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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Six foreign airlines refuse to fly to Peshawar after Tuesday's school terror attack that left 145 dead: sources @NDTV

#Breaking UPDATE: UAE govt bans all flight operations for Peshawar, PIA crew also refuse to fly to Peshawar @JAAG TV
I know you hate us but for a moment can't you stop acting like a typical hater and act like a sane human being? The attackers wore ceremonial khaki shalwar kameez (worn on Friday by Frontier Corps) any idiot can get one stichted from a local tailor and khaki isn't digital camo that you can't get in the market.
Before you could even get the old camo uniforms from the market which have been banned and now only issues by the army or sold at military CSD stores and are traceable.

I don't hate you. I'm helping to create a sentiment for internal purges in your country so that your nonsense doesn't reach my country. Any rational government would purge itself from the top down during a civil war or insurgency and the fact that the Taliban are so successful and coordinated in Pakistan while suffering in Afghanistan should tell you something. The Pakistani military has all of the advantages compared to the ISAF boys fighting in Afghanistan. They don't even know the terrain or language for Christ's sakes.
To all who did not understand what he wrote... hindi --> urdu... this filth went for a low blow on this day of mourning and sorrow...

वो 26/11था आज 16/12 है,
कल धरती हमारी थी हथियार तुम्हारे थे,
आज धरती भी तुम्हारी है हथियार भी तुम्हारे है,

وہ 26/ 11 تھا آج 16/12 ہے،
کل زمین ہماری تھی ہتھیار تمہارے تھے،
آج زمین بھی تمہاری ہے ہتھیار بھی تمہارے ہے،

Let me translate this line as well!

हमे दुःख कल भी था आज भी है....
ہمیں دکھ کل بھی تھا آج بھی ہے ....
Can one even imagine the state of the mother who forced her baby to school, inspite of his/her usual , fake, tummy ache act...
I was clear that friendship was not my main reason to come here. But I have to say I am surprised by the kind of posts I am looking at. Yours included. I was here to assure myself that there was a huge amount of exaggeration in portrayal of Pakistani people in the media and other forums. I wanted to feel hope for our region through better trajectory of Pakistan, despite my prejudices.
That educated Pakistani people like you have these opinions and are "first line of defence" has given me reason to believe my hope was wrong. That the people with "let them stew in their own mess" idea of India Pakistan relationship are correct. Thank you for spitting on the compassion shown by us.

Please take your compassion, roll it and without getting into details of it, smoke it... half the problems of these two nations will vaporize if they resolve the Kashmir issue and THEN draw an iron curtain at the border as if nothing exist on the other side...
I don't hate you. I'm helping to create a sentiment for internal purges in your country so that your nonsense doesn't reach my country. Any rational government would purge itself from the top down during a civil war or insurgency and the fact that the Taliban are so successful and coordinated in Pakistan while suffering in Afghanistan should tell you something. The Pakistani military has all of the advantages compared to the ISAF boys fighting in Afghanistan. They don't even know the terrain or language for Christ's sakes.

Successful ? Haven't you seen the number of terrorist attacks drastically drop down? 2 major terrorist attacks since we strted operation in NWA,stronghold,command and control centre of taliban destroyed and forced to move into Nooristan and Kunar (that's where TTP chief is).

And what success in Afghanistan do you boost off? It's already controlled by taliban (shadow government) perhaps you didn't read the news lately? Have the taliban in Afghanistan been destroyed? Lucrative drug trade controlled by taliban destroyed? Afghan security apparatus built ? Writ of afghan govt ? What does ISAF has to show in Afghanistan ?

Your own media is calling it a failure. Do you want me to post some links? Documentaries ?

So stop giving us lectures and pulling nonsense conspiracy theories and smell the coffee.
@extinct that's what the "let them stew in their own mess" say exactly. Good luck to you.
Jamaat-i-Islami chief Sirajul Haq said on the occasion that it was the responsibility of the federal and provincial governments to provide security to the people. A government, which can’t provide security to its children has no right to rule, he said.

and a closed-minded idiot like him and his organization have no right to PREACH anything....when they cant even once CONDEMN this atrocious act against civilians or condemn takfiri ideology of the terrorists - either b/c they are ignorant people or because they are too scared to condemn them

I wouldnt take what Jamaat e Islami says too seriously.....they are part of the problem
Doesn't the TTP straddle the Afghan-Pak border? So it's present on both sides.

Yes, the Taliban are present on both sides, but the strange distinction of "Good Taliban and Bad Taliban" exists only in Pakistan. This distinction is not only propagated by some destructive personalities in the media but is also part of the official policy of Pakistan. Sadly, a great number of people fall for it hook, line, and sinker, and no amount of tragedy seems enough to change their minds.

Very recently the Foreign Minister of Pakistan went on record to say that in the operation Zarb-e-Azb they will not be targeting the Good Taliban. What is surprising is that they expect the outcome of this view to be different from what has been going on in Pakistan for over a decade.
So called almighty Allah watching as movie of killing innocent children.There is no such thing as Allah, this is just people believe and imaginary things otherwise if He exists , then there is no question that he is truculent and no heart.

Blessed is He in whose hand is dominion, and He is over all things powerful -
[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving
[And] who created seven heavens in layers. You do not see in the creation of the Most Merciful any inconsistency. So return [your] vision [to the sky]; do you see any breaks?
Quran, 67:1-2

Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried?
But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars.
Or do those who do evil deeds think they can outrun Us? Evil is what they judge.
Whoever should hope for the meeting with Allah - indeed, the term decreed by Allah is coming. And He is the Hearing, the Knowing.
Quran, 29:2-6

O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.
And do not say about those who are killed in the way of Allah , "They are dead." Rather, they are alive, but you perceive [it] not.
And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient,
Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah , and indeed to Him we will return."
Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided.

Quran, 2:153-156
@Icarus @Abu Zolfiqar @desert warrior @Horus @Oscar @Irfan Baloch @fatman17 @Hyperion @Xeric


Just look at these kids. Just look at them. Especially the little soul on the left....and now imagine innocent kids like him were made to watch their teachers burned alive!!!! Kids like him were shot in chest and head.

He doesn't even know whats happening....:(

We want revenge....absolute ruthless, merciless, revenge.

Look at the face of the soldier... seriousness and sheer confidence... shielding the "nation" with his right hand and an unspent magazine in the left for its "enemies"... beautiful portrayal of PA... caught in one shot clearly and comprehensively...

Let me translate this line as well!

हमे दुःख कल भी था आज भी है....
ہمیں دکھ کل بھی تھا آج بھی ہے ....

So you were "saddened" by your own 11/26 false flag operation as well?!?!? That is classic definition of bipolar schizophrenia...
Successful ? Haven't you seen the number of terrorist attacks drastically drop down? 2 major terrorist attacks since we strted operation in NWA,stronghold,command and control centre of taliban destroyed and forced to move into Nooristan and Kunar (that's where TTP chief is).

And what success in Afghanistan do you boost off? It's already controlled by taliban (shadow government) perhaps you didn't read the news lately? Have the taliban in Afghanistan been destroyed? Lucrative drug trade controlled by taliban destroyed? Afghan security apparatus built ? Writ of afghan govt ? What does ISAF has to show in Afghanistan ?

Your own media is calling it a failure. Do you want me to post some links? Documentaries ?

So stop giving us lectures and pulling nonsense conspiracy theories and smell the coffee.
Successful ? Haven't you seen the number of terrorist attacks drastically drop down? 2 major terrorist attacks since we strted operation in NWA,stronghold,command and control centre of taliban destroyed and forced to move into Nooristan and Kunar (that's where TTP chief is).

And what success in Afghanistan do you boost off? It's already controlled by taliban (shadow government) perhaps you didn't read the news lately? Have the taliban in Afghanistan been destroyed? Lucrative drug trade controlled by taliban destroyed? Afghan security apparatus built ? Writ of afghan govt ? What does ISAF has to show in Afghanistan ?

Your own media is calling it a failure. Do you want me to post some links? Documentaries ?

So stop giving us lectures and pulling nonsense conspiracy theories and smell the coffee.

Our media isn't a mouthpiece for the state, they will analyze and criticize every angle of the Afghan campaign but overall yes it's been a huge success. There is no Taliban shadow government, but they are waiting in the shadows to take over once we fully leave. Your country has made gains of course and I won't downplay that. But it's been 1 step forward and two steps back all along.
Best case scenario : lack of law and order. I can't buy military uniforms illegally in my country.

Worst case scenario: these guys were members of your armed forces at one point

they have NO connections to the military WHATSOEVER...some of them were not even Pakistani nationals, SEVERAL witness reports suggest they were speaking in Arabic language (not sure which dialect)

im sure you have army surplus stores in Canada as well....unfortunately here its relatively easy for criminals/terrorists to get army uniforms but not necessarily army or FC issued standard gear, making them easier to spot if it were daylight.

these animals had ALREADY breached the school compound and were waiting for the moment to attack.....I just wish a guard or someone on the street witnessed them when they breached the wall. Too bad nobody was there to witness them. Once they were above the wall and into the confines of the school then it was just a question of waiting for the 'right' time to inflict maximum carnage.

there is no "best case" or "worst case" here.....the terrorists did what they thought was the right thing to do - because they are brain-washed thugs with no regard for anything, not even religion. No proper human being regardless of political views or religion should be able to pick up a firearm and fire point-blank range at defenseless kids!
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