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Philippine Air Force in Bad Shape: Spokesman (Can India Help)

1-Vietnam credit rating is AAA+, you know why ?bcz we help the world to have free navigation in SCS(East sea) and in Malacca Straight instead of controlling by CHina or Hoa in ASEAN.:D

2-We're poor, so our tax is still not enough, and we need help from Russia-Japan-India .

3-Hehe, that's the mutual benefit, we need to keep up the good relationship with Russia,so we always get the best weapons like T-50 PAK FA from Russia to shoot down your J-xxx jet fighter :D

1-I know that Vietname rating is AAA+, I just want to have you confirmation :lol: Sure...Help the world by sending S.O.S distress signal you spoke like a true Vietnamese :help:

2-C'mon man, over 89 millions people coundn't contribue to buy some Brahmos...are you Joking?...indeed Vietname really need help from Russia-Japan-India , you have forgot U.S. AsEan countries..in fact I advise to sent S.o.S :help:throughtout the world...you can get more help :lol:

3- Congratualtion for your future T-50 Pak Fa...oh...you can demand Russia to offer credit package that come with it...They will certainly accomodate you....I think it's about time that Chinese develop J-XXXX, 3x is not enought to protect against Pak-Fa :D
Secur said:
WHAT ? You made my day bro !!!
As you can see, we're not USA allies, but US still allows VN to enrich uranium that even their closest allies like S.Korea-Japan can not allow.

So, we deserve AAA+ credit rating :D.
How do you expect to pay
pay on credit again of course :D

Kiss_of_the_Dragon said:
1-I know that Vietname rating is AAA+, I just want to have you confirmation Sure...Help the world by sending S.O.S distress signal you spoke like a true Vietnamese

2-C'mon man, over 89 millions people coundn't contribue to buy some Brahmos...are you Joking?...indeed Vietname really need help from Russia-Japan-India , you have forgot U.S. AsEan countries..in fact I advise to sent S.o.S throughtout the world...you can get more help

3- Congratualtion for your future T-50 Pak Fa...oh...you can demand Russia to offer credit package that come with it...They will certainly accomodate you....I think it's about time that Chinese develop J-XXXX, 3x is not enought to protect against Pak-Fa
1.we keep sending S.O.S signal from French colony time already, and lots of countries always willing to help :D

2.C'mon , we need money to buy war ship , jet fighter and best technology from USA also, they jsut lift the weapon embargo for VN, and they still not allow us to buy on credit :D

3. SUre we will buy T-50 on credit, we're damn poor bro :D
Ok serious question , What do Indians assume they will get by providing assistance to Philippines ?

Finally, some one talking sense. Thank You for asking this question.

As an Indian we have to save Indian ocean(As much as its our's) as much as possible from Chinese or from any other nation. China is trying to control which is ours from decades. I wouldn't blame China, its the fastest growing economy and demands for everything is very high in that country. So, Chines are trying to spread there wings in Indian Ocean for valuable materiel and most importantly sea lanes. We all know that most of the goods are transferred through sea not through air, during war time if you can cut off you enemies supply line you simply win the war. Most of Chinese stuff are routed through Indian ocean.

Having a reliable friend in that region means we can stop Chinese in there territory and they will never be able to make it to Indian Ocean during war time. We already have Vietnam, will get one more(Phil). So, we would like both Vietnam and Phil to be a strong in term of armed forces. I know they still have some territory issues with China.

Gain for India, China will have some sort of resistance from these country before they reach Indian Ocean, where we will be prepared after getting information from our friends. We might get a future customer for our defense equipments. Very good possibility.

I have told this thing earlier. We don't want to push Vietnam and Phil to become aggressive against China. We just want them to save them self from any aggression from any country.

Both these nations also have a backup from USA, so China will infact think twice before declaring a war against them.

Thanks again for asking a sensible question mate :cheers:

Indians are just being stuff to contain China ... No other reason !
The whole world feels threatened from China because its a rising world power ... Yes they do copy stuff , but it doesn't matter at the end of the day if your fighters are in the sky ...

Like Mig 21's ?

Nope, Not that. We want to make friends not enemies:no:

How about
1. Akash Missile
2. Nag (ATGM)
3. HAL Dhruv
4. HAL Rudra (Weaponized version of Dhruv, FOC within a Year or two)
5. Older tanks which is kept in reserve after making some modification. Add in some Arjun
6. Dorniar aircraft (for guarding there sea)
7. Mine protecting Vehicles(Mahindra's)
8. Utility Vehicles like Mahindra Axe or Tata's
9. Build them some new boats(speed boats). Private shipbuilders would love to execute this projects.
10. Provide them with our decommissioned boats after modification
11. Provide them LCA Tejas after FOC

For a start we can provide them this as a gift no harm we have already provided lot of stuff to Nepal recently. Again, You never know they might order our defense equipment in future.

More vaguaries. What equipment. State it clearly or gtfo.

This was seriously not needed. You seems to be a very old member in this forum and the other guy requested you many times to go through earlier post of details. You should have gone through that.:disagree:
Now that was unnecessary. You d**kh**d don't go through entire post and ask the same question again and again. You should GTFO.

In your dreams d**kh**d. No one is will to selling there stuff to you, Russian's are also pissed now. You will make a copy of anything(outer structure) and sell it with a different name. Late 70's to 90's didn't you buy all of your military equipments like we are doing it now?

We are also progressing on our own products and forcing others to come and sell there stuff on our terms. You don't seems to understand this point.

About following orders, you are absolutely have no idea about India and what happened in MMRCA recently. US applied a lot of pressure, however we went with the best available option. US offered us F-35 once we rejected F-16/F-18 and you know what we rejected that as well. Pointless point of yours. I can understand you don't read much before running your mouth.

I have explained again and again why we are not exporting, however it seems it not going in your head so no point explaining it again.


How you tolerated this guy for so long. :hitwall:
It's indeed a good classic strategy of using enemy's enemies but you miss out two considerations:

1- if Phils and Viet want to be India's meat shield in case of war between India and China?

2- If even your so call combine forces or coalition will be strong enought to wiithstand Chinese invasion realistically? what is Fhilp navy capability ?and Vietnamese one?...by the time your India bring your warships to south China sea...most likely their naval forces and sea ports will be completely destroyed.

Sure some people will invoke U.S as super natural force into discussion :lol:
India, Philipines, Vietnam, Singapore and South Korea should pool their resouces together and their greatest scientific minds together to create the best weapons platforms against a common enemy. This is the key to our success in the region and at the same time, the expense is spread among all participants so the actual cost is less. This is a key and innovative way of dealing with a threat that is very hard to nip unless we think out of the box.
Nope, Not that. We want to make friends not enemies:no:

How about
1. Akash Missile
2. Nag (ATGM)
3. HAL Dhruv
4. HAL Rudra (Weaponized version of Dhruv, FOC within a Year or two)
5. Older tanks which is kept in reserve after making some modification. Add in some Arjun
6. Dorniar aircraft (for guarding there sea)
7. Mine protecting Vehicles(Mahindra's)
8. Utility Vehicles like Mahindra Axe or Tata's
9. Build them some new boats(speed boats). Private shipbuilders would love to execute this projects.
10. Provide them with our decommissioned boats after modification
11. Provide them LCA Tejas after FOC

For a start we can provide them this as a gift no harm we have already provided lot of stuff to Nepal recently. Again, You never know they might order our defense equipment in future.


I would agree with you, we might have a client in future of our defense equipment.

---------- Post added at 05:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 PM ----------

It's indeed a good classic strategy of using enemy's enemies but you miss out two considerations:

1- if Phils and Viet want to be India's meat shield in case of war between India and China?

2- If even your so call combine forces or coalition will be strong enought to wiithstand Chinese invasion realistically? what is Fhilp navy capability ?and Vietnamese one?...by the time your India bring your warships to south China sea...most likely their naval forces and sea ports will be completely destroyed.

Sure some people will invoke U.S as super natural force into discussion :lol:

Very valid point. This is what 1nd1a is point seems. If we empower them with some equipment they will be able to withstand chinase aggression for lot longer then what they would now. That will give us enough time to send our ships there.
Very valid point. This is what 1nd1a is point seems. If we empower them with some equipment they will be able to withstand chinase aggression for lot longer then what they would now. That will give us enough time to send our ships there.

What equipments you think you can empower Phil & Vietnam to hold China back or delay the attack? Are you gonna provide more modern warships and submarine for these countries? modern sea battle won't last then few minutes once the target is discovered, I just dont see how you can hold evil chinese agression long enough..and even that assume that you Indian warships arrive on time...what may you think that all your combines forces will be able to coordinate effectively during the battle and win the war?
What equipments you think you can empower Phil & Vietnam to hold China back or delay the attack? Are you gonna provide more modern warships and submarine for these countries? modern sea battle won't last then few minutes once the target is discovered, I just dont see how you can hold evil chinese agression long enough..and even that assume that you Indian warships arrive on time...what may you think that all your combines forces will be able to coordinate effectively during the battle and win the war?

What we can provide is already mentioned in the thread. We are totally aware that these countries would not be able to stop Chinese. We have already agreed to that point. However, once IN arrives at the scene everything will change.

But I don't see a war between India and China. None of them are in a position to harm other. Both are busy with there own prospect in the new world. Both are dependent on others economy.
What we can provide is already mentioned in the thread. We are totally aware that these countries would not be able to stop Chinese. We have already agreed to that point. However, once IN arrives at the scene everything will change.

But I don't see a war between India and China. None of them are in a position to harm other. Both are busy with there own prospect in the new world. Both are dependent on others economy.

I mean seriously what equipments you can empowers these countries? don't tell me that your Brahmos is good enough to deter China, you still need good battle ships or subs with earlier warning and best sonar detection, are India gonna provide that? as I said before in moderrn battle first see first shoot...I don't think Brahmos is sufficient to the naval battle...you need more than that.

Even if Indian navy arrive...what will be Changed to scene? I still dont see what Indian Navy has more than PLAN.

...and sure War is the last thing that everybody wants
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