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Pervez Hoodbhoy Calls the PTI/PAT Marchers 'Fanatics' and 'Thugs'


What's dungal/ dangal/ dingal?
You too? These are not anarchists but only want constitution of Pakistan implemented completely and not by cherry picking paragraphs that suite the ruling elite.
somebody posted news about govt run TV station being taken over, it would have definitely ended up in armed police intervention in India.
I know it has been largely peaceful, thats because govt side has used wait and watch policy and not much force being used till now. But if people push ahead, you cant deny it can turn nasty.
I beg your pardon? :unsure:
and i beg your pardon? :D I was saying that imran just thought to change this corrupt system after losing the election? was he sleeping before? If he had to change this system then why participated in election under such corrupt system? Should have done this azadi march before election. why did not gave up their seats in kpk where they won under same corrupt system? Why still same leaders of previous corrupt system aka mahmodd quesrhi, jehgagir, sheikh rasheed, khttack etc are part of this reolution because i thought revolution was against them
i actually watch Geo, regardless of the fact, i agree with them or not --- but now that you have brought it up - let me put a twist to the case:

1) one one side, you have a guy who basically alleges that there has been massive rigging, have been to many doors - Election tribunals to SC, but was turned down from every door - the guy has the evidence --- and some of that evidence - is basically a bunch of clips, we all have seen --- so you may call it ranting - because he repeating the same truth again and again ---

2) now you have one channel or a group of anchors, who basically have "no evidence" - they don't even have the primary source of information - and yet they have the audacity to point fingers - starting from the govt offices to the PTI - PAT rally --- that is some messed up reporting --- so i call that ranting -- because they are speaking the same lie - or shall i call them assumptions again and again

Let the alleged proof of rigging be presented before the ECP and let them decide.
At unticketed events, especially events that take place in the streets or a park rather than an enclosed venue, crowd counting is more difficult and less precise. For many events, especially political rallies or protests, the number of people in a crowd carries political significance and count results are controversial. For instance, the global protests against the Iraq war saw many protests at which widely differing counts were offered by organizers on one side and the police on the other. Another memorable incident occurred when Louis Farrakhan threatened to sue the Washington, D.C. Park Police for announcing that only 400,000 people attended the 1995 Million Man March he organized.

Should PTI sue for counting less? :pop:

acobs method involves dividing the area occupied by a crowd into sections, determining an average number of people in each section, and multiplying by the number of sections occupied.

We did this for diversity studies in ecology but like the intro said it is less precise!

For example, if a park is 2,000 ft long and 600 ft wide, the area of the park is 1,200,000 sq.ft. Average person needs at least 2 sq.ft of space to stand close body-body in a crowd. So this park can accommodate 600,000 people when fully occupied. Now if people are thinly stretched, then it would be little difficult to estimate. Still we can on rely aerial surveys as how thin or how dense people are in the park. Then use the area to estimate the crowd.

Now, if it is a downtown area rally where people are standing on either side of streets behind the barricades - that is easy to estimate. For e.g say , if the side walks is 20 ft wide and people are lined up to 2miles then a 20ft side walk allows people to stand 20 deep (20 people in a column). The estimated area will be 20ft x 1mile in ft x 2 (2 for both sides of the street). So 20 x 5280 x 2 = 211,200. Again assuming a person needs an average space of 2 sq.ft standing body-body (but not touching each other) state the crowd in this case would be 211,200/2= 105,600 people.
Unfortunately, it usually depends on who is counting. Pro-rally individuals may exaggerate and anti-rally individuals may understate.
somebody posted news about govt run TV station being taken over, it would have definitely ended up in armed police intervention in India.
LOL. So you missed that part that claimed it to be inside job of our so-called democratic government? :D
Because there CANNOT be impartial investigations under Nooracracy. I am not sure if you saw recent Kharra Such program by Lucman where he exposed a telephone call between CM Punjab Shahbaz Shareef and a SC judge where he was asking him to do him a favor for his 'Big Brother'. Lol! Also watch this Noora from two years ago asking then ruling PM to resign as he was under investigation for contempt of court:
I repeat again by assuming that whatever you said is correct and imran and qadri is doing correct thing in correct way and they will bring real change..now important question is how? when?

.what will happen next now? what are the options of Imran/qadri now if PM don't willingly resign ?
Let the alleged proof of rigging be presented before the ECP and let them decide.
ECP and Election Tribunals are ineffective and neither do they have the authority to investigate widespread systematic rigging or disparities in vote count. They are only allowed to open few constituencies at a time.

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