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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Nonsense...a civilized society can't use such means...and even if you cross that line are you willing to kill thousands of innocents on the name collateral damage? Think my friend think!!

The hot areas have already been evacuated of civilians (IDP crisis) what is left in those areas are terrorists and we are conducting Intel based operations and have been successful by far in destroying them.

COAS flyin to Kabul,his statement about hot pursuit and chasing them into Afghanistan,the hanging of taliban fighters.

The taliban just bought themselves a painful death.

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Chemical, Biological or Thermobaric weapons will kill these rats in their caves.....but then the entire world would be 'outraged'.

You should not even mention such things - not even in online forums.

Your country is an organized nation, the TTP engages in guerrilla warfare. And compared to conventional weapons, it's a kid's play to make chemical weapons. If they even get a hint of it, it could turn into a disaster of unprecedented scale. Time and again they have claimed that they would return it in kind, and once you give them a precedent... you can't even imagine what they will do with it.

The first strategy should be to keep the enemy on the platform where you have the advantage. Do not give them the chance to drag you to theirs.
Not all militant groups are terrorists.

LET(JuD), Afghan Taliban and Haqqani network are terrorist groups. These three definatelly need to be removed. These groups not only cause terrorist activities in other countries, but also keep EXTREMISM flourishing in Pakistan society. (though they may not be bombing Pakistan itself).

If you want to remove Extremism from Pakistan, then LET(JuD), Afghan Taliban, Haqqani Network should be killed. These groups thrive on pure hate and extremist ideology which they spread to Pakistan youth.

There may be other radical groups which may not be terrorists but just hardcore Islamists. No problem with them. They can be reformed or their activities banned/curtailed.
That's a lot of people, I hope they received fair and impartial trials. But if it looks like a goat fucker and acts like a goat fucker it probably is one.

They had been given undue privilege in jails due to nose poking by so-called 'human rights' activists and organizations though many of them were proven terrorists.
Nonsense...a civilized society can't use such means...and even if you cross that line are you willing to kill thousands of innocents on the name collateral damage? Think my friend think!!

The hot areas have already been evacuated of civilians (IDP crisis) what is left in those areas are terrorists and we are conducting Intel based operations and have been successful by far in destroying them.

COAS flyin to Kabul,his statement about hot pursuit and chasing them into Afghanistan,the hanging of taliban fighters.

The taliban just bo themselves a painful death.
That's a lot of people, I hope they received fair and impartial trials. But if it looks like a goat fucker and acts like a goat fucker it probably is one.
7-8k. They aren't goat fukers but motherfukers most of them caught during operations,raids etc...
Many are already on death sentence (Capital punishment was banned by the previous govt).
Pakistanis have their own country, with one of the best armies in the world, and one of the best intelligence agencies in the world, not to mention nuclear weapons. And their country was created specifically to be not India and not Hindu. :pakistan:
This country is still here, and still not at all intimidated by their much larger eastern neighbour.
P.S. We know the TTP is a covert operation of India's intelligence agencies. This was discussed earlier in the thread.
Indians have their own country, with bigger army than Pakistan, better intelligence agency than Pakistan, not to mention nuclear weapons. And their country was specifically created to have better economic and HDI conditions for its citizens than Pakistan.
This country is still here and it took only 13 days to cut Pakistan into 2.
P.S. We know that LeT is a covert operation of Pakistan's intelligence agencies. This was discussed earlier in the thread.
They had been given undue privilege in jails due to nose poking by so-called 'human rights' activists and organizations though many of them were proven terrorists.

Might as well clear out all the prisons while you're at it. Use large caliber, preferably anti-material, and string 10 of them up together. The last wriggling one gets to plead his case once he's out of the coma.
I think you mistook my response there. I never accused you of being biased against India. On the contrary, I was merely suggesting that you should not form your biases in favor of India either. Although I personally think that no nation will ever stoop to this level even under extreme desperation.

You know, Indians, and Bangladeshis too, never miss out in stating how 1971 was probably the worst massacre perpetrated by the Pakistani Army. And yet, even with emotions running so high against Pakistan and Pakistani Army, no one ever accuses them of killing kids in mass because it is not the truth, nor is it a lie that can ever be made convincing.

Nations will gain no grounds, no benefits, only notoriety if they killed kids; it simply goes against the strategies of warfare. So please do not worry, your wish that India must not be involved in this crime is already a truth.

I also think you misunderstood me. I as Pakistani cannot exclude anyone but I do not jump to conclude nor propagating that hey it's India - that's all; whereas you as Indian can exclude your country which is fair on both. I second your view point and will be even more lenient than you that whoever is involved shall meet his dark bitter fate. Hope it is more clear now.
guys , please dont blame Islam for this barbaric act done by some maniacs , they misuse religion , they know religions is the only source of motivation that can make a person to kill many without having any regrets , i know that Islamic leaders has done so many mistakes in Past , which again do nothing good to islam , over the time what we understand that Islam is a religion but , not a way of Life , those who openly critisize islam about motivating such Assholes to kill dozens of peoples , they should take this in consideration , that the same religion is followed by the Pakistan army , they also shout " Allah hu akbar " , they also wrote Allah ho akbar in their heads and arms , are they religious lunatics too ? a low level officer in army who fight in wazirstan with TTP , also a muslim , pray five times a day , read the same quran ? but why he is not going outside to kill people ? or why he just dont kill the kids and women of Talibans ??

let me ask few peoples here a simple question , that when you see a person in civil dress with a Ak-47 enter in a school , how would you feel ??
and than a person in Army uniform with same Ak-47 gun enters in school , how would you feel ??

the person who invented the Gun , made it for a purpose , its on us humans how we use it ...
God give us this religion , but a free will , its not that God is controlling our minds ?? everyone is free to their will to do whatever they want ...
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