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Pervez Musharraf punjabi poem

It is a big disgrace how much respect we show our public officals and especially an official of the highest authority and we cant forget the same official has served the people of Pakistan by keeping a watch on our borders.
I think from now on all of us no matter who the official is, no matter how much we may hate him we should show some respect. Instead of saying Musharraf, we should say President Musharraf. He is the President and he deserves respect. If we cant give respect to our officials, then how can we expect other to show respect towards us.
right said so, actually people in pakistan are mostly jobless and due to some reasons love taking mistake out of others. Now the same people who were against musharraf will very soon talk against ppp and other parties. from my view musharraf served pakistan in the best manner
right said so, actually people in pakistan are mostly jobless and due to some reasons love taking mistake out of others. Now the same people who were against musharraf will very soon talk against ppp and other parties. from my view musharraf served pakistan in the best manner

The mistakes made by mushy are massive and the guy is not capable of leading a country.
As-Salaamu Alaikum

I would have to give my support to 'mujahideen' regarding this issue. Musharaf is a strong leader and was it not for the emotional and above-par brainless pakistanis the current situation in Pakistan might not have been.
I am in doubt about the ability of a military chief who can be threaten just by one call. As military chief is for safeguarding of boarders not to surrendered himself, his army and whole nation. Amaricans themselves quoted that we were not expecting such advancement (cowardness) from Musharaf.
I am in doubt about the ability of a military chief who can be threaten just by one call. As military chief is for safeguarding of boarders not to surrendered himself, his army and whole nation. Amaricans themselves quoted that we were not expecting such advancement (cowardness) from Musharaf.

Dear Usman,

Maybe he knows more than you do on how Pakistan would do if US attacked it ? Gen M was a pragmatic man and did a good job for the first few years but I agree with Dabong that his expiry date is past.

Yes...a whole list of PPP and MLN supporters.......take a pick.

A whole list is that so. These are the same people who looted the country and if given the chances will loot the country again. President Musharraf has filled up Pakistan's account but now these old thieves want to come into power take as much as they can a leave. They have no sympathy for Pakistan, they only care about their bank balances.
Economic conditions should not be judged by the statements. Pakistani account is not filled due to the positive actions by the Musharaf & Co but it increases due to the reward of slaughtering innocent muslims in so-called war on terrorism. Unfortunately we and our army is involved in this shamfull war.

Further, progress of country should not be judged on filling of Pakistani Account. A common man is in a very bad conditions due to rising inflation and prices of necessities. Economists are of the view that progress of Stock Exchange and Filling accounts are pseudo progress.

I accept PPPP and other parties looted the country. But they are lesser evil than Musharaf. The stories of curruption and looting of Musharaf & Co. will come on the screen after the end of Musharaf regime.
Economic conditions should not be judged by the statements. Pakistani account is not filled due to the positive actions by the Musharaf & Co but it increases due to the reward of slaughtering innocent muslims in so-called war on terrorism. Unfortunately we and our army is involved in this shamfull war.

Further, progress of country should not be judged on filling of Pakistani Account. A common man is in a very bad conditions due to rising inflation and prices of necessities. Economists are of the view that progress of Stock Exchange and Filling accounts are pseudo progress.

I accept PPPP and other parties looted the country. But they are lesser evil than Musharaf. The stories of curruption and looting of Musharaf & Co. will come on the screen after the end of Musharaf regime.

I agree with you on all the points except that Musharaf is corrupt.
I dont like the guy but the one thing i can say for sure is that the guy himself is not corrupt.....the people around him and his party are corrupt and it will come out into the open after he goes.
Dear Dabong1,

Wht is your meanings of corruption. Perhaps you dont know a month ago Musharaf visited United Kingdom and stayed 3 nights there in the hotel. There was no invitation from the United kingdom. So all his stay charges are beared by the ministry of finance of Pakistan. Can you imagine what was the amount. It was approximately eight million pakistani rupees (Rs. 8,000,000/-).

Is it not corruption.

I agree with you on all the points except that Musharaf is corrupt.
I dont like the guy but the one thing i can say for sure is that the guy himself is not corrupt.....the people around him and his party are corrupt and it will come out into the open after he goes.

I agree with Dabong that Gen M may not have been financially corrupt but morally YES. Why did he do a deal with NS and Zardari if they were actually bad.


Dear Dabong1,

Wht is your meanings of corruption. Perhaps you dont know a month ago Musharaf visited United Kingdom and stayed 3 nights there in the hotel. There was no invitation from the United kingdom. So all his stay charges are beared by the ministry of finance of Pakistan. Can you imagine what was the amount. It was approximately eight million pakistani rupees (Rs. 8,000,000/-).

Is it not corruption.


No one wants to comment on this BILL and when I posted it last I was called an Indian (I think). By the way it was for two days in a suite in a hotel at Hyde Park.


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