada would need to travel 1000s of nautical miles to even engage the Indian Navy somewhere in the Indian Ocean ?

So what 'additional' advantage does the acquisition of the Aircraft Carrier accrue to the Indian Navy ?

Is it just for Power Projection, Prestige, Bragging Rights....etc. ?

@Oscar @sancho @Dillinger
It makes things much more easier. For example in Bangladesh war, INS Vikrant was instrumental in the naval blockade and aerial bombing of East Pak. It could have been done without it but it made things much more easier, effective and lethal. A carrier battle group is a lethal force. It is like a small navy and a small air force in itself.
I thinks their will russian assistance for at least 6 months with vikramditya.

Good thing for VIKRANT CARRIER whhich comes into service in 2017 IS THAT the indians will be well versed /trained on doctrines and capability of a meduim sized 40k carrier by then and hopefully its entry will be smoother

Cant wait to see VIKRANT & VIKRAMDITYA together

incredible sight i think
Gentlemen, the vs argument should not go crazy or this thread is shut.

On the topic, it seems the Russians are running the ops more than the Indians at this stage.
Most of these pics are from the sea trails held IN RUSSIA so naturally the Russians (contractors) would be the ones in the driving seat just like it was the American/Boeing in charge of the flight trials and certification process of the P-8I IN AMERICA, with a few Indian observers. Once the ship is handed over to the IN (today) then it will be an all Indian affair- just as it was with the P-8I or any other foreign system you care to imagine.

This is how these things go sir. 
A noob question - What does this Aircraft Carrier brings to the Indian Navy that it didn't have otherwise ?

@Oscar @sancho @Dillinger
The ability to deploy 25+ supersonic advanced 4.5+ gen fighters anywhere the IN so wishes. Right now the 8 or so sub-sonic Sea Harriers are militarily ineffective against most PAF assets but the MIG-29K/KUB will more than give any PAF asset in service a run for its money.

And I'd argue the Viky's true utility to the IN comes as a training asset. With the IN having 50+ years of ACC experience this is the first time they'll be operating high-performance, supersonic naval fighters at sea and this is a HUGE learning curve. With the IN having plans for larger ACCs (possibly with EMALS/CATOBAR configured) the Viky offers a nice platform to get its crews up to scratch.
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Primary aim and advantage is to achieve air superiority over the seas. CBG's have an extra dimension because of fighter aircrafts.

Secondly Power projection in IOR.

A noob question - What does this Aircraft Carrier brings to the Indian Navy that it didn't have otherwise ?

I mean if Pakistan was the threat & neutralizing our Naval Assets was the objective - I can't imagine why the current Indian Naval Armada wouldn't be able to do that adequately enough as it is ! I mean the best we can hope for is Blockade Denial & even that is going to be near impossible due to the sheer disparity (both in numbers & in quality) between the IN & the PN; barring the 3-5 Subs we've got I don't see how the Pakistan Navy can present much of a challenge as it is ?

Therefore wouldn't it have made more sense to procure 4-5 better frigates or destroyers for the same price & perhaps raise 2-3 squadrons of Su-30MKIs modified for a Naval Strike Role ? As I understand the MKIs launched from anywhere North-West of the Southern-Most Triangular Tip of India would have more than adequate range to strike at any Naval Asset that Pakistan may position in the Arabian Sea in addition to targeting any Land Based Naval Assets across the Coast-Line !

Even when it comes to China - Why shouldn't land based Naval Assets of the IN be more than adequate when any Chinese Naval Armada would need to travel 1000s of nautical miles to even engage the Indian Navy somewhere in the Indian Ocean ?

So what 'additional' advantage does the acquisition of the Aircraft Carrier accrue to the Indian Navy ?

Is it just for Power Projection, Prestige, Bragging Rights....etc. ?

@Oscar @sancho @Dillinger
although one would suspect that the Erieye might help mitigate the latter issue.
In fact @Dillinger, you've made a good point jus there- the IN's ACCs are able to open up second, maybe even third fronts, against the Pakistanis/PAF. If the PAF wants to deploy their most potent AWACS asset to hunt/keep an eye on IN ACCs then they are removing it from their Eastern front where they could be an issue for the IAF. The fact the PN has thus far been unable to grow its own aviation legs beyond a few outdated helos and MPAs is a major problem for Pakistan as it means the PAF is, in fact, fighting the ever-expanding (in both size and capability) IN aviation arm and IAF.

The day is not far when the IN aviation arm in itself is of comparable size/capability to the PAF.
In fact @Dillinger, you've made a good point jus there- the IN's ACCs are able to open up second, maybe even third fronts, against the Pakistanis/PAF. If the PAF wants to deploy their most potent AWACS asset to hunt/keep an eye on IN ACCs then they are removing it from their Eastern front where they could be an issue for the IAF. The fact the PN has thus far been unable to grow its own aviation legs beyond a few outdated helos and MPAs is a major problem for Pakistan as it means the PAF is, in fact, fighting the ever-expanding (in both size and capability) IN aviation arm and IAF.

The day is not far when the IN aviation arm in itself is of comparable size/capability to the PAF.

I wouldn't go that far till a CATOBAR carrier is up and running with a more potent AEW&C and refueling assets...BUT it does indeed add that other dimension which can stretch the resources of both the PN and the PAF drastically.
In fact @Dillinger, you've made a good point jus there- the IN's ACCs are able to open up second, maybe even third fronts, against the Pakistanis/PAF. If the PAF wants to deploy their most potent AWACS asset to hunt/keep an eye on IN ACCs then they are removing it from their Eastern front where they could be an issue for the IAF. The fact the PN has thus far been unable to grow its own aviation legs beyond a few outdated helos and MPAs is a major problem for Pakistan as it means the PAF is, in fact, fighting the ever-expanding (in both size and capability) IN aviation arm and IAF.

The day is not far when the IN aviation arm in itself is of comparable size/capability to the PAF.

Even with the 3 aircraft carriers inducted by around 2025, you are looking at at around 80-90 fighter aircraft available. This will be nowhere near the level of the PAF who will have around 300+ fighter aircraft available.
I wouldn't go that far till a CATOBAR carrier is up and running with a more potent AEW&C and refueling assets...BUT it does indeed add that other dimension which can stretch the resources of both the PN and the PAF drastically.
I didn't mean in the next 5 years or even next 10 years but beyond that when, as you say, the IN has both shore-based and carrier-based AEW&C assets as well as their own AARs (the hunt for all these is on btw), along with 1-2 largish (60,000+ ton) CATOBAR-configured ACCs.

Maybe by 2030........
I didn't mean in the next 5 years or even next 10 years but beyond that when, as you say, the IN has both shore-based and carrier-based AEW&C assets as well as their own AARs (the hunt for all these is on btw), along with 1-2 largish (60,000+ ton) CATOBAR-configured ACCs.

Maybe by 2030........

Well, yes, two CATOBARs would do the job- that would be the optimum scenario and quite a stick to beat folks with.
Even with the 3 aircraft carriers inducted by around 2025, you are looking at at around 80-90 fighter aircraft available. This will be nowhere near the level of the PAF who will have around 300+ fighter aircraft available.
True but like I said (^^^) I wasn't talking about the immediate future but the medium to long term.

I would say though, since you've provided this 2025 date, that it could be argued the assets the fighter IN will have in 2025 (Mig-29K and N-MMRCA) would push the majority of the PAF fighter fleet (Thunders and even F-16s) to their limits.

This is before you even start talking about the IAF who isn't sitting idly by themselves:

IAF to procure equipment, platforms worth $150 billion for next 15 years - Financial Express
I didn't mean in the next 5 years or even next 10 years but beyond that when, as you say, the IN has both shore-based and carrier-based AEW&C assets as well as their own AARs (the hunt for all these is on btw), along with 1-2 largish (60,000+ ton) CATOBAR-configured ACCs.

Maybe by 2030........

Noob question
What advantage does CATOBAR has over STOBAR
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