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Pew Report: Jews and Hindus are most highly-educated in US

I agree Brahmins are very good at "studying" and will go to a lot of trouble to do so, the only point being made here is that studying is only useful up to a point, it makes you get good grades in competitive exams and get into medical schools but does it make you good doctors? I would argue that to be a good doctor you need empathy, an understanding of human nature, an ability to make decisions under pressure, initiative and many many other factors. Brahmins may get better marks due to long tradition and family culture of simple living combined with long hours of studying and interpreting religious texts but is that enough to make you a better doctor? I submit the answer is a big fat NO.

Brahmins are as empathetic as any other caste and also as enterprising. You are making it seem as if their only plus point is mugging without understanding anything. That is dehumanizing them and reverse discrimination.
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This is such a BS. If that was the case why are 50 million Americans on food stamps or whatever name it goes by now.

Blacks are the social pariah and the inner cities are ghettos where they fester. There is a red line in housing where a black is denied housing in a white locality under some pretext or other. Blacks only dominate the music scene and even that is not considered high class. Ebonics is not exactly considered a language of class.

LOL Blacks dont just live in the inner city. THey are not subjected to live away from these so called " white communities" because of their race and creed. Your mortgage and where you live is decided by your credit score. So while you are partially right about under representations of blacks in the suburbia, your reasoning behind it is not correct.

Rap, Rock, Jazz, Blues are all derived from black culture. Jazz and blues is certainly revered as refined form of arts no?

Were it not for the civil right movements started by Blacks in the 60s, Indians such as your self would find it harder to immigrate to America. So with that i say, Blacks do indeed play a HUGE role in shaping the social fabric in America ;)
I agree Brahmins are very good at "studying" and will go to a lot of trouble to do so, the only point being made here is that studying is only useful up to a point, it makes you get good grades in competitive exams and get into medical schools but does it make you good doctors? I would argue that to be a good doctor you need empathy, an understanding of human nature, an ability to make decisions under pressure, initiative and many many other factors. Brahmins may get better marks due to long tradition and family culture of simple living combined with long hours of studying and interpreting religious texts but is that enough to make you a better doctor? I submit the answer is a big fat NO.
No one can guarantee who will become a good doctor , i only said about hardwork . btw are all quota doctors full of empathy ? again a big FAT NO.
what i said was about christian is through all india seats and that too pg , rest are MBBS seats in state route.

So Christians dominate the PG section? That is strange cause school after school I see the top ranking students are mostly Hindus, Brahmins if I may add.
So Christians dominate the PG section? That is strange cause school after school I see the top ranking students are mostly Hindus, Brahmins if I may add.
i said 40-50 % of kerala population which are here are christians , i replied a full way to a bangladeshi who said only brahmins are superior , i tried to clear his misconception. rest 60% are nairs and rest , only one muslim that i know of is from kerala . cannot ask many about their caste you know . so cannot differentiate brahmin and nairs.
Social status does not automatically correlate with higher income (see Jews). There is racism and then there is social segregation. Blacks play a huge role in defining the social make up of America. Dalits on the other hand do not.
Are you saying that Jews do not have social status or that they do not have higher income? I think on both counts you are wrong, they have both.

Black culture is very different to main stream culture. If you see the name Tanisha you know she is black. They have their own food, check out the you tube videos of black people eating white people food for the first time, they are funny. Dalit culture is part of main stream Indian culture, Dalits do exactly the same thing that higher caste hindus do as soon as they can afford it. Can you tell me what is the difference between an affluent Dalit wedding and any other Hindu wedding? Same garlands, same sarees, same ladoos. And as for Dalit impact on India I am sure @Bitter Melon here will be happy to fill you in on a few names maybe starting with BR Ambedkar and closing with Millind Kamble the chairman of the Dalit Chamber of commerce and industry.
LOL Blacks dont just live in the inner city. THey are not subjected to live away from these so called " white communities" because of their race and creed. Your mortgage and where you live is decided by your credit score. So while you are partially right about under representations of blacks in the suburbia, your reasoning behind it is not correct.

Rap, Rock, Jazz, Blues are all derived from black culture. Jazz and blues is certainly revered as refined form of arts no?

Were it not for the civil right movements started by Blacks in the 60s, Indians such as your self would find it harder to immigrate to America. So with that i say, Blacks do indeed play a HUGE role in shaping the social fabric in America ;)

Blacks populate the inner cities. Sure some sprinkling of them exist in other areas too. The Africans do much better in this regard than American Blacks.

Credit score is one of the determinants of who gets to live where, race is another big factor, though it is not spoken about.

As I said Blacks dominate the music scene but again not high arts. No one would consider rap and rock as one.

Long before Blacks formed their civil rights movements, they had a huge infiltration of Indian thoughts and ideas into the American society which led to the loosening up of their rigid societal norms enough to consider even listening to blacks as humans. Blacks themselves were inspired by Indians, read Martin Luther King and who his inspiration was.

The entire counter culture movement was inspired by Indian thoughts and that is how East became the mecca of the hippies.

Once again, Dalits in India did not have to launch a civil rights movement to get their rights. They were given without being asked for. Hence the need to stand as the other never arose.

i said 40-50 % of kerala population which are here are christians , i replied a full way to a bangladeshi who said only brahmins are superior , i tried to clear his misconception. rest 60% are nairs and rest , only one muslim that i know of is from kerala . cannot ask many about their caste you know . so cannot differentiate brahmin and nairs.

Okay, that makes sense :)

Are you saying that Jews do not have social status or that they do not have higher income? I think on both counts you are wrong, they have both.

Black culture is very different to main stream culture. If you see the name Tanisha you know she is black. They have their own food, check out the you tube videos of black people eating white people food for the first time, they are funny. Dalit culture is part of main stream Indian culture, Dalits do exactly the same thing that higher caste hindus do as soon as they can afford it. Can you tell me what is the difference between an affluent Dalit wedding and any other Hindu wedding? Same garlands, same sarees, same ladoos. And as for Dalit impact on India I am sure @Bitter Melon here will be happy to fill you in on a few names maybe starting with BR Ambedkar and closing with Millind Kamble the chairman of the Dalit Chamber of commerce and industry.

There is no difference in Dalit and other Hindu culture. It is the same in every house here. I wont be able to help you out much with noteworthy people from the Dalit community because frankly speaking I am not looking out for these. Never felt the need to.
Are you saying that Jews do not have social status or that they do not have higher income? I think on both counts you are wrong, they have both.

Black culture is very different to main stream culture. If you see the name Tanisha you know she is black. They have their own food, check out the you tube videos of black people eating white people food for the first time, they are funny. Dalit culture is part of main stream Indian culture, Dalits do exactly the same thing that higher caste hindus do as soon as they can afford it. Can you tell me what is the difference between an affluent Dalit wedding and any other Hindu wedding? Same garlands, same sarees, same ladoos. And as for Dalit impact on India I am sure @Bitter Melon here will be happy to fill you in on a few names maybe starting with BR Ambedkar and closing with Millind Kamble the chairman of the Dalit Chamber of commerce and industry.

I am saying that while Jews are rich, they are not safe from marginalization from the mainstream. Wealth does not directly co relate with social status is what I am saying.

The youtube videos you see are done as parodies :lol: OMG. So ghetto blacks represent the norm, but I suppose rednecks from the deep south would not represent the average white right?
So ghetto blacks represent the norm, but I suppose rednecks from the deep south would not represent the average white right?

Ghetto blacks do represent the norm though about 50% blacks would not fall in that category. Yes rednecks from South stand out too. So do the so called white trailer trash.
Ghetto blacks do represent the norm though about 50% blacks would not fall in that category. Yes rednecks from South stand out too. So do the so called white trailer trash.
lol what exactly do you base that on? you are throwing numbers out of thin air. You dont even live here. Anyways i dont want to get into a pointless argument with you.

Going back to the point I was trying to make..The driving factor as to why some blacks are treated badly by the mainstream is because they come from a poorer class. Dalits face a different kind of discrimination in south asia. No matter how rich a dalit person may be, he will still have a social barrier that will stop him from blending in people of higher caste.

I know this because my grandparents back home will specifically look for a brahmin to work in the kitchen.
Brahmins are as empathetic as any other caste and also as enterprising. You are making it seem as if their only plus point is mugging without understanding anything. That is dehumanizing them and reverse discrimination.
No one can guarantee who will become a good doctor , i only said about hardwork . btw are all quota doctors full of empathy ? again a big FAT NO.

I never said that Brahmins were not empathetic or kind or honest or anything else, I am sure these qualities are uniformly spread out in all populations, I merely state that Brahmins have a comparative advantage in mugging and our system is set up to reward mugging disproportionately.

When medical students are chosen grades should be only one factor ( albeit a very important one). Brahmin students with great grades and leadership qualities, other talent should be given a red carpet welcome. Unfortunately the way the system works now Only grades are rewarded, so you get SOME people who are basically non functioning in any human society other than to cram vast quantities of written material into their heads taking up the best seats, this is as bad as undeserving reservations to creamy layers of Dalits.

Of course there are Brahmins with great empathy and great wit and great courage and everything else, I would never say otherwise. Our very own @gslv is a very fine example of all this.:P
A landless farmer is no better than an animal. A landless dalit is no better than an animal. Without education he is an animal destined to work in the brick kilns or as a house maid or construction etc.
Its kiddish to blame Brahmins for each and every thing to hide their own incapability..
In my own community, Except few families,Majority of our forefathers were landless peasants and were treated like untouchables by the Brahmins and other High caste Hindu groups,we were even called as untouchable paraya converted Christian..But instead of crying and moaning about our fate,our forefathers went to far forest,mountain areas,planted plantation crops like rubber,pepper,cardamom,coffee etc and made immense wealth,money,power and rose to the most richest community among all the Malayali groups..We were untouchables in the past,but today most richest group and forward caste..Money makes you dignity and social status..If there is a will,there is a way..
lol what exactly do you base that on? you are throwing numbers out of thin air. You dont even live here. Anyways i dont want to get into a pointless argument with you.

Going back to the point I was trying to make..The driving factor as to why some blacks are treated badly by the mainstream is because they come from a poorer class. Dalits face a different kind of discrimination in south asia. No matter how rich a dalit person may be, he will still have a social barrier that will stop him from blending in people of higher caste.

I know this because my grandparents back home will specifically look for a brahmin to work in the kitchen.

I am not throwing numbers out of thin air. The stats speak for themselves.

Dalits do not face that kind of discrimination in India. I doubt anyone here in the cities ask about caste before employing anyone for housework or any other.

My mom is upper caste while my dad is from the lower caste. There are countless such examples here. There is no social barrier like you imagine. The maid who works for me is probably a higher caste than me.

Brahmin students with great grades and leadership qualities, other talent should be given a red carpet welcome. Unfortunately the way the system works now Only grades are rewarded, so you get SOME people who are basically non functioning in any human society other than to cram vast quantities of written material into their heads taking up the best seats, this is as bad as undeserving reservations to creamy layers of Dalits.

I have to yet met a non-garrulous doctor :D They seem to have an un-ending amount of curiosity and yap yap yap as if the line of patients outside their clinic do not exist.
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