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Philippine Air Force in Bad Shape: Spokesman (Can India Help)

What equipments you think you can empower Phil & Vietnam to hold China back or delay the attack? Are you gonna provide more modern warships and submarine for these countries? modern sea battle won't last then few minutes once the target is discovered, I just dont see how you can hold evil chinese agression long enough..and even that assume that you Indian warships arrive on time...what may you think that all your combines forces will be able to coordinate effectively during the battle and win the war?

Oh, c'mon, you're Loser in 1979 war even we just used millita forces to fight against you, your radar still got heavily jammed by US jammer during 80s, your weapon tech now just equal to US tech in 50-60 s, so, you must understand that : CHina have No chance to win VN.:D

Your inflation is 6,2 % now, if war happend it will be 15-20 %, that can collapse your economy. you cannot financially afford to wage any long time war against Viet Nam.And stop nonsense comment about our inflation rate, don't forget, we still could beat up some bad guy in 10 year and kept fighting against you even our inflation rate was 500 %.

The more, the merrier, we need India to help VN to unify ASEAN, then create some high tech weapon together after that, you're still so weak, we don't need to care much about you.
Oh, c'mon, you're Loser in 1979 war even we just used millita forces to fight against you, your radar still got heavily jammed by US jammer during 80s, your weapon tech now just equal to US tech in 50-60 s, so, you must understand that : CHina have No chance to win VN.:D

Your inflation is 6,2 % now, if war happend it will be 15-20 %, that can collapse your economy. you cannot financially afford to wage any long time war against Viet Nam.And stop nonsense comment about our inflation rate, don't forget, we still could beat up some bad guy in 10 year and kept fighting against you even our inflation rate was 500 %.

The more, the merrier, we need India to help VN to unify ASEAN, then create some high tech weapon together after that, you're still so weak, we don't need to care much about you.

Oh my God...how dare me the 79 Loser Evil chinese to speak naval tachical warfare and keep offende S.o.S vietnam that way....my thousand excuse.
I need to visit Vietnam and try some of what the people are smoking there. That is some fantasy world.
Oh my God...how dare me the 79 Loser Evil chinese to speak naval tachical warfare and keep offende S.o.S vietnam that way....my thousand excuse.

oh, c'mon, your war ships are damn poor copycat, and Russia-India plan to increase Brahmos's range more than 600km now, you can forget your Navy in SCS (East sea) now, try to place an oil rig in despute zone first before talking about your poor Navy roaming around tiny sea territory :D

CardSharp said:
I need to visit Vietnam and try some of what the people there are smoking. That is some fantasy world they are living in.
You don't need to do it, lots of CHinese spies in VN already , just ask them about Vnese, they will give you correct answer :D

What we think about CHina :Oh, that big bad boy still so weak, that's all. :smokin:
oh, c'mon, your war ships are damn poor copycat, and Russia-India plan to increase Brahmos's range more than 600km now, you can forget your Navy in SCS (East sea) now, try to place an oil rig in despute zone first before talking about your poor Navy roaming around tiny sea territory :D

Don't you know that we Evil chinese were pissing on our pants went we met S.o.S vietname since historycal time...how dare we offende the southern mighty warrior with Brahmos...and don't worry our navy will drawn before meeting head to head with vietnamese Fish boats.
oh, c'mon, your war ships are damn poor copycat, and Russia-India plan to increase Brahmos's range more than 600km now, you can forget your Navy in SCS (East sea) now, try to place an oil rig in despute zone first before talking about your poor Navy roaming around tiny sea territory :D

You don't need to do it, lots of CHinese spies in VN already , just ask them about Vnese, they will give you correct answer :D

What we think about CHina :Oh, that big bad boy still so weak, that's all. :smokin:

Sounds like the Vietnamese wants to be turned into fishfood again. :whistle:
Don't you know that we Evil chinese were pissing on our pants went we met S.o.S vietname since historycal time...how dare we offende the southern mighty warrior with Brahmos...and don't worry our navy will drawn before meeting head to head with vietnamese Fish boats.
Yep, your poor Navy must run away before heading our boat, bcz we may buy some US jammer and equipt for those boat to jam your rardar :D.

DOnt' forget :

CHina means : Center empire

Viet Nam means : Southern empire

We identify the ruling areas for thousand years ago already :D:D

CardSharp said:
Sounds like the Vietnamese wants to be turned into fishfood again.
you means your Navy can kill our fishermen only ??Oh, poor CHina Navy :D
Just found this article.

Philippines Ups Spending To Guard South China Sea

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippines on Sept. 7 announced another military spending spree to defend its South China Sea territories, with a key goal of protecting its largest natural gas project against Chinese claims.

Nearly five billion pesos ($118 million) will be spent on top of this year's defense budget to buy a navy patrol vessel and six helicopters as well as various military supplies, Budget Secretary Florencio Abad said.

"The 4.95 billion pesos will fund necessary capability requirements of (armed forces) in its territorial defense operations, including providing a strong security perimeter for the Malampaya Natural Gas and Power Project," he said.

The $4.5 billion Malampaya project, operated as a joint venture with Shell Philippines, is the biggest gas extraction operation in the country and supplies nearly half of the energy needed on the main island of Luzon.

Malampaya is located 50 miles off the coast of the southwestern Philippine island of Palawan, but the area of the South China Sea is also claimed by China.

Other parts of the South China Sea are claimed by Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam, besides the Philippines and China, and the area has for decades been considered one of Asia's potential military flashpoints.

Tensions spiked again this year after the Philippines and Vietnam said that China had become increasingly aggressive in staking its claims to the area, which is believed to hold vast deposits of oil and gas.

The Philippines accused Chinese troops of firing warning shots against Filipino fishermen, laying buoys and markers in its territory and harassing a Philippine-sanctioned oil exploration vessel.

Philippine President Benigno Aquino and his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao committed to solve the dispute peacefully when the Filipino leader visited Beijing last week.

But the Philippines has also insisted it will not back down against Chinese aggression.

Although the new spending announced on Sept. 7 is miniscule compared with China's military budget, it is significant for the cash-strapped Philippine defense forces and comes on top of other upgrades this year.

The Philippines last month took delivery of a coast guard ship to be used to patrol waters within its 200-nautical-mile economic exclusion zone that are also coveted by China, such as the Malampaya area.
Yep, your poor Navy must run away before heading our boat, bcz we may buy some US jammer and equipt for those boat to jam your rardar :D.

DOnt' forget :

CHina means : Center empire

Viet Nam means : Southern empire

We identify the ruling areas for thousand years ago already :D:D

you means your Navy can kill our fishermen only ??Oh, poor CHina Navy :D

Vietname : means Southern empire??? that's rich...you know that I can't stop you from saying that the moon is square and the sun is a creation from earth.
Vietname : means Southern empire??? that's rich...you know that I can't stop you from saying that the moon is square and the sun is a creation from earth.

CardSharp said:
What empire?
We defeated Champa, Kh mer and annexd to Viet Nam.

And let read again the poem of 1 thousand year ago Ly Thuong Kiet worte this poem

1075-1077 AD: General Ly Thuong Kiet successfully repells continuous attacks from China.

Over Mountains and Rivers of the South,
reigns the Emperor of the South,
As it stands written forever in the Book of Heaven.
How dare those barbarians invade our land?
Your armies, without pity, will be annihilated.

Asia Finest Discussion Forum > Nam Quốc S¡n H (Rivers and Mountains of the South Nation),

Don't dream about Southern area, CHinese bro :D
India, Philipines, Vietnam, Singapore and South Korea should pool their resouces together and their greatest scientific minds together to create the best weapons platforms against a common enemy. This is the key to our success in the region and at the same time, the expense is spread among all participants so the actual cost is less. This is a key and innovative way of dealing with a threat that is very hard to nip unless we think out of the box.

And by common enemy your are referring too?
I don't dream southern area but I do have a dream about our southern tributary state :lol:
tributary state is OK, bcz you donate so much money for Vnese living in Laos-Camb so they can send that money to VN to buy Russia-India weapons, then, we have to pay back the change to you :D:D.

Anonymous user said:
And by common enemy your are referring too?
By Any emenies on Earth dare to harm India-Russia-Vietnam frendship :D
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