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Philippine Air Force in Bad Shape: Spokesman (Can India Help)

1. We always need India's help for overhauling air craft.So, Phil can overhaul their crafts in India too.

2. We've just bought alot of Bastion-P bcz Russia sold it on credit, if Russia-India can sell Brahmos on credit , we sure will buy alot also.

Sure we should help you guys. I am sure we will sell Brahmos after fulfilling demands to our armed forces.

This makes sense but the Philippines doesn't operate Russians planes.

No problem, same stuff again please go through the post entirely and you will understand that we are giving them some equipment and then we can help Philippines.

Since you're not a decision maker in Vietnam, is there anything in your press that indicate that such a deal is likely? Keep in mind that no one has imported the Brahmos before.

hmm...However it seems that you are a decision maker in China. Let me inform you there are many countries who wants Brahmos and we are not selling it. Because we want to fulfill our armed forces requirement before thinking of export. This point is also discussed in large. However you must not have gone through the replies. Understandable.

I know you saw my second post, so I'll expect a reply (a coherent one being preferable)

Look who is talking mate. You are skipping all my question from first reply and you want me to be coherent.
CardSharp said:
You really think that you have a say in Vietnamese defence procurement?
Most of Viet people want Brahmos , we want the best missile to protect the sea teritory ,Brahmos can fire from SU-30MK2 also. there No reason for ignoring Brahmos.
However we can provide Philippines or Vietnam with some equipment.

More vaguaries. What equipment. State it clearly or gtfo.

You opposed it. However, they doesn't seems to be bothered about your concerns much.

Bothered them enough to stop the purchase of F-16's that Taiwan badly needs. What else can China ask for?

We are dependable so every developed nation is willing to co-develop or share there military technology with us and not with you.

Do you want the truth? They are willing to sell you military tech because you don't have a spine. You are not a challenge to their world order. You don't have an independent path, if enough pressure is applied you'll follow orders. Then you become just another money bag.

McLeod: Turning to China, you mentioned that China is becoming a major competitor to US power in Asia, and even that the US is “frightened by China”. How does China pose a threat to US interests in Asia?

China does not pose a military threat. In fact, of all the major powers, China has probably been the most restrained in building up its military forces. China poses a very serious threat because it cannot be intimidated [by the US].

Take for example Iran and Iraq. The US wants the world to boycott Iran in pursuit of US policies. Europe sort of shakes its fist, but Europe pretty much backs off. So when the US warns countries not to invest in Iran, European investors – banks and so on – tend to pull out, not entirely, they find some ways to get around it, but they do pretty much pull out.

But China on the other hand doesn’t pay any attention. They just go ahead and do what they want to do – they have been there for 3000 years…The idea that there is a potentially powerful state that cannot easily be intimidated is very threatening to people want to rule the rule the world.

There is no reason to sell military tech to a rising strategic competitor. China is a rising strategic competitor, India is not. Thus sell to India no risk, sell to China risk.

But I suspect they'll sell to china most of their valuable tech in the end. Profit driven companies can't help it. China is too big a market, they want access and the price of the ticket in, is their technology.

there No reason for ignoring Brahmos.

Except you just bought the P-800 from Russia. You're welcome to await news of Vietnam importing the Brahmos.
Wrong, we're 70% democracy country, the govt will buy Brahmos bcz Vnese want it, we pay Tax for the govt to work for the benefit of people, bro.

Buying Brahmos will increase our friendship with India also.

So, Phil should buy some Su 30-KMI :D

Finally we have a good and reliable friend in that region. Surely Brahmos will get us much closer. However, Phil should buy Su 30 but it should be MKI..lol :cheers:

Finally we have a good and reliable friend in that region. Surely Brahmos will get us much closer. However, Phil should buy Su 30 but it should be MKI..lol :cheers:

lol yep the Philippines buying Su-30 MKIs. Is this what passes for logical in your little head?
More vaguaries. What equipment. State it clearly or gtfo.

Now that was unnecessary. You d**kh**d don't go through entire post and ask the same question again and again. You should GTFO.

Do you want the truth? They are willing to sell you military tech because you don't have a spine. You are not a challenge to their world order. You don't have an independent path, if enough pressure is applied you'll follow orders. Then you become just another money bag.

There is no reason to sell military tech to a rising strategic competitor. China is a rising strategic competitor, India is not. Thus sell to India no risk, sell to China risk.

But I suspect they'll sell to china most of their valuable in the end. Companies can't help it. China is too big a market.

In your dreams d**kh**d. No one is will to selling there stuff to you, Russian's are also pissed now. You will make a copy of anything(outer structure) and sell it with a different name. Late 70's to 90's didn't you buy all of your military equipments like we are doing it now?

We are also progressing on our own products and forcing others to come and sell there stuff on our terms. You don't seems to understand this point.

About following orders, you are absolutely have no idea about India and what happened in MMRCA recently. US applied a lot of pressure, however we went with the best available option. US offered us F-35 once we rejected F-16/F-18 and you know what we rejected that as well. Pointless point of yours. I can understand you don't read much before running your mouth.

Except you just bought the P-800 from Russia. You're welcome to await news of Vietnam importing the Brahmos

I have explained again and again why we are not exporting, however it seems it not going in your head so no point explaining it again.

lol yep the Philippines buying Su-30 MKIs. Is this what passes for logical in your little head?

I was talking with other mate. Why don't you take a little bit of time and go through the post from beginning and then come and debate.

Even after so many request it still not going in your head.

Keep posting and I will reply your questions tomorrow(Monday) evening.

CardSharp said:
Except you just bought the P-800 from Russia. You're welcome to await news of Vietnam importing the Brahmos.
We bough P-800 on Credit ,so we can slowly pay back to Rissia and will have extra money to offer Brahmos to equip for Su-30 KMI, then we can blow up any Oil rig violating our EEZ and the teritory around our Paraccel and Spratly islands also. :D
India can help by handing over some of the IAF fighters which are getting de-commissioned, but still have got some life left in them.
Incredible India could give its Mig 21's. It would kill 2 birds with one stone. help phiils and save Indian pilots lives

Hahaha, that's funny as hell, but I certainly don't want to under-estimate Indian's mig 21 with Brahmos combined, if Mig-21 engine fail, Brahmos engine will take over :D

1. We always need India's help for overhauling air craft.So, Phil can overhaul their crafts in India too.

2. We've just bought alot of Bastion-P bcz Russia sold it on credit, if Russia-India can sell Brahmos on credit , we sure will buy alot also.

You don't stop to amaze me...what is Vietnam credit rating? you asked Russia for credit and now you want to ask India for credit again? do you knwo Russia still control the Brahmos's engine...India has to buy from them? I dont know how Russia will react to that?

Wrong, we're 70% democracy country, the govt will buy Brahmos bcz Vnese want it, we pay Tax for the govt to work for the benefit of people, bro.

Buying Brahmos will increase our friendship with India also.

So, Phil should buy some Su 30-KMI :D

You pays tax and your gorvernment still demand credit to buy weapons??? where are all tax money go? :lol: Sure Bying Brahmos will definitely increase friendship...sure just make sure that the moment India come collect the credit, Vietnam is ready to pay :lol:

We bough P-800 on Credit ,so we can slowly pay back to Rissia and will have extra money to offer Brahmos to equip for Su-30 KMI, then we can blow up any Oil rig violating our EEZ and the teritory around our Paraccel and Spratly islands also. :D

Very smart move :enjoy:, slowly pay back to Russia and use extra money to buy Brahmos...sure Russians are likely to be get owned by Vietnamese :lol:
STFU and learn to respect people ! The way you talk makes me think that some child is waging war with his keyboard ... what have you contributed to this thread ? Absolutely Nothing ! Yes they reverse engineer , you know why ? Just because they can ... Nobody has time in today's world to reinvent the wheel ... Chinese are progressing far beyond than many and today they have their own innovative new ideas ... You talk about economy ? Do you live under the rock so we have to tell you about Chinese economy ? ... They are creating everything from Stealth Fighter and Aircraft Carriers ... Or else which aircraft is J20 copied from ? ... Reverse Engineering is not child's play ... There isn't a machine which copy's Russian weapons and labels them as Chinese ... It requires skills and money something which USA is lacking in right now ! IF China today stops buying your treasuries , then God knows how much inflation and social unrest you will have !

Ha, you're right. This same post could be referred to 'CardSharp', i only posted it in result to him.
Indians are just being stuff to contain China ... No other reason !
The whole world feels threatened from China because its a rising world power ... Yes they do copy stuff , but it doesn't matter at the end of the day if your fighters are in the sky ...

India can help by handing over some of the IAF fighters which are getting de-commissioned, but still have got some life left in them.
Like Mig 21's ?
Kiss_of_the_Dragon said:
You don't stop to amaze me...what is Vietnam credit rating? you asked Russia for credit and now you want to ask India for credit again? do you knwo Russia still control the Brahmos's engine...India has to buy from them? I dont know how Russia will react to that?
Vietnam credit rating is AAA+, you know why ?bcz we help the world to have free navigation in SCS(East sea) and in Malacca Straight instead of controlling by CHina or Hoa in ASEAN.:D
You pays tax and your gorvernment still demand credit to buy weapons??? where are all tax money go? Sure Bying Brahmos will definitely increase friendship...sure just make sure that the moment India come collect the credit, Vietnam is ready to pay
We're poor, so our tax is still not enough, and we need help from Russia-Japan-India .
Very smart move , slowly pay back to Russia and use extra money to buy Brahmos...sure Russians are likely to be get owned by Vietnames
Hehe, that's the mutual benefit, we need to keep up the good relationship with Russia,so we always get the best weapons like T-50 PAK FA from Russia to shoot down your J-xxx jet fighter :D
Vietnam credit rating is AAA+, you know why ?bcz we help the world to have free navigation in SCS(East sea) and in Malacca Straight instead of controlling by CHina or Hoa in ASEAN.
WHAT ? :rofl: You made my day bro !!!

Hehe, that's the mutual benefit, we need to keep up the good relationship with Russia,so we always get the best weapons like T-50 PAK FA from Russia to shoot down your J-xxx jet fighter
How do you expect to pay ? :)
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