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PHOTOS: INS Vikramaditya

Even with the 3 aircraft carriers inducted by around 2025, you are looking at at around 80-90 fighter aircraft available. This will be nowhere near the level of the PAF who will have around 300+ fighter aircraft available.

those fighters in AC will be 4.5 and 5th gen. 
Noob question
What advantage does CATOBAR has over STOBAR
faster launching of aircraft with more loads. heaver fighters need longer runways ski jumps are not sufficient for them so they need CATOBAR
Noob question
What advantage does CATOBAR has over STOBAR
With CATOBAR you can launch heavier fighters (larger and with more fuel/weapons) as the catapult accelerates the fighters. With STOBAR you have to compromise so EITHER heavy fuel or heavy weapons load as the fighter has to take-off under its own power however this can be mitigated, to an extent, by buddy-refuelling/IFR as the IN will do with their MIG-29K/KUBs.
True but like I said (^^^) I wasn't talking about the immediate future but the medium to long term.

I would say though, since you've provided this 2025 date, that it could be argued the assets the fighter IN will have in 2025 (Mig-29K and N-MMRCA) would push the majority of the PAF fighter fleet (Thunders and even F-16s) to their limits.

This is before you even start talking about the IAF who isn't sitting idly by themselves:

IAF to procure equipment, platforms worth $150 billion for next 15 years - Financial Express

Too many people are talking as if it will only be India that will be progressing and Pakistan will just stand still.

Unless the Indian economy has 8-9% sustained growth in GDP, then the power differential between India and Pakistan will remain the same into the future.
Gentlemen, the vs argument should not go crazy or this thread is shut.

On the topic, it seems the Russians are running the ops more than the Indians at this stage.

That depends on when the photographs were taken.

Actually what you speak about has much to do with when "the Protocol of Transfer" takes effect and what is the fine-print that is contained therein.
That document is very important in case of a new-building or new transfer of any Warship or Merchant Ship for that matter. It details (quite precisely) when and which Powers and Responsibilities get transferred. In case of Merchant Ships, it is almost invariably a complete Transfer. In case of Warships, that may not be necessarily so.

Then after that starts an interesting period-----the Guarantee Period; usually a year. This coincides (partly) with the the "Shake-Down" period (in USN terms) and the "Working-Up" period (in RN/IN terms). This is the time that the Commissioning Crew is getting familiarised with all aspects of the Ship and its equipment and also the "running-in" of the machinery and eqpt. That makes for a somewhat harrying time for all on board, since people can make mistakes, things go wrong, things malfunction or even go bust. All (or at least most) of the short-comings get exposed in Men and Material. There is of course a team of Guarantee Engineers and Specialists who help tide over or attend to issues. Here, the reports speak of a 183 strong Guarantee Team, which is not unusual since its so large and complex plus its the lead ship of its type.

Dealing with and handling the Guarantee Period is a test of all skills including negotiating skills. Somethings on board will be really run hard, just to see them work at their limits. The Sea-Trials though intensive are relatively of much shorter duration. Deficiencies will have to be made up, Spares consumed will have to be replenished and so on.

So truly speaking; the real hard work starts now. Its not for nothing that the Commisioning C.O. and Crew are hand-picked from among the best and brightest.
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Too many people are talking as if it will only be India that will be progressing and Pakistan will just stand still.

Unless the Indian economy has 8-9% sustained growth in GDP, then the power differential between India and Pakistan will remain the same into the future.
By late 2014/early 2015 India will return to 7-8% GDP growth, look at Pakistan's economic forecasts- they don't look as rosy. Additionally Pakistan has consistently been spending 4-5% of GDP on defence with India only spending >2% of GDP.

So even if the differential is only 1% of GDP growth this still equates to 100s of billions of USD in India's case as its base is FAR greater than Pakistan's (which is roughly equivalent to some of India's cities).

India is surely going to pull away year on year.
Too many people are talking as if it will only be India that will be progressing and Pakistan will just stand still.

Unless the Indian economy has 8-9% sustained growth in GDP, then the power differential between India and Pakistan will remain the same into the future.

No not really.

Even if both countries grow only at 4%, thats adding 5-6B to the Pakistani economy and 70-80B to the Indian.

Let's say both countries have a GDP-to-military budget ratio of 3%, then India can add 2.1B to its military budget with changing the ratio and Pakistan can add 200M, in other words the gap is growing every day and will continue to grow.

Now keep in mind that there is every indication of the Indian economy returning to 7-8% growth in the next FY onwards, whereas no such indications are there for the Pakistani.
By late 2014/early 2015 India will return to 7-8% GDP growth, look at Pakistan's economic forecasts- they don't look as rosy. Additionally Pakistan has consistently been spending 4-5% of GDP on defence with India only spending >2% of GDP.

So even if the differential is only 1% of GDP growth this still equates to 100s of billions of USD in India's case as its base is FAR greater than Pakistan's (which is roughly equivalent to some of India's cities).

India is surely going to pull away year on year.

Most economic forecasts predict India to grow at between 6-7% a year on average over the medium-long term. The best decade of growth that India had was the last one and that was 7% a year, and India was riding a world-wide boom that is highly unlikely to be repeated within the next decades.

Again, people do not understand that it is ratios that count and not absolute differences. If India goes from 10 to 20 and Pakistan goes from 2 to 4, then India is still only 5 times as powerful as Pakistan. India is still no more powerful than Pakistan than it was before.

Personally, IMO, Indian GDP growth will average 6-7% a year between now and 2030 and Pakistani GDP growth will average 4-5% a year. Now it may seem that India will be able to extend it's military advantage over Pakistan but there is one great equaliser that Pakistan has and that is China. China will provide comparable military equipment to Pakistan at a lower cost, both in terms of sale price and payment terms, and so India will not be any more powerful over Pakistan than it is now.
Most economic forecasts predict India to grow at between 6-7% a year on average over the medium-long term. The best decade of growth that India had was the last one and that was 7% a year, and India was riding a world-wide boom that is highly unlikely to be repeated within the next decades.

Again, people do not understand that it is ratios that count and not absolute differences. If India goes from 10 to 20 and Pakistan goes from 2 to 4, then India is still only 5 times as powerful as Pakistan. India is still no more powerful than Pakistan than it was before.

Personally, IMO, Indian GDP growth will average 6-7% a year between now and 2030 and Pakistani GDP growth will average 4-5% a year. Now it may seem that India will be able to extend it's military advantage over Pakistan but there is one great equaliser that Pakistan has and that is China. China will provide comparable military equipment to Pakistan at a lower cost, both in terms of sale price and payment terms, and so India will not be any more powerful over Pakistan than it is now.

Predictions in economy is a waste of time because a lot of factors matter, and as you say China is a factor too, but then what I would suggest is you do a comparison study or simply list out India and Pakistan's defense plans for all services for the next 5 years or the next 10 years and where it's heading to and it's probable status and see the difference.
I intially thought the same, but then thought why the hook is visible during take-off. I thought it to be retractable and open only when landing.

First image is the position of arrestor hook during landing and rest of the time during flight and otherwise it will be retracted like in the second and third picture .



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