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Pervez Musharraf Dancing On Imran Khan 40th Pra

Big deal. Every politician drinks.

Oh noes, but Musharraf is doing it.

Obviously, Oscar would point it out because it's Musharraf. :rolleyes:
Yes the "Maine kehdia hai" was an impression he gave - although he vehemently denies being that way and says PML-Q was in charge for a lot of the internal workings of the country. Might be partially true at best. Quite frankly post-PPP I can say this was wrong but the last five years have taught me, iss mulk ko thori strong arming chahiye hi hoti hai.

About fun, there's always no time like the present and shaadion pe naachna (as he was probably doing) is mandatory and you know there's always so much peer pressure ke naacho naacho naacho. Thora sa matkalia toh koi harj nahi hai.

No country is in more crisis than the United States at all times. But everyone loved it when the Obamas did a little dance. So I'm saying if a little bhangra eases him out - nothing wrong with it. But yes in the time of crisis he should probably not be attending any shaadis.

Ill probably be strangled by his fans.. But Ive seen him dancing with women with a bottle of label on his head while the Swat op was ongoing.. women courtesy of a certain general's family who has been Badnaamed to the extent of Badnaaming possible for his sycophancy with Musharraf.
Big deal. Every politician drinks.

Oh noes, but Musharraf is doing it.

Obviously, Oscar would point it out because it's Musharraf. :rolleyes:

there is extreme hate just before the beginning of an extraordinary love story ;)
Ill probably be strangled by his fans.. But Ive seen him dancing with women with a bottle of label on his head while the Swat op was ongoing.. women courtesy of a certain general's family who has been Badnaamed to the extent of Badnaaming possible for his sycophancy with Musharraf.

I think we are both on the same page ;)...so those stories were true after all...although I have not seen it as you claim, but heard a similar story.
I think we are both on the same page ;)...so those stories were true after all...although I have not seen it as you claim, but heard a similar story.

Being a "Hotel-kid" has its benefits
Ill probably be strangled by his fans.. But Ive seen him dancing with women with a bottle of label on his head while the Swat op was ongoing.. women courtesy of a certain general's family who has been Badnaamed to the extent of Badnaaming possible for his sycophancy with Musharraf.

you need to be govern by mullaha OMAR or TTp,s mullaha,s FM, choice is yours?:lol::wave:

Isn't the guy behind Mushy PTI wala ?
who u think mr, naem-ul-haq?;):lol:
you need to be govern by mullaha OMAR or TTp,s mullaha,s FM, choice is yours?:lol::wave:

Why is that the only alternative.. Is musharraf Imam Mahdi? Sent by god.. god's gift to earth?
He was a good leader and still is you people need to mind your own business and keep his personal life out of politics simply.. furthermore, there is a saying first point a finger at your self before pointing it at others.. he was the best thing that happend to Pakistan and will again be the best thing if he gets fair votes to lead our nation out of the mess from the bastards that are runing it.
He was a good leader and still is you people need to mind your own business and keep his personal life out of politics simply.. furthermore, there is a saying first point a finger at your self before pointing it at others.. he was the best thing that happend to Pakistan and will again be the best thing if he gets fair votes to lead our nation out of the mess from the bastards that are runing it.

This is part of anti-musharaf movment from some undissclosed forces, who are really affraid of him bck again in pakistan,so they try everything?
Just watch GEO,s capital talk where hamid mir,did a reborn episode of lal masjid?
Even though being saved by a planteD bomb, bt the stupid anchor tries to paint lal masjid terrorists angels once again?
Whts all behind it?greed, hate,fear I think a mixture of all ?
Good to see u!
This is part of anti-musharaf movment from some undissclosed forces, who are really affraid of him bck again in pakistan,so they try everything?
Just watch GEO,s capital talk where hamid mir,did a reborn episode of lal masjid?
Even though being saved by a planteD bomb, bt the stupid anchor tries to paint lal masjid terrorists angels once again?
Whts all behind it?greed, hate,fear I think a mixture of all ?
Good to see u!

1. media's job is to first help ppp and its allies complete 5 years and now help pmln and its allies like disel+pajara+baloch qom parast when
next step will be to support pmln government let no previous government held accountable

1.1 never show real performance of pmln and make it hard and difficult to understand so that they get next turn in national assembly

2. letting go of terrorist under guise of lapata ifrad

3. supporting killings of baloch terrorists and blaming then on army

4. never to blame ppp,mqm and anp liberals karachi massacre and only gain time like OO WHAT TO DO IN KARACHI etc

5. ridiculing army

6. spreading liberal and secular agenda by promoting safma and co

7. destroying our film industry,stage industry,music industry and now even advertisement industry and replacing them with indian entertainment
Isn't it terrible - The man dances, he sings, he pals about - not for him the dour sour piety of our righteous -- and to top it off the rumors, he "looked" tun, an expert opined, another said, he heard someone else say that (oh wait that sounds like a hadith) that the man danced with women, oye the shame - Now that all the real Muzloums are hiding out in Waziristan, Poor Pakistanis have to suffer just plain human beings for whom singing, laughing, dancing and enjoying life are, well, it's just life.
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