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The United States threatens to withhold aid to Niger due to the military takeover...

This is not true. African nations having been making a lot of progress, despite the continued proxy conflicts and shadow wars that they face due to global players.

If this was 20 years ago, we would have seen Africa keep quiet and the French invade.

Ecowas, which Niger is a part of, is now dealing with the situation itself. They've given Niger 7 days (now 5) to reinstate the elected President or fact military action. They've already imposed a no-fly zone and have blockaded Niger's borders. The African Union is backing Ecowas and has also threatened extreme economic sanctions. Niger being a land locked nation won't be able to pull a North Korea, they'll either relent, or face starvation even if no military action is taken. The generals won't last long.

We're also getting reports that Niger's military isn't actually too happy with the coup, and only backed it to avoid bloodshed. If Ecowas takes action we may see a repeat of the Ecowas intervention of The Gambia in 2017 where they helped instate the rightful winner of the elections in the country.

All of this with very little European or US intervention.

The Africans are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves, but only if outside nations stop fucking with them.

Of course, your comment itself is racist so I don't know why I even bothered explaining this to you, when your racism will just resort to "hurr durr, they're black"!
The ECWAS are the instruments of French domination of West Africa. These countries even use the franc as currency. The foreign exchange reserves of these countries are kept in French banks. Their trade in goods is also conducted through French banks.
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The ECWAS are the instruments of French domination of West Africa. These countries even use the franc as currency. The foreign exchange reserves of these countries are kept in French banks. Their trade in goods is also conducted through French banks.
They're former colonies of France, and they agreed individually to keep their reserves in France to avoid corruption and inflation.

Whatever the origin of Ecowas was, it is politically an independent grouping and makes its own decisions.

Your point isn't even worth mentioning.
They're former colonies of France, and they agreed individually to keep their reserves in France to avoid corruption and inflation.
more likely France don't destroy their infrastructure. as it did with one certain African country
Let's correct this

United States the UN and the white world will together bomb Niger so France can continue to rape this poor African nation.

There u you go
The ECWAS are the instruments of French domination of West Africa. These countries even use the franc as currency. The foreign exchange reserves of these countries are kept in French banks. Their trade in goods is also conducted through French banks.

But several members are not former French colonies, there are former British colonies, and even former Portuguese colonies.
They're former colonies of France, and they agreed individually to keep their reserves in France to avoid corruption and inflation.

Whatever the origin of Ecowas was, it is politically an independent grouping and makes its own decisions.

Your point isn't even worth mentioning.

Burkina Faso, Mali and Algeria have declared their support for the coup in Niger. Chad and Libya have also declared their neutrality, and the positions of the ECWAS member states do not correspond to the reports of the Western media. Looks like the western media lied again.
Burkina Faso, Mali and Algeria have declared their support for the coup in Niger. Chad and Libya have also declared their neutrality, and the positions of the ECWAS member states do not correspond to the reports of the Western media. Looks like the western media lied again.
Burkina Faso and Mali had their own coups, and don't really have any means to support Niger's junta.

Algeria won't do anything.

Chad and Libya being neutral suits Ecowas just fine.

Western media? No where have I quoting western media in this regard.

Nigeria is enough to get rid of the junta, Ecowas as a whole would steam roll Niger.

Your comments are misleading.
Burkina Faso and Mali had their own coups, and don't really have any means to support Niger's junta.

Algeria won't do anything.

Chad and Libya being neutral suits Ecowas just fine.

Western media? No where have I quoting western media in this regard.

Nigeria is enough to get rid of the junta, Ecowas as a whole would steam roll Niger.

Your comments are misleading.

Are you suggesting that Nigeria would have interfered with the coup in Niger by invading, just like Russia interfered with the coup in Ukraine that happened in 2014 by invading?

What if Niger had gotten Russian military aid? Are you sure Nigeria would still attack?

Do you know the relationship between Nigeria and China? Did you know that Nigerians' support for China even exceeds Pakistanis' support for China?
Are you suggesting that Nigeria would have interfered with the coup in Niger by invading, just like Russia interfered with the coup in Ukraine that happened in 2014 by invading?

What if Niger had gotten Russian military aid? Are you sure Nigeria would still attack?

Do you know the relationship between Nigeria and China? Did you know that Nigerians' support for China even exceeds Pakistanis' support for China?
There was no coup in Ukraine. I'm not going to let you lie and make false equivalents here. They got rid of a dictator and held free elections.

Niger wouldn't be able to get military aid because it's land locked and has a no fly zone imposed on it already.

China isn't gonna do anything here.

You're being ridiculous.

Listen, if you don't know about a subject then it's okay to not talk about it.

The worst thing you can do is lie and pretend you know what you're talking about.
There was no coup in Ukraine. I'm not going to let you lie and make false equivalents here. They got rid of a dictator.

Niger wouldn't be able to get military aid because it's land locked and has a no fly zone imposed on it already.

China isn't gonna do anything here.

You're being ridiculous.

Listen, if you don't know about a subject then it's okay to not talk about it.

The worst thing you can do is lie and pretend you know what you're talking about.

It is true that China will not intervene in the coup in Niger. But you are clearly implying that Nigeria would invade Niger for France. I was just trying to say that Nigeria is not a country in the French camp.

It is a fact that in 2014, a coup in Ukraine overthrew the legitimate democratically elected govt.

Before the Ukrainian war broke out, the main conflict within Ukraine was between the Ukrainian civilians and the oligarchs. This is a big reason why actor Zelensky was able to win the election over other oligarch candidates. But the stupid Russians turned the main conflict in Ukraine into an ethnic conflict. The oligarchs fled to Western Europe and the civilians were pushed into the trenches. This is a fact.
It is true that China will not intervene in the coup in Niger. But you are clearly implying that Nigeria would invade Niger for France. I was just trying to say that Nigeria is not a country in the French camp.
No, you're implying Nigeria would invade Niger for France.

I'm saying Nigeria would invade Niger to protect its own interests as it pretty much dominates Ecowas as the largest economy and military, so it doesn't want to disrupt that any further.

It is a fact that in 2014, a coup in Ukraine overthrew the legitimate democratically elected govt.
it is NOT a fact, you're literally making this up.

Before the Ukrainian war broke out, the main conflict within Ukraine was between the Ukrainian civilians and the oligarchs. This is a big reason why actor Zelensky was able to win the election over other oligarch candidates. But the stupid Russians turned the main conflict in Ukraine into an ethnic conflict. The oligarchs fled to Western Europe and the civilians were pushed into the trenches. This is a fact.
It's called an election. He won through an election.

This isn't a coup.

Do you even know what the definition of a coup is?

You bringing up the war has nothing to do with anything.

Why are you pretending to know what you're talking about, when you clearly have no clue?

Seriously, it's getting embarrassing. Just stop.
yes sure

Following the 95% “no” vote, Charles de Gaulle’s government immediately pulled out more than 4,000 civil servants, judges, teachers, doctors, and technicians, instructing them to sabotage everything they left behind.

The ensuing maelstrom of burning books, demolished buildings, destroyed agricultural implements, and assorted vindictive behaviour by the departing French was summed up by French commentators as “un divorce sans pension alimentaire” – a divorce without alimony.

To 14 other newly independent French colonies however, the message was not that of a mere divorce. It was an example, illustrating the consequences of thumbing your nose at Paris is to risk losing everything.
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