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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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I think almost everybody wants vengeance - that is not in doubt. But vengeance against whom? Against the terrorists who did this, or against the ever present scapegoat, India? It is the misdirection of their anger that scares me, not a lack of anger itself.

I sincerely wish India not to be found involved in this butchery. Apart from that, of course TTP is the target.
I sincerely wish India not to be found involved in this butchery. Apart from that, of course TTP is the target.

They're involved in the TTP, whether you like it or not. Common knowledge in Pakistani intelligence circles.
Mullah beghairat
Maulana Abdul Aziz Refused to condemn Peshawar Incident.
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Yes the anger is high, yes foreign lands are used and yes we need to take them out from their safe hideouts in Afghanistan and kill them mercilessly

BUT what about the terrorists and their sympathizers within our cities, our neighborhoods, what about muridke ,what about the politicians and generals supporting extremists for political/strategic gains what about, what about the entire network which surveys a target site for months in advance, which harbors these terrorists, which provides them with food and lodging before the D Day? what about the vampires amongst us?

And what about the this whole ideology that generates these vampires amongst us who can be used by "others" for their vested interests? what about the lack of development and economic activity in the tribal areas which allows the youth to be easily misguided? who will fight and change these things?

The day we change ourselves we will change our future. We can lanuch cruise missiles , kill some thousands of probable terrorists but will it be the end?? We must change ourselves, our neighborhood and our vision to bring a true and lasting change.

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I sincerely wish India not to be found involved in this butchery. Apart from that, of course TTP is the target.

I understand your sentiments. But I think you should not reserve your sentiments for or against specific enemies. Let the truth come out, and if India is found to be the culprit, make it face the consequences.
Get over this..
Neither India supports nor it will ever support any terrorist organization.
Whats happening in your part of world is result of case gone out of hand.

And no consulate does backoffice jobs in office. Get some common sense over it.
There are plenty of caves out there ...

Neither India supports nor it will ever support any terrorist organization, sell these lies somewhere else I am not interested in buying these. People living in caves cannot plan on their own how to destroy PC Orion 3 crafts, can they? Mukti Bani does this name ring any bells? India supported Tamils insurgency against Sri Lanka.
Do we have numbers available yet of their deployment to the scene? Were police involved? Out here if something happened like that, the police would reach first. Was it because it was an army school that it had such easy access to soldiers? Thanks for your help in advance and previously, I don't know how to speak your language.

No numbers about the deployment,the police,Frontier Corps (Paramilitary) and army were involved but the operation itself was conducted by the SSG.
The army QRF (Quick Reaction Force - regular troops on emergency duty) were the ones that reached the school first .

Some pics: (The men in black uniforms are police officer):

PCB to donate proceeds of 4th ODI to families of Peshawar victims.... why not cancel the match, this tragedy is bigger than Philips death,,, dam it

Three more victims of Peshawar Attack succumb to their wounds at the Lady Reading Hospital .. :(:cry::cray:
I understand your sentiments. But I think you should not reserve your sentiments for or against specific enemies. Let the truth come out, and if India is found to be the culprit, make it face the consequences.

Agree. And am against any such claims, please check any of my posts. Never pointed out India as culprit. I am really thankful to some of you sensible people here as well.
Neither India supports nor it will ever support any terrorist organization, sell these lies somewhere else I am not interested in buying these. People living in caves cannot plan on their own how to destroy PC Orion 3 crafts, can they? Mukti Bani does this name ring any bells? India supported Tamils insurgency against Sri Lanka.

Yes india did support these organizations and currently was supporting some groups in your country...But I don't think TTP is one of them....
PCB to donate proceeds of 4th ODI to families of Peshawar victims.... why not cancel the match, this tragedy is bigger than Philips death,,, dam it

Three more victims of Peshawar Attack succumb to their wounds at the Lady Reading Hospital .. :(:cry::cray:

This tragedy is bigger than tragedy in Karabala and we all need to show this in our daily approach.
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