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Pew Report: Jews and Hindus are most highly-educated in US

Your whole thesis can be qualified only as due to heartburn. As if only Indians and Chinese move overseas. Indians do better in all countries of the world they live in. Something that cannot be said about Sri Lankans.
Lol if people like you stop existing and give space for intelligent Indians (like the ones in USA), India today would be a great country.
Your whole thesis can be qualified only as due to heartburn. As if only Indians and Chinese move overseas. Indians do better in all countries of the world they live in. Something that cannot be said about Sri Lankans.

Actually he speaks great sense, he is not saying Hindus are not successful he is saying they are successful because of their drive to be successful not because they are of the Hindu faith.
how does one conclude that the faith of a person being is reason behind that persons economic/academic gains? If that were the case, why are majority of the hindus in India and around the world living under abject poverty?
So its been established that Blacks are economically withheld compared to their white counter parts. I have already mentioned that myself. I did how ever say that, these economic restrain placed upon black people does not act a barrier for them to move up in the social ladder within the American society. As far as I know Dalits have it different in India right to tr Are they allowed to become priests in hindu society? Are they not (on average) persecuted when they try to marry someone from a higher caste?

First of all they were not random articles. They were from respected institutes such as The National Bureau of Economic Research and Economic Policy Institute.

In case you thought these were random articles and did not read it properly, here is what they say

Residential segregation and ongoing poverty has left African Americans in some of the least desirable housing in some of the lowest-resourced communities in America. In addition to much higher poverty rates, blacks suffer from concentrated poverty. Nearly half (45 percent) of poor black children live in neighborhoods with concentrated poverty, but only a little more than a tenth (12 percent) of poor white children live in similar neighborhoods. Children in neighborhoods with concentrated poverty experience more social and behavioral problems, have lower test scores, and are more likely to drop out of school. Recent research suggests that reducing children’s exposure to concentrated poverty can improve their likelihood of upward economic mobility.

In 1963, at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Whitney M. Young Jr., executive director of the National Urban League, called for African Americans to “march from the rat-infested, over-crowded ghettos to decent, wholesome, unrestricted residential areas disbursed throughout our cities.” Fifty years later, African Americans still lack full access to decent, wholesome, and safe housing, in large part because black poverty remains high and is very concentrated.

Next article,

Racial segregation in the United States remains at a very high level. On average, 60 percent of blacks would have to move in order for blacks and whites to be equally distributed in American cities.

Second, "collective action racism," such as restrictive covenants, racial zoning, policy instruments, and threats of violence which were widespread before 1960, may have played a role in creating segregated urban neighborhoods. Indeed, the authors find a much higher use of restrictive real estate covenants in cities that are more segregated.

Also note,

Third, there may be "decentralized racism," in which whites simply pay more to live in areas with other whites, a "privilege" that is worth more to whites than to blacks. The data seem to support this explanation as a contributing factor for the persistent segregation we experience today, decades after equal housing laws were enacted.

This may is a doubt and hope they espouse for continued segregation though there is nothing to support this explanation. Just as blacks are over represented in prisons systems, blacks are over represented in their ghettos not because of their policies but because of their practice.

Actually he speaks great sense, he is not saying Hindus are not successful he is saying they are successful because of their drive to be successful not because they are of the Hindu faith.

They drive to be successful because they come from a background which emphasis this. That is why the faith is a determinant. Indian Christians and Indian Muslims on the other hand are not so successful in the same countries Indian Hindus are.


Lol if people like you stop existing and give space for intelligent Indians (like the ones in USA), India today would be a great country.

India already is a great country. Just look at the number of countries courting India. Did you see the reception Modi got in China? You think Sri Lanka will get that anywhere ever?

Also just go to skyscrapercity.com and look at how Indian cities look. You will be knocked out of your senses with all the poverty poverty claptrap you seem to enjoy promoting, to see how affluent India really is.

Now tell me where it says that whites move out of predominantly black neighbourhoods because they do not like blacks?

The very fact that they are willing to pay more to live in white areas speaks about dislike of living with the blacks. Unless you are under the mistaken assumption that people just like to throw money around for no reason at all.
First of all they were not random articles. They were from respected institutes such as The National Bureau of Economic Research and Economic Policy Institute.

In case you thought these were random articles and did not read it properly, here is what they say

Residential segregation and ongoing poverty has left African Americans in some of the least desirable housing in some of the lowest-resourced communities in America. In addition to much higher poverty rates, blacks suffer from concentrated poverty. Nearly half (45 percent) of poor black children live in neighborhoods with concentrated poverty, but only a little more than a tenth (12 percent) of poor white children live in similar neighborhoods. Children in neighborhoods with concentrated poverty experience more social and behavioral problems, have lower test scores, and are more likely to drop out of school. Recent research suggests that reducing children’s exposure to concentrated poverty can improve their likelihood of upward economic mobility.

In 1963, at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Whitney M. Young Jr., executive director of the National Urban League, called for African Americans to “march from the rat-infested, over-crowded ghettos to decent, wholesome, unrestricted residential areas disbursed throughout our cities.” Fifty years later, African Americans still lack full access to decent, wholesome, and safe housing, in large part because black poverty remains high and is very concentrated.

Next article,

Racial segregation in the United States remains at a very high level. On average, 60 percent of blacks would have to move in order for blacks and whites to be equally distributed in American cities.

Second, "collective action racism," such as restrictive covenants, racial zoning, policy instruments, and threats of violence which were widespread before 1960, may have played a role in creating segregated urban neighborhoods. Indeed, the authors find a much higher use of restrictive real estate covenants in cities that are more segregated.

Also note,

Third, there may be "decentralized racism," in which whites simply pay more to live in areas with other whites, a "privilege" that is worth more to whites than to blacks. The data seem to support this explanation as a contributing factor for the persistent segregation we experience today, decades after equal housing laws were enacted.

This may is a doubt and hope they espouse for continued segregation though there is nothing to support this explanation. Just as blacks are over represented in prisons systems, blacks are over represented in their ghettos not because of their policies but because of their practice.

They drive to be successful because they come from a background which emphasis this. That is why the faith is a determinant. Indian Christians and Indian Muslims on the other hand are not so successful in the same countries Indian Hindus are.


India already is a great country. Just look at the number of countries courting India. Did you see the reception Modi got in China? You think Sri Lanka will get that anywhere ever?

Also just go to skyscrapercity.com and look at how Indian cities look. You will be knocked out of your senses with all the poverty poverty claptrap you seem to enjoy promoting, to see how affluent India really is.

The very fact that they are willing to pay more to live in white areas speaks about dislike of living with the blacks. Unless you are under the mistaken assumption that people just like to throw money around for no reason at all.
You are such a moron. I am not going to waste my time with you. Yeah, India is STRONK SHUPAPOWA!! India in 2030 will have servants form Europe and North America.
You are such a moron. I am not going to waste my time with you. Yeah, India is STRONK SHUPAPOWA!! India in 2030 will have servants form Europe and North America.

Well who cares what a butt hurt Sri Lankan has to say. Just in case you want to see the etiology of your butt hurt, you can go here and browse through these wonderful pages.

Indian Cityscapes & Townscapes - SkyscraperCity
@Bitter Melon and @Azizam please, no ad hominem.
Just to clarify. I didn't compare Hindus with other cultures. I said that they are successful because of different reasons including good parenting, creative thinking, work ethics etc, religion doesn't have anything to do with it. And I didn't deny their achievements and in fact I am happy about them.
Nope. There is something about Dharmic religions which does not let even the most marginalized to devolve into animals. Never ever that. Even the house maid working for us is cultured. There is extreme honesty even among our poorest.

I replied in the context of "Gadha Majuri".

Actually North America is one of the few places where a person without a formal /post secondary education can make a decent living.

Blacks are not the social pariah they are made out to be in American society (well according to people on this forum). Infact the "American culture" (music, arts, pop culture) as we know it, comes mainly from the Blacks -well atleast a huge chunk of it. Same can not be said about the roles Dalits play in their native lands- therefore I do not see parallels.

As for why Black families are poorer than most immigrant groups in America... that is a whole different topic on its own.

Rubbish. Sachin Tendulkar did not finish high school and he is worth 150 million $. Dhirubhai Ambani was not a graduate but he became the richest man in India. Bill gate was a collage drop out. Such examples are meaningless and are fit only for idiots.

Blacks constitute 40% of US prison inmates. 32% are hispanics :lol: Their percentage in population is only 13% and 17% respectively.

Dalits have 50% reservations in schools and govt. jobs. Hardly anyone gets into crime. Stop wasting my time with such nonsense.
Its kiddish to blame Brahmins for each and every thing to hide their own incapability..
In my own community, Except few families,Majority of our forefathers were landless peasants and were treated like untouchables by the Brahmins and other High caste Hindu groups,we were even called as untouchable paraya converted Christian..But instead of crying and moaning about our fate,our forefathers went to far forest,mountain areas,planted plantation crops like rubber,pepper,cardamom,coffee etc and made immense wealth,money,power and rose to the most richest community among all the Malayali groups..We were untouchables in the past,but today most richest group and forward caste..Money makes you dignity and social status..If there is a will,there is a way..

1. Did I blame the Brahmins for anything ? :coffee: ........ what kind of Nonsense is this ?

2. The MAJORITY in kerala was landless peasants. Nothing special about Christians. Hindus were landless peasants too.

What was special about the Christians were that they were British collaborators. When the rest of Indai called Gandhi as "Mahatma Gandhi", your newspaper "Malayalam Manorama" called the Mahatma as "Mr. Gandhi" , just like the British.

The British under Munroe stole land from the Hindu temples and gave them to Christian bodies and Churches. Most of the Rubber and Tea estates in Kerala was owned by the British and after them went to the Christians who were employed by them or converted into christianity. THAT is how when land reforms took place, the christians got the land.

The education institutions set up by the British gave preference to Christians, from school to collages. Most were run by Christian bodies, who after the british left became owned by Kerala christians. THAT is why today christians own close to 60% of all educational institutions in kerala. Worse unlike the hindus who do not practice active discrimination against anyone (or everyone, depending on how you look at it), the Christians give preference to their "own".

Contrary to your bigoted and supremacist beliefs, there is nothing "special" about the christian community. They are just as hard-working and lazy as the Hindus or the muslims. IF they have made it better, it was because of discrimination, not by exceptional "hard work" :lol:

Spin such stories to the other dumb 'secular" mallus here. They might swallow it.

If there was a will and a way EVERYBODY would have made it out, not only the kerala christians who today own a average of 1.264 acre of land as compared to the 0.69 acres a Hindu owns in Kerala. :lol:

How many christian freedom fighters from kerala do you know ? .......... now how many Hindu freedom fighters do you know ? :cheesy:
1. Did I blame the Brahmins for anything ? :coffee: ........ what kind of Nonsense is this ?

2. The MAJORITY in kerala was landless peasants. Nothing special about Christians. Hindus were landless peasants too.

What was special about the Christians were that they were British collaborators. When the rest of Indai called Gandhi as "Mahatma Gandhi", your newspaper "Malayalam Manorama" called the Mahatma as "Mr. Gandhi" , just like the British.

The British under Munroe stole land from the Hindu temples and gave them to Christian bodies and Churches. Most of the Rubber and Tea estates in Kerala was owned by the British and after them went to the Christians who were employed by them or converted into christianity. THAT is how when land reforms took place, the christians got the land.

The education institutions set up by the British gave preference to Christians, from school to collages. Most were run by Christian bodies, who after the british left became owned by Kerala christians. THAT is why today christians own close to 60% of all educational institutions in kerala. Worse unlike the hindus who do not practice active discrimination against anyone (or everyone, depending on how you look at it), the Christians give preference to their "own".

Contrary to your bigoted and supremacist beliefs, there is nothing "special" about the christian community. They are just as hard-working and lazy as the Hindus or the muslims. IF they have made it better, it was because of discrimination, not by exceptional "hard work" :lol:

Spin such stories to the other dumb 'secular" mallus here. They might swallow it.

If there was a will and a way EVERYBODY would have made it out, not only the kerala christians who today own a average of 1.264 acre of land as compared to the 0.69 acres a Hindu owns in Kerala. :lol:

How many christian freedom fighters from kerala do you know ? .......... now how many Hindu freedom fighters do you know ? :cheesy:
LOL...You are good in twisting history as usual,yes i know,you peoples can't accept truth,our hardships,struggles..
We have brought waste lands, forests,unproductive areas from government,local rulers,chiefs,worked 24*7 and converted it into productive plantations,agricultural farms etc.And most of these migrations happened in between 1950s-1980s(after independence)..
Schools and colleges in Kerala were started by Christian missionaries and opened to all irrespective of their caste,creed and religion(when students from backward communities were not allowed to enroll in schools owned by caste Hindus),naturally it went to churches after British missionaries have left India..Or you wanted it to handed over to your sanghi groups?
Mahatma Gandi-haha,Tum logo ko itna Gandhi pyaar kab shuru hua??..Gandhi ko kisne maara saheb??..jaakar apni bhagavan nathuram godse ka mandir mein aek vishisth shraddanjali karo..Voh UP mein hai,kab jaaonga??
Freedom fighters-Google-Akkamma cherian,Mathai manjooran,T V Thomas etc...
1. Did I blame the Brahmins for anything ? :coffee: ........ what kind of Nonsense is this ?

2. The MAJORITY in kerala was landless peasants. Nothing special about Christians. Hindus were landless peasants too.

What was special about the Christians were that they were British collaborators. When the rest of Indai called Gandhi as "Mahatma Gandhi", your newspaper "Malayalam Manorama" called the Mahatma as "Mr. Gandhi" , just like the British.

The British under Munroe stole land from the Hindu temples and gave them to Christian bodies and Churches. Most of the Rubber and Tea estates in Kerala was owned by the British and after them went to the Christians who were employed by them or converted into christianity. THAT is how when land reforms took place, the christians got the land.

The education institutions set up by the British gave preference to Christians, from school to collages. Most were run by Christian bodies, who after the british left became owned by Kerala christians. THAT is why today christians own close to 60% of all educational institutions in kerala. Worse unlike the hindus who do not practice active discrimination against anyone (or everyone, depending on how you look at it), the Christians give preference to their "own".

Contrary to your bigoted and supremacist beliefs, there is nothing "special" about the christian community. They are just as hard-working and lazy as the Hindus or the muslims. IF they have made it better, it was because of discrimination, not by exceptional "hard work" :lol:

Spin such stories to the other dumb 'secular" mallus here. They might swallow it.

If there was a will and a way EVERYBODY would have made it out, not only the kerala christians who today own a average of 1.264 acre of land as compared to the 0.69 acres a Hindu owns in Kerala. :lol:

How many christian freedom fighters from kerala do you know ? .......... now how many Hindu freedom fighters do you know ? :cheesy:
Can't the missionary convents(those in excess) be seized and 'secularized'? Having a 60% stake in education is almost like establishing a monopoly.
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