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Pew Report: Jews and Hindus are most highly-educated in US

Bringing religion into measuring performance is so stupid. If the reason for the success is Hindu religion then we should see India as one of the richest countries but that's not the case. It's nothing more than a result of what happens when positive aspects of eastern culture meets a western meritocratic system and the immigrants are generally more motivated to succeed in a society than the locals. Another factor is that most Indian immigrants are highly qualified already so it's not a big surprise that their offspring will also succeed. Instead of categorising them as Hindus, you should take them as Indians/Asians.

Amy Chua's "triple package" theory is also interesting.
  1. A superiority complex
  2. Insecurity
  3. Impulse control

Tiger Mom Amy Chua's theory of success: Three factors why Indians, Jews, Chinese do better than others - The Globe and Mail
Just going by the newspaper comments in all American media, I would say Americans have come to a pretty good conclusion as to the difference between Hindu Americans and Muslim Americans.

If we went by comments online then we would have to conclude all Indian got an iq of 10 but I personally know many intelligent Indians. :(
I do not think so. African culture does not get adopted in America as Indian culture has been.
What do you even mean? 50 years from now there'll be an army of mullatos like Obama in the united states , and you'll still be struggling to make them understand your concept of zero :lol:
If we went by comments online then we would have to conclude all Indian got an iq of 10 but I personally know many intelligent Indians. :(

Nope, nope, nope. The comments about Indians fall in 2 category, it is either about stealing their jobs or how lovely neighbors and work mates they make. IQ of Indians is never doubted. Just see the spelling bee videos to see the heartburn.
Nope, nope, nope. The comments about Indians fall in 2 category, it is either about stealing their jobs or how lovely neighbors and work mates they make. IQ of Indians is never doubted. Just see the spelling bee videos to see the heartburn.

Lmaoo I was talking about how Indians present themselves online, but ok. :)
What do you even mean? 50 years from now there'll be an army of mullatos like Obama in the united states , and you'll still be struggling to make them understand your concept of zero :lol:

Hello, hope you know that culture is not equal to race. So whether they are mulatos or blacks or whites or reds, the dominating culture will be Indian culture and zero is indispensable anyway even to get to an IQ of 10.
Hello, hope you know that culture is not equal to race. So whether they are mulatos or blacks or whites or reds, the dominating culture will be Indian culture and zero is indispensable anyway even to get to an IQ of 10.
yes you are right
haha you have just given me 2 random articles, without actually telling me what you are trying to prove. So I will play your game.

Residential segregation and ongoing poverty has left African Americans in some of the least desirable housing in some of the lowest-resourced communities in America. In addition to much higher poverty rates, blacks suffer from concentrated poverty
So its been established that Blacks are economically withheld compared to their white counter parts. I have already mentioned that myself. I did how ever say that, these economic restrain placed upon black people does not act a barrier for them to move up in the social ladder within the American society. As far as I know Dalits have it different in India right ?Are they allowed to become priests in hindu society? Are they not (on average) persecuted when they try to marry someone from a higher caste?

Third, there may be "decentralized racis," in which whites simply pay more to live in areas with other whites, a "privilege" that is worth more to whites than to blacks. The data seem to support this explanation as a contributing factor for the persistent segregation we experience today, decades after equal housing laws were enacted.

See whats being bolded. This is not a factual statement but rather an opinion. I can turn around and say that people PAY HIGHER to move into a safer neighbourhood regardless of the race which major population of that community belongs to.

The article it self says what I just mentioned
Using detailed data from Cleveland, Atlanta, and Sacramento, and national data on segregation across cities, the authors find that the causes of segregation in American cities have changed over time. In the early part of the century whites took collective action to exclude blacks from neighborhoods. In contrast, today's segregation is characterized by decentralized forces; whites pay more than blacks to live in predominantly white areas. As the first type of racism decreases, urban integration does increase, although at modest rates and predominately because small numbers of blacks now live in what were formerly all white areas.

Now tell me where it says that whites move out of predominantly black neighbourhoods because they do not like blacks?
Instead of categorising them as Hindus, you should take them as Indians/Asians.
It was a faith based survey so it was meant to categorise by faith. No one is denying others where credit is due, there are also brilliant individuals in other ethnic groups too. As you posted in the link, Indian parents push their child to extreme, just look the spelling bee, it is mostly a non consequential contest. Still many are mad. Today there was a geographic bee and an Indian topped that and 3 in top 4 are NRI. cultural influence is evident. Here in India competition is so tough that many find other countries as easier.
Bringing religion into measuring performance is so stupid. If the reason for the success is Hindu religion then we should see India as one of the richest countries but that's not the case. It's nothing more than a result of what happens when positive aspects of eastern culture meets a western meritocratic system and the immigrants are generally more motivated to succeed in a society than the locals. Another factor is that most Indian immigrants are highly qualified already so it's not a big surprise that their offspring will also succeed. Instead of categorising them as Hindus, you should take them as Indians/Asians.

Amy Chua's "triple package" theory is also interesting.
  1. A superiority complex
  2. Insecurity
  3. Impulse control

Tiger Mom Amy Chua's theory of success: Three factors why Indians, Jews, Chinese do better than others - The Globe and Mail

Your whole thesis can be qualified only as due to heartburn. As if only Indians and Chinese move overseas. Indians do better in all countries of the world they live in. Something that cannot be said about Sri Lankans.
@hadoken - My condolences for the recent tragedy in Nepal ! :(
thanks bro. Its taken a lot out of my people. But we have to have a positive attitude and hope for a better tomorrow. Your government's help has been greatly appreciated by our people.

No body cared about the whole "beef masala" fiasco but the Indian media.
you didn't comprehend my post , jews have degrees because they have to , hindus are simply too many , some of them have degrees some are street thugs

Buddy, you are too stupid to know how stupid you sound.

This thread is fast becoming a troll fest. I'm outta here.
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