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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Whatever dude, keep drinking the koolaid. I had come to PDF trying to improve my understanding of Pakistani people, hoping to rid of my prejudices, people like you have reaffirmed my prejudices and made me understand how future of Pakistan is going to be. Good luck to you on your future.

So you went to a college fraternity to understand feminism?
It was a sad sad day for humanity. Those animals need to be terminated.

When one still sees idiots like Zarvan refusing to see the clear and present reality, its hurts no one else but Pakistan.

The video below clearly clarifies Pakistani Army/ ISI state of mind at its highest levels. Even its own former famous chief confirms that deep linkages with the taliban and others are in Pakistan's national interests. This idea of good and bad taliban is laughable at best. Pak focused Talib leaders are in Afghan and Afghan focused Talib leaders are in Pak and they co-ordinate attack with help of ISI (for the good talibs), finance comes from drug trade for the other talibs, as simple as that. Their focus is entirely on destroying both nations from the inside while getting direct support from ISI handlers since day 1, we see the same style of working when it comes to Kashmir. People like OBL can't be living 1.2 km from large PA academy complex without support from ISI. TTP assholes cannot get into well guarded PN facilities and create all kinds of havoc without it being an inside job or they cannot try to hijack PN ships without inside help. Clearly these shit stains knew who the wife of the officer was in yesterday's attack. In one clear sentence, almost the entire security establishment with-in Pakistan is breached at many levels.

You cannot keep blaming others for problems originating within your own soil. Even today many India focused and other terror group leaders walk free among your streets.

My dear Pakistani brothers, sisters, this is moment of deep introspection. India mourns with you. India has no intentions of war with you but know that we have never backed away from fighting a respectable war, we even buried PA soldiers with all honors after Kargil when your own leaders refused to accept the bodies.

We returned well over 93,000 POWs after the war in 1971. India has a distinguished record of treating its enemies with dignity. To accuse India of being involved in this cowardly act is all but sad. From the mini escalation in October, PA knows we can hit hard just from across when provoked with cease fire violations on the LOC. I know PA won't agree but the recent escalation in Oct left well over 40 PA post destroyed with many soldiers KIA. Pakistan needs to focus on its internal war and dismantle its entire terror infrastructure, including kashmir focused groups.

My heart felt condolences for the grieving nation, my heart felt curses to the poisonous snakes, may they be consumed in God's wrath.


May God be praised !
Indians have their own country, with bigger army than Pakistan, better intelligence agency than Pakistan, not to mention nuclear weapons. And their country was specifically created to have better economic and HDI conditions for its citizens than Pakistan.
This country is still here and it took only 13 days to cut Pakistan into 2.
P.S. We know that LeT is a covert operation of Pakistan's intelligence agencies. This was discussed earlier in the thread.

Please don't reply without meaning. We are not here to discuss 1947.

Now the international community will start calling PM to postpone this ..


On another day I would have given you the sort of response you deserve, but today I am not interested in your fvcking enmities and blame games. I owe it to the memory of those children that I don't think of nationalities at a time like this.

Oh we dont need sympathy from you. you can spit what ever you have in u .. its dark and full of hate which you have been raized with..
its our kids and we will go after them and their supporters. just hope and wish you dont involve in it.. which i doubt it.
Julie, Leicester, United Kingdom, So, they say they did this because Pakistani soldiers were hunting them and their families. And what do they think the Pakistani soldiers will do now, after they have finished burying their children?
@Rajput Warrior

Please ban Islam in the state and praying in the military as well. And make those goat fuckers shave their mother fucking beards. I also wanted to make a point regarding the upcoming public lynching of the 1000 terrorists...will this actually deter the terrorists? We know that they will legitimize their actions by claiming the victims were all in a military school and probably mostly children of the people killing their children. How do you exactly plan to stamp out terrorism in the world's most lawless and well armed country?
Can you please go and find something else to do this thread is not to discuss our anti terror policy its just a mourning thread so please i beg of you have some of your "western" decency and let us be.
Where do these terrorists come from ? How do they move through streets without getting noticed ?

if a sucider decide to blew himself and kill 200 kids do you really think anyone can stop him other than just save as much as they cud.. exactily same thing happend in Australia day before.. the info and agencies they have we dont have still they fail to prevent it..
Can you please go and find something else to do this thread is not to discuss over anti terror policy its just a mourning thread so please i beg of you have some o your "western" decency and let us be.

Youre mourning in all the threads, Jesus Christ, but if you want me to go so be it. I have infidel things to do with women.
We returned well over 93,000 POWs after the war in 1971. India has a distinguished record of treating its enemies with dignity. To accuse India of being involved in this cowardly act is all but sad. From the mini escalation in October, PA knows we can hit hard just from across when provoked with cease fire violations on the LOC. I know PA won't agree but the recent escalation in Oct left well over 40 PA post destroyed with many soldiers KIA. Pakistan needs to focus on its internal war and dismantle its entire terror infrastructure, including kashmir focused groups.

My heart felt condolences for the grieving nation, my heart felt curses to the poisonous snakes, may they be consumed in God's wrath.
sure we buy that......yrs days are out numbered yr ajay doval and modi will sleep with sheep.
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