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PHOTOS: INS Vikramaditya

LoL, then we don't need this ship, should of imported models from Victoria's secrets.
Yeah, and Russian secrets, though they are available plenty in Delhi, Goa and all over India..!! 





I think the ship had a look like in the first photo because the ship looked at the beach in the third Photo..Joke
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A noob question - What does this Aircraft Carrier brings to the Indian Navy that it didn't have otherwise ?

I mean if Pakistan was the threat & neutralizing our Naval Assets was the objective - I can't imagine why the current Indian Naval Armada wouldn't be able to do that adequately enough as it is ! I mean the best we can hope for is Blockade Denial & even that is going to be near impossible due to the sheer disparity (both in numbers & in quality) between the IN & the PN; barring the 3-5 Subs we've got I don't see how the Pakistan Navy can present much of a challenge as it is ?

Therefore wouldn't it have made more sense to procure 4-5 better frigates or destroyers for the same price & perhaps raise 2-3 squadrons of Su-30MKIs modified for a Naval Strike Role ? As I understand the MKIs launched from anywhere North-West of the Southern-Most Triangular Tip of India would have more than adequate range to strike at any Naval Asset that Pakistan may position in the Arabian Sea in addition to targeting any Land Based Naval Assets across the Coast-Line !

Even when it comes to China - Why shouldn't land based Naval Assets of the IN be more than adequate when any Chinese Naval Armada would need to travel 1000s of nautical miles to even engage the Indian Navy somewhere in the Indian Ocean ?

So what 'additional' advantage does the acquisition of the Aircraft Carrier accrue to the Indian Navy ?

Is it just for Power Projection, Prestige, Bragging Rights....etc. ?

@Oscar @sancho @Dillinger
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A noob question - What does this Aircraft Carrier brings to the Indian Navy that it didn't have otherwise ?

I mean if Pakistan was the threat & neutralizing our Naval Assets was the objective - I can't imagine why the current Indian Naval Armada wouldn't be able to do that adequately enough as it is ! I mean the best we can hope for is Blockade Denial & even that is going to be near impossible due to the sheer disparity (both in numbers & in quality) between the IN & the PN; barring the 3-5 Subs we've got I don't see how the Pakistan Navy can present much of a challenge as it is ?

Therefore wouldn't it have made more sense to procure 4-5 better frigates or destroyers for the same price & perhaps raise 2-3 squadrons of Su-30MKIs modified for a Naval Strike Role ? As I understand the MKIs launched from anywhere North-West of the Southern-Most Triangular Tip of India would have more than adequate range to strike at any Naval Asset that Pakistan may position in the Arabian Sea in addition to targeting any Land Based Naval Assets across the Coast-Line !

Even when it comes to China - Why shouldn't land based Naval Assets of the IN be more than adequate when any Chinese Naval Armada would need to travel 1000s of nautical miles to even engage the Indian Army somewhere in the Indian Ocean ?

So what 'additional' advantage does the acquisition of the Aircraft Carrier accrue to the Indian Navy ?

Is it just for Power Projection, Prestige, Bragging Rights....etc. ?

@Oscar @sancho @Dillinger
well sirji CBGs are not for china but every one knows there is lot of "torbulence" in and around arabian sea and deep indian ocean(anty piracy or naval blockade)

as for pakistan owr bases in gujrat, rajasthan , punjab and haryana are capable enof to force a no fly zone on pakistani air space and for china we have unsinkable carrier = bases in andeman and nicobar islands
well sirji CBGs are not for china but every one knows there is lot of "torbulence" in and around arabian sea and deep indian ocean(anty piracy or naval blockade)

as for pakistan owr bases in gujrat, rajasthan , punjab and haryana are capable enof to force a no fly zone on pakistani air space and for china we have unsinkable carrier = bases in andeman and nicobar islands

No we cannot enforce a no-fly zone, lets not get carried away. We could considerably diminish the PAF's operational capability, to the point where it may be rendered irrelevant BUT it will come at a very steep price in terms of most of our second line fighters and infrastructure all over North/North-Western India (considering that such a scenario would only be feasible in a Clausewitz-ian setup sans the sajji makers).

@Armstrong You've hit some factually correct notes there...the answer is rather long so maybe @Oscar will provide it soon.IF NOT then this Munshi shall do the deed later tonight.
A noob question - What does this Aircraft Carrier brings to the Indian Navy that it didn't have otherwise ?

I mean if Pakistan was the threat & neutralizing our Naval Assets was the objective - I can't imagine why the current Indian Naval Armada wouldn't be able to do that adequately enough as it is ! I mean the best we can hope for is Blockade Denial & even that is going to be near impossible due to the sheer disparity (both in numbers & in quality) between the IN & the PN; barring the 3-5 Subs we've got I don't see how the Pakistan Navy can present much of a challenge as it is ?

Therefore wouldn't it have made more sense to procure 4-5 better frigates or destroyers for the same price & perhaps raise 2-3 squadrons of Su-30MKIs modified for a Naval Strike Role ? As I understand the MKIs launched from anywhere North-West of the Southern-Most Triangular Tip of India would have more than adequate range to strike at any Naval Asset that Pakistan may position in the Arabian Sea in addition to targeting any Land Based Naval Assets across the Coast-Line !

Even when it comes to China - Why shouldn't land based Naval Assets of the IN be more than adequate when any Chinese Naval Armada would need to travel 1000s of nautical miles to even engage the Indian Army somewhere in the Indian Ocean ?

So what 'additional' advantage does the acquisition of the Aircraft Carrier accrue to the Indian Navy ?

Is it just for Power Projection, Prestige, Bragging Rights....etc. ?

@Oscar @sancho @Dillinger

Ur query to me looks like why use a vehicle when one can walk from A to B.
Besides Availability needs to be taken into account as well.we cant just replaces so and so with so and so i think the balance between production capacities and time frames of devilry must have been made.

Well keeping it short, AC opens up an array of options singlehandedly and Gives us a strong sea based platform to launch and counter Blockades exert our area of Influence yada yada , U know the rest.
U might say the India dosent need to do so in the present scene , but that dosent stop uw from building and thinking about scenarios 15-20 years down the line.

Is it just for Power Projection, Prestige, Bragging Rights....etc. ?

Power projection yes .

Bragging right with 1 AC how?

Prestige hardly we already have extensive operational knowledge on the Vikrant this is just another vessel that should have come 5 years ago.
Ur query to me looks like why use a vehicle when one can walk from A to B.
Besides Availability needs to be taken into account as well.we cant just replaces so and so with so and so i think the balance between production capacities and time frames of devilry must have been made.

Well keeping it short, AC opens up an array of options singlehandedly and Gives us a strong sea based platform to launch and counter Blockades exert our area of Influence yada yada , U know the rest.
U might say the India dosent need to do so in the present scene , but that dosent stop uw from building and thinking about scenarios 15-20 years down the line.

Power projection yes .

Bragging right with 1 AC how?

Prestige hardly we already have extensive operational knowledge on the Vikrant this is just another vessel that should have come 5 years ago.

Vehicle when one can walk from A to B - How the heck does one connect that analogy to my post ? :what:

I'm just curious as to what the AC brings to the IN that it doesn't have otherwise ? How can you not launch a successful blockade against Pakistan as it is ? And who in their right minds, barring the United States, maybe, has the resources to blockade India - Just look at the size of the coast line ?
A noob question - What does this Aircraft Carrier brings to the Indian Navy that it didn't have otherwise ?

I mean if Pakistan was the threat & neutralizing our Naval Assets was the objective - I can't imagine why the current Indian Naval Armada wouldn't be able to do that adequately enough as it is ! I mean the best we can hope for is Blockade Denial & even that is going to be near impossible due to the sheer disparity (both in numbers & in quality) between the IN & the PN; barring the 3-5 Subs we've got I don't see how the Pakistan Navy can present much of a challenge as it is ?

Therefore wouldn't it have made more sense to procure 4-5 better frigates or destroyers for the same price & perhaps raise 2-3 squadrons of Su-30MKIs modified for a Naval Strike Role ? As I understand the MKIs launched from anywhere North-West of the Southern-Most Triangular Tip of India would have more than adequate range to strike at any Naval Asset that Pakistan may position in the Arabian Sea in addition to targeting any Land Based Naval Assets across the Coast-Line !

Even when it comes to China - Why shouldn't land based Naval Assets of the IN be more than adequate when any Chinese Naval Armada would need to travel 1000s of nautical miles to even engage the Indian Navy somewhere in the Indian Ocean ?

So what 'additional' advantage does the acquisition of the Aircraft Carrier accrue to the Indian Navy ?

Is it just for Power Projection, Prestige, Bragging Rights....etc. ?

@Oscar @sancho @Dillinger

an AC is and air base at sea with with lot of fire power. if it is against pakistan then an AC of IN means an air base in Arabian sea with 33 fighters and 10 helicopters moving 33Knts which is escorted ny other naval vessels. it will be very difficult to attack an AC for Pakistan air force.
Is the AC not meant to keep away PLAN? As been said, IN can tackle PN without AC. So i have have the same question. And please can anyone also explain why we need more carriers? Is a total of 3 justified for India? What i think is what is done is done but does it not make sense to invest the money in Submarines considering the dearth that is already felt deeply by the IN?
Vehicle when one can walk from A to B - How the heck does one connect that analogy to my post ? :what:

I'm just curious as to what the AC brings to the IN that it doesn't have otherwise ? How can you not launch a successful blockade against Pakistan as it is ? And who in their right minds, barring the United States, maybe, has the resources to blockade India - Just look at the size of the coast line ?

I don't think it will be used against Pakistan (no point), The most probable utility is , SEZ ,Iran & SEA ,ur free to be as imaginative as possible cus it all speculation at this point.

Is the AC not meant to keep away PLAN? As been said, IN can tackle PN without AC. So i have have the same question. And please can anyone also explain why we need more carriers? Is a total of 3 justified for India? What i think is what is done is done but does it not make sense to invest the money in Submarines considering the dearth that is already felt deeply by the IN?
How PLAN? they don't even have 1 proper AC, anyways it can be done with Anti ship missiles. I think this AC has a more multidimensional role than just countering so and so country.
A noob question - What does this Aircraft Carrier brings to the Indian Navy that it didn't have otherwise ?

I mean if Pakistan was the threat & neutralizing our Naval Assets was the objective - I can't imagine why the current Indian Naval Armada wouldn't be able to do that adequately enough as it is ! I mean the best we can hope for is Blockade Denial & even that is going to be near impossible due to the sheer disparity (both in numbers & in quality) between the IN & the PN; barring the 3-5 Subs we've got I don't see how the Pakistan Navy can present much of a challenge as it is ?

Therefore wouldn't it have made more sense to procure 4-5 better frigates or destroyers for the same price & perhaps raise 2-3 squadrons of Su-30MKIs modified for a Naval Strike Role ? As I understand the MKIs launched from anywhere North-West of the Southern-Most Triangular Tip of India would have more than adequate range to strike at any Naval Asset that Pakistan may position in the Arabian Sea in addition to targeting any Land Based Naval Assets across the Coast-Line !

Even when it comes to China - Why shouldn't land based Naval Assets of the IN be more than adequate when any Chinese Naval Armada would need to travel 1000s of nautical miles to even engage the Indian Navy somewhere in the Indian Ocean ?

So what 'additional' advantage does the acquisition of the Aircraft Carrier accrue to the Indian Navy ?

Is it just for Power Projection, Prestige, Bragging Rights....etc. ?

@Oscar @sancho @Dillinger

Hope this helps..It has enough for you and anybody who is interested.


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