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Persian Security Council

یه سوال دارم از دوستانی که نظرشون نسبت به سیستم مبتنی بر ولایت فقیه مساعد نیست

به نظر من در شرایط فعلی دنیا، یک نظام مبتنی بر لیبرال دموکراسی، در مقابل مراکز زر و زور بین المللی بسیار آسیب پذیر هست. به امریکا و اروپا نگاه کنید در ظاهر دموکراسی دارند ولی یه خیمه شب بازی بیشتر نیست. صهیونیست ها با استفاده از قدرت رسانه ای و اقتصادی که دارند توی سیستم سیاسی نفوذ می کنند. چند حزب ایجاد می کنند برای استحمار مردم در حالی که همه این احزاب در عمل سر سپرده اهداف صهیونیستی هستند

اگر در ایران هم چنین سیستمی بود بدون شک همین بلا سرش میامد

به همین خاطر احساس میشه که توی حکومت باید یک رکن پایدار معتمد وجود داشته باشد تا جلوی این انحراف رو بگیره
که در حکومت ما یک فقیه این وظیفه رو به عهده داره.

آیا به غیر از این راهی داریم؟
Unity is the secret and this comes from one identity and respect to that one.
Hmm! That persian empire will only be limited to Iran this time... right? ;) ... As I don't think any neighboring country is willing to give their lands back to persian empire.. ;)
your view is very very limited.An empire is not just about lands,but it's spiritual power and it's people.It's not ancient times to attack other countries and conquer lands
Persian empire will rise one again!

"our missiles will blot out the sun." watch out israel, and this time your hollywood cant make it seem like you won like in 300 becaus we will kick the **** out of you.

Typical Iranian Bluster but no Substance. Your Missiles have a range of 1500 Kilometers. Israel is more than 3000 KM away. You have an antiquated Air Force from 1970's. A brown water Navy comprsing of speed boats. Sometimes I wonder about what Planet do the Iranians live on. It is one thing to build Castles in the Air, it is totally different story if you start living in those Air Castles.
Typical Iranian Bluster but no Substance. Your Missiles have a range of 1500 Kilometers. Israel is more than 3000 KM away. You have an antiquated Air Force from 1970's. A brown water Navy comprsing of speed boats. Sometimes I wonder about what Planet do the Iranians live on. It is one thing to build Castles in the Air, it is totally different story if you start living in those Air Castles.
Gush didn't you have a geography lesson in school?How pity
3000 Km away?I wonder on what planet do you live.
Typical Iranian Bluster but no Substance. Your Missiles have a range of 1500 Kilometers. Israel is more than 3000 KM away. You have an antiquated Air Force from 1970's. A brown water Navy comprsing of speed boats. Sometimes I wonder about what Planet do the Iranians live on. It is one thing to build Castles in the Air, it is totally different story if you start living in those Air Castles.
when i have no idea about keshmir i wont say sth about it
distance between israel and IRAN is 1300 km and sejjil-2 has 2500 km range atleast!
راستي سهيل جون دمت گرم
باز مثل هميشه يه ايده ي بكر دادي
تو فوق العاده اي


این تاپیک اصلا باید فارسی باشه

ما باید برای مقابله با دشمنا تو سایت با هم مشورت کنیم
Typical Iranian Bluster but no Substance. Your Missiles have a range of 1500 Kilometers. Israel is more than 3000 KM away. You have an antiquated Air Force from 1970's. A brown water Navy comprsing of speed boats. Sometimes I wonder about what Planet do the Iranians live on. It is one thing to build Castles in the Air, it is totally different story if you start living in those Air Castles.

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