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Pervaiz Khattak's careless attitude towards CPEC

The first contract worth $1.9 billion handed over to Saif Ur Rehman. A contract riddled with corruption, this tells you how serious PML-N is about CPEC as they have already started milking this project which is going to change the economic face of Pakistan.
A clear example of Desperation in this thread to bring up some fake allegations against PTI Ministers, just like Pervaz Rasheed. Bravo !!!!!!!!!! :disagree:

He is Going to England to bring something Good for KPK police. Bravo !!!!! Khattak Sir :toast_sign:
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A clear example of Desperation in this thread to bring up some fake allegations against PTI Ministers, just like Pervaz Rasheed. Bravo !!!!!!!!!! :disagree:

He is Going to England to bring something Good for KPK police. Bravo !!!!! Khattak Sir :toast_sign:

Agreed. The corruption haram khor boys of this forum just trying to stir up trouble.

They forget, the first contract for CPEC riddled with corruption.
Plzz tell me does KPK does not deserve its fair share promised by PM for CPEC , Khattak protest is right , please stop living in One province world and think of all the provinces
Even the eastern rout touch 5 provinces (Balochistan,Sindh,Punjab,Hazara Belt of KPK,GB) so and two routes (Central and Western Pass through KPK) So instead of laying down the infrastructure to linkup the CPEC to the other parts of the province, the Baba jee doesn't even bother to go to the main investor I.e. China. Even if we keep CPEC aside can you enlighten us about even a single investment that this oldie has brought in KPK so far? Investment is not spoon fed but a hard earned livelihood. Heck even keep aside the investors, even the so called expat patriots of Khan haven't invested a single penny.
Even i condemn khattak's (me naa maanu wale) policy.
But He is right about these MOU thing. there is no significance of mou's . We need solid projects for KP.
mou mou khelna hay jis ne wo UAE kay saath khelay.
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Even i condemn khattak's (me naa maanu wale) policy.
But He is right about these MOU thing. there is no significance of mou's . We need solid projects for KP.
mou mou khelna hay jis ne wo UAE kay saath khelay.
How can you get the contracts without Signing MoUs?
Who made this notorious rage guy a Think Tank? Lol what a joke. Now we got all PTI mouthpieces as TTs
Raising voice against corruption is our right, since shahbaz sharif was caught red handed buying a judge. Audio tapes available . What more evidence you need. If we don't raise voice, they will continue to loot the country and continue to buy Billion worth flats in london, dubai , Australia and every part of world. And jahil people will continue to chant
"Shair Aaya , Shair Aaya"

CPEC must complete in time, and "nation want shafaafiat" in all projects.
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I must say, I am a little bit disappointed with IK's politics.

Yes do all those Dharnas and protests, but KPK should be his priority.

He must deliver at least 50% of what he had promised before elections. That could be a real thing with which he can go in the next elections.

If he doesn't deliver, that will be a real disappointment!

How can you get the contracts without Signing MoUs?

Sir ! if you think signing a contract without signing an Mou is impossible, Or that Mou's are essential for signing the contract.

then i would say Bravo.
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