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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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And still, we are blamed for exporting terrorism.
They're involved in the TTP, whether you like it or not. Common knowledge in Pakistani intelligence circles.

I see it until truth comes out with certainty. There is no liking or disliking here.

according to interror ministry upto 1000 ttp prisoners will be executed in the coming week

Excellent news ... Finally justice !
One correction brother they weren't SSG but from army medical corps giving lectures/talks on first aid to student in the auditorium.
They may not have been SSG commandos, but they were soldiers of the Army Medical Corps of the Pakistan Army and they died performing their duty, which placed them in mortal danger together with the children, and in the service of their country, even if that duty on that day was giving first-aid lessons and demonstrations to school students. And they ought to be respected for that.
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Time will tell what kind of action will your government taken on these sumbags...so be patient and stop personal attacks in the forum pls....

keep your nose out of the thread. and take your Indian flags. Our govt is doing all what it can.
My condolences for the innocent children and their families!! Really its hard to hold tears.
Its high time Pakistan should take strong actions against those TTP terrorists or whatever it is....You have nukes,right? why you are not using them? Does those terrorists have more weapons than the Pakistan armed forces? Are your forces that incompetent to fight against those terrosrist? Look how brutally they are trying to kill your younger generation!

What?? Are you suggesting them to use Nukes on their own soil to get rid of terrorist????...Man with due respect what are you smoking
Time will tell what kind of action will your government taken on these sumbags...so be patient and stop personal attacks in the forum pls....

keep your nose out of the thread. and take your Indian flags. Our govt is doing all what it can.
What?? Are you suggesting them to use Nukes on their own soil to get rid of terrorist????...Man with due respect what are you smoking

Chemical, Biological or Thermobaric weapons will kill these rats in their caves.....but then the entire world would be 'outraged'.
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