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Persian power: Can Iran be stopped?

Persian POOOOOWA!!!



Sorry guys. Couldn't help it.
iran is the only country in the world that all of it's neighbors are its enemies and still safer and more powerful than all of them. the whole area is against iran. money of arabs and tech of US still they can't do anything. we are a strong nation want to believe it or not i don't care. facts don't need explanations. and about the article buIlshit like most of western articles.
What the West wants is not so much to stop Iran, but rather to co-opt Iran - In the entire Mid-East, it is Iran more than any other that is the prize - Iran is not just a country, it's a civilization - though at very many levels Iran itself does not realize the full import of this.

All the regional entanglements that Iranian policy makers find useful are, from the perspectives of some, entirely unworthy compared to the struggle to create a economic, financial, manufacturing and services power house out of Iran - but Iranians can decide those options for themselves, though sometimes we all need a little bit of help.
The Economist article is stuck in a 30 years old rhetoric and 30 years old statistics while Iran is well into the 21st century technologies (see its ranking in all Sciences, technologies, nano!?, macro!?).
Western economists are known for fraudulent talks an actions, when they were exposed, the results are for everyone to see in the US and the European economies!!!!!
The same as for the political rhetoric, the sanctions are to always put the sanctioned between a rock and a harder place, so there are no solutions to the crisis, it is always unacceptable to the other party. I see clearly a ziononistic mentality, dirty tricks and malice already employed by Israel in Palestine, by British Jews during British colonial times, or French Jews during France's colonial times too, and much worst in the Russian revolution of 1917, they are just trying to perpetuate these Machiavellian thoughts and politics throughout time and again.
Their biggest prize was North America, the USA and Canada, Iran is but a piece of the game on their global chessboard, but then...Iran knows and acts accordingly and wisely.
Iran can not be stopped .. it isn't moving.

You mean it is steadfast, it is clearer to understand for the thought blinded people.

iran is the only country in the world that all of it's neighbors are its enemies and still safer and more powerful than all of them. the whole area is against iran. money of arabs and tech of US still they can't do anything. we are a strong nation want to believe it or not i don't care. facts don't need explanations. and about the article buIlshit like most of western articles.

Iran enjoys friendship with most of its neighbours, it has trade partnerships with most of them, for the rest ,you are correct.
yeah, I mean I have no idea where they pulled that number from.

If that's the case Egypt has 90% poverty and Pakistan 110%!

Pakistan is not as poor as you would think. Only 35% people suffer food insecurity, and hunger is very unheard of. Especially for a country without oil like Iran.
Pakistan is not as poor as you would think. Only 35% people suffer food insecurity, and hunger is very unheard of. Especially for a country without oil like Iran.

I don't care, I was making a point.
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